This article was professionally consulted by an Internal Medicine Specialist, Department of General Internal Medicine - Outpatient - Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital.
Anal stenosis after hemorrhoid surgery is one of the common complications mentioned after hemorrhoid surgery. This complication significantly affects the anal function of patients.
1. What is anal stenosis after hemorrhoid surgery?
Anal stenosis after hemorrhoid surgery is a fairly common complication for severe hemorrhoid cases after surgical treatment. This complication makes it difficult for patients to have bowel movements and is also the reason why hemorrhoids can quickly recur after surgery.
Anal stenosis is a condition in which the anus cannot open normally to expel waste, making bowel movements more challenging than ever. Anal stenosis prolongs bowel movement time, which is a direct factor in hemorrhoid recurrence. This creates favorable conditions for hemorrhoids to develop more severely over time and hinders and makes subsequent hemorrhoid treatments more difficult.
In addition, the complication of anal stenosis after hemorrhoid surgery also makes sexual relations for same-sex couples more difficult. This creates tears and damages the mucous membrane of the anal canal. Prolonging this condition can lead to the development of many other dangerous and serious diseases in the anal area, such as anal fissures, anal abscesses,and anal fistulas...
2. Causes of anal stenosis after hemorrhoid surgery:
- Unsafe or ineffective hemorrhoid surgery
- Incorrect diagnosis and assessment of hemorrhoids
- Improper surgical techniques, unsafe or unsanitary techniques
- Unsanitary or unsafe medical equipment.
- Lack of experience or skill of the surgeon
Therefore, choosing a reputable medical facility for hemorrhoid surgery is extremely important. This helps to maximize the effectiveness of treatment and minimize postoperative complications.

3. Treatment of anal stenosis after hemorrhoid surgery
The condition of anal stenosis varies from person to person. For mild cases, patients only need to adjust their diet by adding more fiber, drinking plenty of water, exercising regularly, and having regular check-ups as directed by the specialist. In addition, the doctor may prescribe laxatives for the patient and combine manual or rubber anal dilation for better treatment results.
If the treatment is not effective, the doctor will advise and, based on the patient's condition, perform surgery to widen the anus to its original size, helping the patient to get rid of the discomfort in bowel movements later.
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