Nutrition for acne skin that heals quickly, fades scars

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Acne scars can be healed over time, with the right skin care products and apparently the food you eat. So, if you're trying to find a way for your skin care products to work wonders for you, your diet is ultimately what you need. Here is a list of foods you should eat if you want to get rid of acne and scars.

1. Skin affected by diet

In fact, the use of topical products only solves up to 20% of skin problems, the remaining 80% depends on factors from within the body. Therefore, changing your diet in a reasonable way will provide the body with adequate minerals, make the skin brighter, and at the same time reduce the toxic ingredients, bring effective acne treatment. better.
Acne skin is often formed by hormonal changes in the body, so this condition is most common in adolescents and teenagers going through puberty.
During puberty, the body produces more of a hormone called insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1). Some research shows that IGF-1 can boost sebum production and make acne symptoms worse. Avoiding foods that contain IGF-1 can help improve symptoms of acne and help prevent breakouts.
When pores are blocked, this is the cause of acne formation on the skin.

Lỗ chân lông bị tắc nghẽn là nguyên nhân dẫn đến hình thành mụn trên da.
Lỗ chân lông bị tắc nghẽn là nguyên nhân dẫn đến hình thành mụn trên da.

2. Principles of building a diet for acne skin

2.1. Prioritize the use of seasonal foods

Food that is in season will be different from food that is out of season because the right season will be fresh and delicious and have a higher nutritional value than out of season. Fruits and vegetables out of season they will use stimulants, pesticides that are toxic to our body, then eating can cause poisoning.

2.2. Prioritize home cooked dishes

Although the food outside the restaurant is very attractive, they are often unhygienic and do not guarantee food safety. In addition, processed foods also contain a lot of fat and spices.

Tự nấu ăn là cách để đảm bảo vệ sinh an toàn thực phẩm và thưởng thức các món ăn lành mạnh.
Tự nấu ăn là cách để đảm bảo vệ sinh an toàn thực phẩm và thưởng thức các món ăn lành mạnh.

2.3. Balance between groups of substances

Abstinence from toxic nutrients is good, but you should not completely abstain from leading to a lack of nutrients in the body. A full meal is a meal consisting of the following main substances: Starch, protein, fat, and vitamins and minerals.

2.4. Prepare food properly

Steaming or boiling our favorite dishes is best to avoid acne skin. Boiled food will limit the amount of fat consumed and limit the risk of heat in the body, which is one of the causes of current acne.

Da bị mụn nên ăn đồ hấp hoặc luộc để hạn chế tiêu thụ dầu mỡ.
Da bị mụn nên ăn đồ hấp hoặc luộc để hạn chế tiêu thụ dầu mỡ.

2.5. Make a menu for the whole week

When the work is busy, many people do not have time, so they should use the available items or buy things quickly to finish the meal. This will cause you to buy foods that are not of good quality, affecting your skin. Make a menu for the whole week to have healthy meals for the family.

3. Good nutritional food for acne skin

3.1. Turmeric

A common ingredient in skin care products, turmeric has been loved for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, curcumin. These qualities target the pores and soothe the skin. Also known for its scar reduction effects, this can be your skin's best friend.

Nghệ là
Nghệ là "người bạn tốt" của làn da bạn.

3.2. Berry

Although strawberries, raspberries, blueberries are small in size, they carry a lot of antioxidants that help protect the stomach and protect the dark spots on the skin. They're also full of vitamin C, a powerful line of defense against discolored skin.

3.3. Papaya

A fruit that we often see in skin care products, papaya contains a digestive enzyme called papain. And what is its effect? It exfoliates dead skin cells, unclogs pores, fades acne scars, moisturizes the skin, and prevents future breakouts. When consumed, its vitamins and minerals help improve skin elasticity and smooth wrinkles.

Papain trong đu đủ giúp tẩy tế bào chết, thông thoáng lỗ chân lông, mờ sẹo và dưỡng ẩm cho da.
Papain trong đu đủ giúp tẩy tế bào chết, thông thoáng lỗ chân lông, mờ sẹo và dưỡng ẩm cho da.

3.4. Pumpkin

While this gourd may be popular during pumpkin spiced coffee season, it's definitely more than that. It's packed with fruit enzymes, zinc and AHAs that help soften skin and restore pH balance. Zinc also helps regulate sebum production, which is probably why it's such a popular ingredient in skin care.

3.5. Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Foods rich in omega 3 fatty acids like salmon, anchovies, sardines and mackerel are packed with antioxidants that help reduce inflammation in your skin.

Axit béo Omega 3 giàu oxi hóa giúp giảm viêm da.
Axit béo Omega 3 giàu oxi hóa giúp giảm viêm da.

