Neurosurgery on the skin

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Skin neoplasms are often painful, affecting the patient's quality of life. Surgical neuroma on the skin is the indicated method to effectively treat this pathology.

1. What is cutaneous neuroma?

Skin neuromas include a group of neuropathies presenting as benign skin lesions that may be accompanied by symptoms of dysplasia of other organs. This is a condition characterized by excessive division and reproduction of skin cells (called dysplasia) and the formation of tumors in the skin.
Group of skin tumors including:
Benign neurofibromatosis (Neurofibromatosis - NF1, NF2); Tuberous tuberculosis; Having von Hippel - Lindau syndrome; Have Wyburn Mason syndrome (or inflorescence angiomas) Have Sturge Weber syndrome. Most cases of neuroma on the skin are benign, not dangerous. The disease only causes pain, hinders movement and causes cosmetic loss to the patient. And in case the disease greatly affects the quality of life, the patient will be indicated for surgical removal of the neuroma on the skin.

2. Learn surgical methods of skin neuroma

2.1 Indications/contraindications

Patients with nerve tumors on the skin causing pain and at risk of cancer; Tumors grow rapidly in size, affecting bodily functions or aesthetics. Contraindications
The disease has no absolute contraindications; Consideration should be given to cases of small, non-growing neuroendocrine tumors on the skin.

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2.2 Preparing for surgery

Personnel performing: Main surgeon, auxiliary surgeon, anesthesiologist, anesthesiologist, nurse; Technical facilities: Operating table, means of anesthesia, anesthesia; peripheral neurosurgery kits; trigger kits of sizes 1 - 4mm, gauze, sutures, surgicel hemostasis pack; Patient: Having a clean body; cause electromyography and nerve damage in the limb area; carefully explained about the medical condition, surgical procedure and risk of complications. Medical records: Fully prepared as required.

2.3 Performing surgery

Patient position: Depending on the tumor location, the patient can lie on his or her back or face down; Anesthesia: Perform local anesthesia, regional anesthesia, plexus anesthesia or anesthesia (in case the patient does not cooperate); Skin incision with size depending on tumor location; Perform muscle fascia separation, reveal tumor; Control the tumor stalk and separate the tumor from surrounding tissues; Removal of the tumor; Use a bipolar knife to stop bleeding; Perform muscle fascia closure and 2 layer skin closure, complete the surgery.

2.4 Follow-up after surgery

Monitor the patient's whole body with vital indicators such as pulse, blood pressure, temperature, respiration; Monitor wound status: Bleeding, infection; Monitor the sensory motor status of the extremities; Follow-up: Assess the possibility of cutaneous neuroma recurrence or the risk of carcinogenesis.

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2.5 Complications and how to deal with them

Bleeding after surgery: Apply compression bandage, stop bleeding and re-operate if there is a lot of hematoma causing compression syndrome; Infection: Use prophylactic antibiotics and care, change the wound dressing for the patient; Abscess: Should separate the incision, drain or re-operate to clean the abscess. Skin neuromas are usually benign and surgical treatment is not too complicated. However, patients still need to cooperate well with the treating doctor when performing surgery to improve the chances of successful treatment and reduce the risk of complications. At the same time, patients need to pay attention to their body, when detecting a tumor, growth nodule or other abnormal signs, they need to go to the doctor immediately for early diagnosis and treatment plan. timely and effective.
Vinmec International General Hospital with a system of modern facilities, medical equipment and a team of experts and doctors with many years of experience in neurological examination and treatment, patients can completely peace of mind for examination and treatment at the Hospital.
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