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Articles in Neuroendocrine tumor

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Pathophysiology of mixed endocervical tumors of the colon
Mixed endothelial tumors of the colon and rectum are rare, poorly understood entities that include a heterogeneous range of tumors with multiple combinations leading to tumors with acute malignant potential. high, medium or low. In the following article, we will learn more about the pathology of these tumors.
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Treatment of mixed epithelial tumors of the colon and rectum
Mixed tumors of the colon and rectum, consisting of a combination of epithelial and endocrine factors with both benign and malignant potential, are rare neoplasms. These tumors can occur anywhere in the gastrointestinal tract and are often diagnosed incidentally.
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Pathogenesis and genomic structure of mixed endothelial tumors
Mixed endothelial tumors of the colon and rectum are a rare entity, noted with unique histology and clinical behavior. The exact pathogenesis of these tumors remains unclear as they are often characterized by histological heterogeneity, making it impossible to make an accurate diagnosis.
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Catecholamine-secreting adrenal myeloma
Tuyến tủy thượng thận là nơi chủ yếu sản xuất các hormone catecholamine (adrenalin, noradrenalin,...) có vai trò làm tăng hoạt động của hệ tim mạch. U tủy thượng thận tăng tiết catecholamine là tình trạng tăng cường bài tiết các hormon tuyến tủy thượng thận, gây ra các hậu quả tác động trên hệ tim mạch.
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Neurosurgery on the skin
U thần kinh trên da thường gây đau đớn, ảnh hưởng tới chất lượng sống của bệnh nhân. Phẫu thuật u thần kinh trên da là phương pháp được chỉ định thực hiện để điều trị hiệu quả bệnh lý này.
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Neuroendocrine tumors: Diagnosis and treatment
Neuroendocrine tumors can appear in many different locations in the body, so the diagnosis is relatively complicated and can take a certain amount of time. Treatment for neuroendocrine tumors will be selected appropriately after the diagnostic process.
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Introduction to neuroendocrine tumors
Neuroendocrine tumor is a rather strange name, many people have never heard of it. Neuroendocrine tumors are a relatively complex issue, and the following article will help have the most overview of neuroendocrine tumors.
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Neuroendocrine tumors: Classification and symptoms
Neuroendocrine tumors originate in specialized cells of the body's neuroendocrine system. These cells have the characteristics of both hormone-secreting cells and neurons, and are found in all organs of the body, thus neuroendocrine tumors include many different types with different symptoms. symptoms are very different.
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Gastric neuroendocrine tumor
These days, more and more people are suffering from neuroendocrine tumors (NETs), especially in the gastrointestinal tract. The disease is very difficult to diagnose, mostly when it is detected at a late stage, the prognosis is severe, and treatment is difficult.
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Metformin and pancreatic cancer
Metformin can directly activate AMPK, leading to inhibition of downstream Akt/mTOR signaling and inhibition of cell proliferation. Among pancreatic cancer patients, being treated with metformin seems to be able to effectively improve symptoms.
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Prognosis of mixed epithelial endothelial tumors (MANEC)
The term “mixed endocrine neoplasm” (MANEC) was coined by the World Health Organization in 2010 to refer to a type of cancer with a dual differentiation between adenocarcinoma and neuroendocrine carcinoma, each components represent at least 30% of tumors. In the following article, we will learn about the prognosis of this type of tumor.
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