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Articles in Hormones

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Reproductive health care in female cancer patients
The main methods for treating cancer today are chemotherapy, radiotherapy, surgery, endocrine therapy and targeted therapy,... So does cancer treatment affect fertility? Let's find out in the article below!
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Normal levels of thyroid hormones T3, T4
Thyroid function is affected not only by the thyroid gland but also by the pituitary gland (a gland that produces thyroid stimulating hormone called TSH). Therefore, when diagnosing thyroid disease, most patients are prescribed a combination of many types of tests.
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Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) menopause
In addition to its ability to help alleviate the symptoms of menopause, hormone replacement therapy can also prevent risks associated with postmenopausal disorders such as osteoporosis, atherosclerosis, vaginal dryness... in women.
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Hormone replacement therapy: Benefits and risks
To reduce symptoms such as sleep disorders, hot flashes, osteoporosis... during menopause, many women choose to use hormone replacement therapy as an effective method to solve the problem. Weighing the pros and cons of hormone replacement therapy is very important, helping us make the right decisions during the treatment process.
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Can Leptin Supplements Help You Lose Weight?
Leptin is a hormone produced primarily by fat tissue. This hormone plays an important role in weight regulation. In recent years, leptin supplements have become quite popular. Many people believe that leptin can reduce appetite and make weight loss easier. However, the effectiveness of hormone supplements remains controversial.
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Nutrition for acne skin that heals quickly, fades scars
Acne scars can be healed over time, with the right skin care products and, apparently, the foods you eat. So if you’re trying to figure out how to get your skin care products to work their magic, your diet is ultimately what you need. Here’s a list of foods you should eat if you want to get rid of acne and scars.
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Avoid Dangerous HCG Diet Products
Anyone who has ever dieted knows that there are reasonable ways to lose weight, including eating a balanced diet and exercising. The HCG diet combines the use of supplements or hormone injections and calorie restriction to promote weight loss. However, there is no scientific evidence that the diet is safe or works the way its proponents claim. These include HCG weight loss products that are marketed along with advice for users to follow a strict diet.
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How does diet affect hormones?
Ensuring hormonal balance will limit negative effects on overall health as well as other related problems such as: dry skin, itchy skin, mood swings, fatigue, boredom... This article will provide more information on food choices as well as diet to minimize the effects on the body's hormonal balance.
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Causes of skin pigmentation, freckles in puberty
Puberty is a turbulent period, defined by a transitional period in physical maturation and psychosocial development. Accordingly, the skin also undergoes many changes, besides the appearance of acne, the first melasma and freckles appear.
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What child is considered precocious puberty?
Early puberty in children is a matter of concern for many parents. In a few cases, early puberty can be a sign of dangerous diseases such as ovarian cysts, brain tumors, thyroid diseases, etc. Therefore, parents should learn carefully about this condition to best protect their children's health.
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Is the pain and lump in the chest a sign of puberty or another disease?
Hello doctor, my son was born in 2008 and two days ago, he discovered that his chest area was swollen and painful. Doctor, is the pain and lump in the chest a sign of puberty or another disease? I thank you.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics