Nutrition pyramid for children weaning

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The first years of life, children need adequate nutrition to develop well both physically and intellectually. This is also the period when children develop the fastest. Therefore, it is extremely necessary to apply the nutrition pyramid for children at this time to help parents make the right choice.

1. When can baby eat solids?

Children from 6 months old, parents can give them solid foods. If the mother is too busy or there are signs that the baby is ready to get used to solid foods, the baby from 5 months old can be introduced to solid foods with liquid foods, but still should breastfeed. Mother as much as possible.
Signs that your baby is ready to get used to solid foods:
Weight is twice as big as at birth. Baby has good control over head and neck. Baby can sit with the help of parents Baby shows interest, focus on food when seeing others eat

2. Nutrition pyramid for children to eat weaning

Nutrition pyramid for children includes many different food groups, based on a pyramid model, with the bottom being a food group, so the baby should add a lot, then it will decrease gradually as they get taller, corresponding to Food groups should be added less and eaten less. With the model of the nutrition pyramid for children, parents can easily refer to it from which to take the best nutritional care of their children.
The main food groups in the nutrition pyramid for weaning children under 1 year old include:
2.1 Starch group such as cereals, processed sugars of all kinds Mothers should pay attention to adding starch and processed sugars of all kinds to them. baby food daily. This is the main food group to help provide enough energy for a healthy, happy, and flexible baby. These substances are mostly converted into glucose when entering the body to help provide energy for the central nervous system and red blood cells. Children should eat starch from 60-120g a day.

Trẻ 6 tháng là thời điểm thích hợp nhất để con ăn dặm
Trẻ 6 tháng là thời điểm thích hợp nhất để con ăn dặm

2.2 Groups rich in vitamins, fiber such as vegetables and fruits Vitamin A helps to keep eyes bright, healthy skin, found in carrots, broccoli, soybeans. Vitamin C helps increase the baby's resistance, against external agents and bacteria that attack the body. Vitamin C is found in many fruits such as oranges, mangoes, grapefruits, ... B vitamins help support the immune system, nervous system to thrive, promote cell growth
In addition, supplement iron to fight anemia, supplement zinc, calcium to strengthen bones, strong teeth, promote growth for the baby. Children should eat about 300g of vegetables and fruits a day.
2.3 Group of milk and dairy products Feed your baby about 150ml to 250ml a day. Protein-rich foods such as meat, fish, eggs and nuts are rich in protein,...
Protein helps to develop muscles, perfect the immune system so that your baby stays healthy and fights off bacteria from outside the environment. Protein also helps the child's nervous system to develop, thereby helping them to be smarter
Babies from 6 to 8 months of age when weaning need to be provided with about 18 g of protein / day and for babies from 9 to 11 months need 20g protein/day. Therefore, to provide the necessary amount of protein for the baby, in addition to breastfeeding, mothers also need to add protein-rich weaning foods such as meat, fish, shrimp, crab, eggs, and legumes into each meal. Should change the daily portion to stimulate the taste, help the baby eat better.

2.4 Fat group Fats not only help provide energy for the baby in the most concentrated form, but they also help stimulate appetite, and support the baby's body to well absorb fat-soluble vitamins such as: vitamins A, D, E, K.
Therefore, do not forget to give your baby a little fat in their daily meals with vegetable oils such as sesame oil, olive oil, soybean oil, .. About 10ml is best.
2.5 Groups of salt and sugar Children under 1 year of age eating solid foods, parents should not add spices to food. Because the baby's body can get enough salt and sugar through foods from rice, milk, cereals, ... So when adding spices to food, it can cause the baby's body to have excess salt and muscle. The baby's immature body will cause the kidneys to work too hard, thereby affecting it. Besides, excess salt can make the baby grow slowly, anorexia.

Trong chế độ ăn dặm của trẻ nên có chất béo
Trong chế độ ăn dặm của trẻ nên có chất béo

3. Notes when processing foods according to the nutrition pyramid for babies

In the process of cooking according to the nutrition pyramid for babies, parents need to process it properly to keep the maximum amount of nutrients in the food. Here are some notes:
Do not put spices in baby food for weaning. Combine for baby to eat vegetable and bone broth with accompanying meat and vegetables. The amount of bone broth cannot provide enough nutrients, so parents should let the baby learn to eat with the whole meat for the highest nutrition. Do not let your baby eat the old food again. Reheating leftovers before can cause diarrhea because the food is kept for a long time, making it easy for bacteria to multiply, anorexia because old food does not stimulate the baby. You should steam the vegetables and then puree them to help keep the ingredients and make them easier to eat. Parents should choose a daily menu based on the nutritional pyramid for the baby to eat solid foods so that the baby is comprehensively developed, nutritionally balanced, and promotes the best development of the baby in terms of weight, height and intelligence. . The baby nutrition pyramid is considered as a tool to help parents choose healthy and nutritious foods in a baby's weaning diet.
However, each child will have different conditions and consumption, in case the child has problems with digestion, weight, children do not cooperate when eating solids, parents can take the baby to a specialist. Department of Pediatrics - Vinmec International General Hospital to be examined by a doctor and given specific advice.
For children to be healthy and develop well, it is necessary to have a nutritious diet in terms of quantity and quality balance. If children are not provided with adequate and balanced nutrients, it will lead to diseases of excess or lack of nutrients, which adversely affect the comprehensive development of children in terms of physical, mental and motor skills.
The period of baby eating solid foods is an extremely important period to help children develop comprehensively. Children who do not eat properly are at risk of micro-mineral deficiencies, causing anorexia, growth retardation, malabsorption, etc. If they notice the above signs, parents should supplement their children with supportive products. The supplement contains lysine, essential micro-minerals and vitamins such as zinc, chromium, selenium, and B vitamins to help fully meet the nutritional needs of children. At the same time, these essential vitamins also support digestion, enhance nutrient absorption, help improve anorexia, and help children eat well.
Parents can learn more:
Signs of zinc deficiency in children
Micronutrient deficiency and failure to gain weight in children
Please regularly visit website and update useful information to take care of your child. Take care of the baby and the whole family.
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