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Articles in Apply warm compresses

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Why should you apply a warm towel when your child has a fever?
Although most causes of fever in children are due to viral infections, which will go away on their own within a few days, parents should also equip themselves with basic knowledge to properly care for their children at home to help them quickly reduce their fever.
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Amount of antipyretic drugs for children
Fever is a natural immune response of the body, it is a symptom of many diseases. Nowadays, fever is becoming more and more common in children, which makes many parents confused about how to safely give their children medicine. Because children's bodies are very different from adults, the way to calculate the amount of antipyretic drugs for children will also be different. So to know how the amount of antipyretic drugs for children is calculated, please come to the following article.
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How to reduce bloating during menstruation
Bloating occurs due to changes in progesterone and estrogen levels. Many studies have shown that changes in progesterone and estrogen levels cause the body to retain more water and salt, causing a feeling of bloating. Here are some expert tips to help reduce the feeling of bloating during menstruation.
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Reduce menstrual cramps
Menstrual cramps are one of the difficulties that women have to endure every time they have their period. Therefore, finding a way to improve menstrual cramps has become a concern for many people. How can you improve this symptom?
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Nausea during/after period?
Menstrual cycle is associated with women every month and brings with it some unpleasant symptoms such as nausea. So is nausea during and after menstruation dangerous?
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Should hot compresses dissolve bruises?
Bruises occur when blood vessels are damaged, causing bruises that take time to heal. There are several ways to get rid of bruises. Many people may wonder if hot compresses can help get rid of bruises? Does hot compresses reduce swelling? This article will answer your questions about getting rid of bruises.
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How to relieve headache fast at home
Headache is a very common condition that occurs in all ages due to many different causes. Instead of going to the hospital, you can use many natural methods to get rid of common headaches. The following article will share with you how to relieve headaches immediately at home and prevent them in the future.
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