Nausea during/after period?

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Menstrual cycle attaches with women every month and brings with it some unpleasant symptoms such as nausea. So is nausea during and after menstruation dangerous?

1. Causes of nausea during menstruation

1.1. Hormonal Nausea During Menstruation When menstruation occurs, the natural hormone prostaglandin is produced in the body to help contract the uterus and push blood out. But accompanied by increased levels of the hormone prostaglandin is nausea during menstruation. And this concentration is high in the early days of the menstrual cycle and then gradually decreases towards the end of the cycle.
1.2. Nausea due to cramps Sudden severe pain in the legs, pelvis, back, abdomen combined with menstrual cramps women will also experience unpleasant nausea.
1.3. Nausea due to stress Hormone will decrease when you experience a lot of life pressure, fatigue due to family work, depression,... This will make your period much more difficult due to the contractions of the uterus. A strong increase in supply causes abdominal pain as well as the occurrence of more nausea during menstruation, nausea after menstruation
1.4. Dysmenorrhea causes nausea during menstruation. Another common cause of women's nausea during and after menstruation is dysmenorrhea.
Stronger contractions of the uterus to push the blood out also cause pain in the lower abdomen and cause nausea during and after menstruation.
1.5. Stomach pain causes nausea during menstruation Stomach pain is a fairly common disease in today's society. In Vietnam, 7 out of 10 people are at risk of contracting the disease and 3 of them have had stomach ulcers. This disease comes from bad habits in daily life such as staying up late, skipping meals, smoking, drinking alcohol, eating fried and greasy foods, frequent hot and spicy foods, pressure from study, work, etc. ...
Stomach acid will be secreted more in women who already have stomach ulcers, making their nausea worse.
1.6. Nausea caused by endometriosis Endometriosis is a serious condition in women, endometrial tissue is found outside the uterus, it has the potential to cause infertility.
Menstrual nausea occurs when these tissues grow near the intestines. It can also cause fatigue, diarrhea, .. and other problems that affect your life.
In addition, nausea during menstruation can also be caused by other gynecological diseases, such as: uterine fibroids , ovarian cysts ,...

Buồn nôn khi hành kinh có thể do bệnh lý lạc nội mạc tử cung gây ra
Buồn nôn khi hành kinh có thể do bệnh lý lạc nội mạc tử cung gây ra

1.7. Nausea during menstruation due to pelvic inflammatory diseases When bacteria enter the vagina and move to the uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries, this creates a dangerous disease called pelvic inflammatory disease, menstrual blood An unusual appearance along with nausea is one of the few common symptoms of the disease.
1.8. Can post-menstrual nausea be caused by pregnancy? In women with a normal menstrual cycle without disturbances they may feel nauseous at 1-2 weeks after fertilization
But if postmenstrual nausea occurs in a woman If you have irregular menstrual cycle, to know if you are pregnant or not, the fastest method is to take a pregnancy test.
In addition to the diseases mentioned above, nausea after menstruation, nausea during menstruation can also be caused by comorbidities such as adrenal insufficiency, cholangitis, diabetes mellitus, myocardial infarction. , food poisoning,... Usually, nausea during/after menstruation can last only a few days and go away on its own. But if your nausea occurs frequently or lasts longer (more than 2 weeks) or is accompanied by symptoms related to the above diseases, you should go to a medical facility to be examined and find out the cause. precision and treatment.

2. Overcome nausea during/after menstruation

Nausea episodes often come from the pain of having the uterus squeeze, warming the body is quite an effective way to relieve nausea.
3.1. Use ginger tea Ginger is spicy, warm, and is a regular spice used in the kitchen. When the pain comes with nausea, make yourself some ginger tea a day to overcome nausea during menstruation by reducing menstrual cramps.
3.2 Warm the lower abdomen Warm the lower abdomen for 15-20 minutes with a temperature of about 60-70°C

Làm ấm bụng dưới có thể cải thiện tình trạng buồn nôn khi hành kinh
Làm ấm bụng dưới có thể cải thiện tình trạng buồn nôn khi hành kinh

3.3. Massage the lower abdomen gently Massaging the lower abdomen can help increase blood circulation, aid in the ejection of blood and reduce contractions in the uterus, thereby reducing abdominal pain and nausea.
3.4. Exercise Exercise helps to increase blood circulation, improve health, strengthen the immune system, reduce nausea during and after menstruation
3.5. Create healthy living habits Going to bed early, not smoking, drinking alcohol, using healthy foods... will help you have good health and a comfortable mental life, reduce stress, stress, ... avoid the risk of nausea during menstruation and nausea after the period ends.
The above are measures to help women feel nauseous during menstruation and experience menstruation comfortably.

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