3.6. Sweet potato

Sweet potatoes contain a lot of retinol (also known as vitamin A) which improves the skin's regeneration process so that your acne scars heal faster. In addition to eating foods that contain retinol, let's supplement nutrients with skin care products that are high in retinol ingredients.

3.7. Broccoli

This anti-inflammatory vegetable is high in vitamins and minerals and all of them are great for reducing hyperpigmentation in your skin, so your scars don't leave weird patches of color on your skin.

4. Good foods help prevent acne

4.1. Collagen

Collagen helps speed up the recovery of tissues in the body. Here are the foods that are good for the skin that contain collagen including:
Cucumber and celery are watery vegetables with high collagen content. Dark green leafy vegetables are also good examples of foods that are good for the skin containing collagen-producing factors. In fruits such as tomatoes, peppers and radishes contain many antioxidants and lycopene. Red fruits help increase collagen in the body. These substances also have the function of blocking sunlight, helping the skin from being affected, without scarring.

Collagen giúp tăng tốc độ hồi phục của các mô trong cơ thể.
Collagen giúp tăng tốc độ hồi phục của các mô trong cơ thể.

4.2. The protein

Given that protein is one of the building blocks of skin tissue, it's no surprise that adequate absorption of this macronutrient is essential for healthy skin. Protein also contains two amino acids, namely L-lysine and L-proline, which aid the body in collagen production.
Choose which protein source is best for you. Really depends on your preferences, taste, ethics and allergies and/or intolerances. It's important to note that not all protein sources are created equal. Animal protein sources such as chicken, beef, fish, eggs, and dairy are often referred to as "complete proteins," because they contain all the essential amino acids. On the other hand, plant proteins are considered “incomplete proteins” because they do not contain a complete amino acid composition.

4.3. Vitamin C

When you think of Vitamin C, you tend to think of its ability to protect immunity and beat bouts of colds and flu. However, not many people know that Vitamin C is an essential beauty nutrient that prevents signs of aging, strengthens blood vessels, gives skin elasticity and strength, and also regenerates skin. other antioxidants in the body.
Vitamin C is important because it strengthens the immune system and slows down the degenerative process, thus, preventing the formation of premature signs of aging. In fact, Vitamin C makes a big contribution to maintaining healthy collagen, the skin's supporting tissue.
It acts on connective tissue and is necessary for collagen synthesis. Collagen helps keep the skin healthy, firm, youthful as well as maintaining the elasticity and resilience of the skin. Vitamin C is found in citrus fruits, such as oranges, lemons and grapefruits, amla, tomatoes, sprouted grains, and green leafy vegetables. Amla is perhaps the richest source of Vitamin C.
Fruits should be part of your daily diet, as many of them are rich in Vitamin C. We all know that lemons are a rich source of Vitamin C and minerals. Adding lemon juice to a glass of warm water and drinking it in the morning will help your body detox and eliminate toxins. This helps to brighten the skin and add shine.
Oranges are also rich in Vitamin C: In addition to including them in your diet, you can use them for external skin care. Apply orange juice to your skin or add it to a face pack. It helps to restore the normal acid-alkaline balance of the skin, eliminate tans and minimize dark spots. Orange peel is a rich source of Vitamin C. It is said to contain more Vitamin C than the whole fruit. Dried orange peels and powders can be used for scrubs and masks, to absorb oil and to tighten pores.
Vitamin C is also a powerful antioxidant, so include citrus fruits, apples, tomatoes, and more in your diet to help prevent damage and degeneration caused by Oxidation slows down visible signs of aging. It also contains ascorbic acid, which helps with skin texture and even tone.

Vitamin C là một chất chống oxy hóa mạnh mẽ giúp ngăn ngừa tổn thương và thoái hóa, làm chậm các dấu hiệu lão hóa.
Vitamin C là một chất chống oxy hóa mạnh mẽ giúp ngăn ngừa tổn thương và thoái hóa, làm chậm các dấu hiệu lão hóa.

4.4. Vitamin A

In the course of daily eating, if vitamin A is deficient, the wound healing process on the skin will be affected. Vitamin A helps in wound healing in the skin by stimulating collagen metabolism.
Foods like yellow, orange and dark green vegetables are also good for the body because they synthesize Vitamin A.

4.5. Zinc and iron

Our human body cannot produce protein and collagen due to zinc deficiency. Meanwhile, iron plays a role in helping to transport oxygen to damaged areas throughout the body such as in the skin. A common cause of wound infection is a lack of oxygen. Thus, when the body lacks one of two minerals, zinc and iron, it will cause the body's regeneration and recovery process to be stopped. Foods containing zinc such as whole grains, meat, eggs, milk, oysters,...

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