Nutrition and care for children with respiratory infections

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Children with respiratory infections need adequate nutrition to improve and enhance the body's resistance. So what do children with respiratory infections eat, how to properly care for children with respiratory infections?

1. Why do children get respiratory infections?

Young children are susceptible to bacterial infections, especially respiratory infections. The cause of children getting respiratory infections is because:
Viruses often attack strongly in the respiratory tract and are very contagious. Children's resistance is low due to the immature immune system. Children are not provided with adequate nutrients. Children who have not or are not fully vaccinated. Babies born prematurely or with chronic diseases (such as rickets, malnutrition, cardiovascular disease, ...). Children live in a polluted environment, a lot of dust, or the weather changes seasons, with sudden changes in temperature and humidity.

Trẻ sinh non dễ bị nhiễm khuẩn hô hấp
Trẻ sinh non dễ bị nhiễm khuẩn hô hấp

2. Manifestations when children have respiratory infections

Children with respiratory infections often have the following symptoms:
Fatigue, irritability, or fussiness, pale, pale skin. Anorexia, poor feeding. Cough, sore throat, fever, wheezing, runny nose.

3. Taking care of children with respiratory infections

Children with respiratory infections need proper care to improve symptoms and improve resistance, specifically:
Clean and clear the child's nasal passages by instilling physiological saline or using cotton swabs , a device to aspirate fluid from the nose when a child has a stuffy or runny nose. Apply warm towels in the groin area, armpits, wear loose clothes and give the child plenty of water to drink when the child has a fever. Give your child warm water or steamed lemon with sugar to relieve cough and dilute phlegm. Vitamin A supplements for children.

Dinh dưỡng và chăm sóc trẻ bị nhiễm khuẩn hô hấp
Dinh dưỡng và chăm sóc trẻ bị nhiễm khuẩn hô hấp

Children with respiratory infections should be taken to a medical facility when they have the following symptoms:
High and prolonged fever. Rapid breathing, rapid breathing, difficulty breathing or chest tightness when breathing. Lethargy, convulsions due to high fever, cyanosis. Skip eating or breastfeeding.

4. What do children with respiratory infections eat?

In addition to proper care, children with respiratory infections need additional nutrition and energy to improve and enhance resistance, helping children recover quickly. Nutritional care for children is as follows:
Breastfeed on demand, or more, for longer (for young children). Give your child foods that are easy to digest, soft and full of nutrients such as porridge, soup, etc. Increase meals and supplement energy-rich foods for children. Give your child plenty of fluids (including juice) to compensate for dehydration caused by a fever. Giving children more fruits to supplement vitamins and minerals such as oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, ... Taking care of children with respiratory infections properly with a reasonable and adequate diet will help them recover quickly. and improve resistance.
Vinmec International General Hospital is not only famous for its quality of medical examination and treatment services but also for having successfully treated many difficult and complicated cases under the guidance of doctors. Professional and experienced doctor. In particular, the medical team at Vinmec is always ready to listen, advise and treat diseases as well as advise on good nutrition and food for each patient's health.

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