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Articles in Enzyme

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What should you eat during and after taking antibiotics?
Antibiotics used for a long time can cause gastrointestinal imbalance. Therefore, the use of antibiotics in combination with some other foods is essential. Probiotics, fermented foods, high fiber foods, Prebiotic foods are such foods.
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Instructions on how to use digestive enzymes
When children show signs of anorexia, diarrhea ... the first thing parents often think of is giving their children digestive enzymes. In fact, digestive enzymes are products that do not require a doctor's prescription, but to use them effectively, parents need to understand the mechanism of action and how to use them to avoid negative consequences for the digestive system and growth process. of children.
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What is Normagut? Features and uses
Normagut is an effective enteroprotector in situations such as diarrhea while traveling or due to antibiotic use. In addition, the drug also protects and restores the intestinal flora, helping to prevent chronic digestive diseases such as colon cancer.
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Uses of Zentomyces
Zentomyces is an oral powder containing saccharomyces boulardii 100ng used in the treatment of acute diarrhea in adults and children. In addition, the drug combined with oral rehydration, prevents recurrence of diarrhea caused by Clostridium difficile. During the use of Zentomyces, there may be some unwanted side effects including: erythema, itching, allergic reactions... Therefore, before using the drug, it is necessary to consult the treating doctor. .
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Uses of Subtyl
Subtyl is a medicine for the treatment of stomach and intestinal diseases with the main ingredient being live bacteria Bacillus subtilis. Subtyl is commonly used in the treatment of intestinal infections, diarrhea, acute and chronic enteritis in adults and children, prevention and treatment of digestive disorders after using antibiotics.. .
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Children with prolonged intestinal dysbacteriosis: Need to be treated properly and promptly
Intestinal dysbacteriosis in children is an imbalance between good bacteria and bad bacteria in the intestines. Supplementing beneficial bacteria through microbial products, improving the diet is the basic treatment when the baby has a prolonged intestinal dysbiosis.
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When should digestive enzymes not be used?
Digestive enzymes are the common name for a group of drugs that play a similar role to enzymes in the human intestinal tract. They are essential to aid digestion in people with pathological or physiological enzyme deficiencies. Like other drugs, the use of digestive enzymes needs to be strictly prescribed. However, how to use digestive enzymes properly, in which cases should not use digestive enzymes ... not everyone understands.
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Learn about antibiotic-associated intestinal dysbacteriosis
Intestinal dysbiosis is a common side effect when using antibiotics, this symptom is mostly not too dangerous but in the long run can affect health.
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Intestinal dysbiosis in adults: Causes and symptoms
Intestinal dysbacteriosis is a common disease of all ages, is an imbalance of microflora in the intestinal tract, caused by harmful bacteria multiplying and leading to abnormalities in the digestive system.
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Frequent indigestion after consuming dairy foods, should I take digestive enzymes?
Hello doctor, I am 44 years old. I find that eating indigestion when using dairy foods, ice cream, butter or drinking milk causes bloating and even diarrhea. So what medicine should I take to get rid of this condition? Can I take digestive enzymes regularly? Thanks for the advice doctor.
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What are the symptoms of abdominal pain accompanied by live stools?
I have about a week now with symptoms of dull pain in the lower abdomen when exercising or just going to the toilet, also often passing raw stools (because activities are a bit chaotic). My period has not come this month, what is the symptom?
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