Causes of pain and itching in the anus

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There are many causes of anal pain in children such as constipation, poor hygiene or infection with pinworms,... The anus is one of the sensitive areas of the body, so parents need to find out why when The baby has anal pain for proper treatment.

1. Causes of anal pain and anal itching in children

Toddlers and young children may experience anal itching or pain, and parents may notice redness or irritation in the anal area. Some common causes of anal pain in children are:
1.1. Pinworm infection causes anal pain in children One of the most common causes of anal pain in children is a pinworm infection.
Pinworm (scientific name is Enterobius vermicularis) is a parasite that lives in the intestines. Pinworm eggs are often attached to objects such as shared toys, bedding, clothing and toilets, and can survive in the environment for 2-3 weeks. Pinworms are very contagious in a home or child care setting.
Children infected with worms are often caused by children ingesting pinworm eggs, when children put their hands in their mouths without washing their hands before eating. Pinworm infections are especially common in preschool children. The characteristic of itch caused by pinworms is that the itch appears more at night, causing the child to wake up and cry. Scratching is a natural response to an itch, but this can scratch the anal skin and cause anal pain in your baby.
1.2. Anal fissures An anal fissure can also cause children to complain of anal pain. The anal canal is the end of the intestinal tract, which includes the rectum and anus, and is where stool is passed. An anal fissure or anal fissure is a crack or tear in the lining of the anal canal. When having anal fissures, children often have symptoms such as:
Crying or having discomfort when going to the toilet; Stools are hard masses and come with fresh blood outside; The anus appears an incision along the skin of the anal canal; Children complain of anal pain, itching and irritation around the anal area. There are many different causes of anal fissures, of which the leading cause is constipation. Children with constipation have large, hard stools, so when passing through the anal canal, it can cause damage to the fissure and this is also the reason why the baby has anal pain.

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Bệnh nứt kẽ hậu môn có thể khiến trẻ đau hậu môn

1.3. If your child has red, itchy or painful skin around the anus, fever, or bloody stools, your child may have a strep infection. This condition is common in infants and toddlers, especially if another family member has recently had strep throat. If there are symptoms mentioned above, parents need to quickly take the child to a medical facility for timely treatment.
1.4. Some other causes of anal itching and pain in children In addition, some other causes can cause anal pain in children, anal itching such as:
Hygiene mode: If the child does not wipe the anal area thoroughly, After using the toilet, moist or dirty anal skin can become irritated, causing itching. Clothes that are too tight: If the clothes worn over the anal area are too tight, it will cause friction with the skin, causing discomfort to the child.

2. Prevention of anal pain in children

There are many different causes of anal pain in children, here are some notes parents can refer to to prevent anal pain or anal itching in children.
2.1. Preventing Pinworm Infections Pinworms are one of the reasons why children itch and even complain of anal pain. To prevent worm infection in children, parents should:
Change the child's underwear daily, wash the clothes in hot water and dry on high heat to kill the pinworm eggs, if any. Implement a cooked and boiled diet for children, ensuring food hygiene and safety. Maintain personal hygiene such as keeping fingernails short and washing hands frequently to reduce the risk of catching or spreading worm eggs. Wash the hands of children and caregivers after using the toilet, changing diapers, and before feeding. Deworming periodically 1-2 times/year for children. 2.2. Measures to prevent anal fissures To prevent fissures causing the baby to have anal pain, parents should pay attention to the baby's diet and hygiene, specifically:
Should add more nutrients fiber in your baby's diet, preferably 20-35g fiber per day. Give your baby enough water to prevent constipation. Instruct the child to avoid pushing when there is a need to go to the toilet because it will create pressure that can cause the anus to tear. Some other tips to prevent itching and pain in your baby's anus include:
Make sure your baby's diapers, underwear, and other clothing fit comfortably. Regularly trim your child's fingernails to avoid injury when scratching. Keep your baby's genital and anal areas clean and dry.

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Uống nước đầy đủ phòng táo bón giúp giảm đau hậu môn ở trẻ em

3. The care regimen when the child has anal pain

Usually anal fissures will heal on their own, parents can help their children improve their condition at home by changing their diet and activities, soaking the anus in warm water to relieve symptoms of itching, difficulty bear for children. Symptoms usually go away after about 2 weeks. When children show signs of anal itching, parents also need to review their baby's potty training and personal hygiene habits.
If the child's anal pain and itching does not improve, especially if the child has pain and heavy bleeding in the anus, persistent and uncomfortable constipation, hemorrhoids, severe itching and worse at night, pain or redness in the anus, ... parents need to quickly take the child to see a doctor for advice and timely treatment.
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