There are many causes of anal pain in children, such as constipation, poor hygiene, or pinworm infection, etc. The anus is one of the sensitive areas of the body, so parents need to understand the reasons when the child has anal pain to take appropriate action.
1. Causes of anal pain and itching in children:
Toddlers and young children may experience anal itching or pain, and parents may notice redness or irritation in the anal area. Some common causes of anal pain in children include:
1.1 Pinworm infection causes anal pain in children
One of the common causes of anal pain in children is pinworm infection.
Pinworms (scientific name Enterobius vermicularis) are parasites that live in the intestines. Pinworm eggs often stick to objects such as shared toys, beds, clothes, and toilets, and can survive in the environment for 2-3 weeks. Pinworms spread easily in home environments or childcare facilities.
Children often get pinworm infections by ingesting pinworm eggs, usually when they put their hands in their mouths without washing them first. Pinworm infections are particularly common in preschool-aged children. The itching caused by pinworms tends to occur more at night, waking children up and making them fussy. Scratching is a natural response to itching, but it can cause anal skin to become irritated and painful.
1.2 Anal fissure
When children have anal fissures, they may complain of anal pain. The anal canal is the final part of the intestine, including the rectum and anus, and is where stool passes through. An anal fissure is a crack or tear in the lining of the anal canal. When children have anal fissures, they often show symptoms such as:
• Crying or showing signs of discomfort when using the bathroom;
• Hard stool accompanied by fresh blood on the outside;
• A tear along the skin of the anal canal;
• Children complain of anal pain, feeling itchy and irritated around the anal area.
There are many different causes of anal fissures, with the leading cause being constipation. Children with constipation have large, hard stools that can damage the anal canal as they pass through, causing fissures. This is also why children experience anal pain.

1.3 Streptococcal infection
If a child shows redness, itching, or pain around the skin of the anal area, has a fever, or passes stool with blood, they may have a streptococcal infection. This condition is common in infants and toddlers, especially if another family member has recently had strep throat. If these symptoms are present, parents should quickly take the child to a healthcare facility for timely treatment.
1.4 Some other causes of anal itching and pain in children
In addition, some other causes that can lead to anal pain and itching in children include:
• Hygiene: If the child's anal area is not thoroughly cleaned after using the bathroom, the skin can become moist or dirty, leading to irritation and itching.
• Tight clothing: If clothing around the anal area is too tight, it can cause friction with the skin, leading to discomfort for the child.
2. Preventive measures for anal pain in children:
There are many different causes of anal pain in children. Here are some cautions that parents can refer to in order to prevent anal pain or itching in children.
2.1 Preventing pinworm infection
Pinworms are one of the reasons that children experience itching and even complain of anal pain. To prevent pinworm infections in children, parents should:
• Change children's underwear daily, wash clothes in hot water, and dry them at high temperatures to kill pinworm eggs if present.
• Ensure that children follow a diet of fully cooked food and boiled water, and maintain food safety and hygiene.
• Maintain personal hygiene by keeping nails short and washing hands frequently to reduce the risk of pinworm infection or transmission. Clean the hands of the child and the caregiver thoroughly after using the bathroom, changing diapers, and before feeding the child.
• Deworm children periodically 1-2 times a year.
2.2 Preventive measures for anal fissures
To prevent anal fissures that cause anal pain in children, parents should pay attention to the child's diet and hygiene, specifically:
• Add more fiber to the child's diet, ideally 20-35 grams of fiber daily.
• Ensure that the child drinks enough water to prevent constipation.
• Teach children to avoid straining when they need to use the bathroom, as this creates pressure that can tear the anus.
Other precautions to prevent anal itching and pain in children include:
• Ensure that diapers, underwear, and other clothing for children fit well and are comfortable.
• Regularly trim the child's nails to prevent injuries from scratching.
• Keep the genital and anal areas of the child clean and dry.

3. Care measures when children experience anal pain
Usually, anal fissures will heal on their own. Parents can help the child improve the condition at home by changing the child's diet and habits, soaking the anal area in warm water to reduce itching and discomfort. Symptoms usually resolve after about 2 weeks. When the child shows signs of anal itching, parents should also reconsider the child's potty training habits and personal hygiene.
If the child's anal pain and itching do not improve, especially if the child experiences severe pain and bleeding in the anal area, prolonged constipation and discomfort, hemorrhoids, severe itching that worsens at night, or pain and redness in the anal area,... parents should promptly take the child to see a doctor for timely consultation and treatment.
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