Indications for small bowel radiographs

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The article is professionally consulted by Master, Doctor Nguyen Thanh Nam - Radiologist - Department of Diagnostic Imaging - Vinmec Danang International General Hospital.
Small intestine X-ray technique helps diagnose diseases in the small intestine timely and accurately, thereby giving a reasonable and effective treatment regimen.

1. What is a small bowel X-ray technique?

Small bowel X-ray is a technique that gives oral contrast material to examine the small intestine in different positions, indicated for the purpose of helping doctors see the entire intestine from the duodenum to the cecum. with moderate tension, no overlap. The doctor must look under the magnifying screen to see the direction of the loops, use the built-in press of the machine, or separate to separate the loops or thin layers to see the mucosa. The main condition for patient preparation is that the bowel is completely clean before the contrast agent is inserted.

Kỹ thuật chụp X quang ruột non được bác sĩ chỉ định
Kỹ thuật chụp X quang ruột non được bác sĩ chỉ định

2. Indication for X-ray of small intestine

2.1 Indications
Small bowel radiography is indicated in the following cases:
Initial indication:
Suspected intestinal obstruction or known intestinal obstruction Evaluation of primary or secondary tumor Inflammatory bowel disease Gastrointestinal bleeding Unexplained chemistry Absorption disorders Postoperative indication or follow-up
Abdominal pain Diarrhea Abdominal mass Anemia or bleeding of the gastrointestinal tract with no explanation Bowel obstruction Fever or infection (suspected residual abscess)

Bệnh nhân bị tắc ruột non
Bệnh nhân bị tắc ruột non
2.2 Contraindications to X-ray of the small intestine
Contraindications to X-ray of the small intestine in patients who are monitoring intestinal perforation, intestinal volvulus, suspected mesenteric infarction, intestinal perforation due to duodenal catheter or diaphragmatic hernia at risk of perforation, the patient has a Zencker diverticulum...

3. Small intestine X-ray procedure

Step 1: Technicians prepare technical equipment and consumables. The patient conducts colon enema with 1.5 - 2 liters of warm water, twice a few hours apart or after 12 hours, before taking the scan to avoid reflux of fluid and stool from the cecum into the ileum and jejunum. .
Step 2: Take X-ray of the small intestine
Take a pill orally Take a colonoscopy through a catheter Step 3: Evaluate the results
The X-ray image of the small intestine shows clearly and fully the anatomical structures of the urinary tract The colon can show lesions (if any) Small bowel X-ray technique is a non-invasive imaging technique, however, to ensure safety, it is absolutely forbidden to take Baryt contrast in patients with bowel perforation or obstruction is suspected.

Người bệnh được thụt tháo trước khi chụp Xquang
Người bệnh được thụt tháo trước khi chụp Xquang

4. Note when taking X-ray of small intestine

In order to get the most accurate X-ray results of the small intestine, the patient should note that they should use a diet that does not cause backlog for 2 days before the scan, such as not eating potatoes, fruits, and processed foods. of milk... the main meal should be vegetable juice, lean meat, eggs and must stop taking drugs that affect motility, or cause contrast before 12 hours.
The patient used a laxative for 2 days before the small bowel X-ray.
Master Doctor Nguyen Thanh Nam used to be a Lecturer in Diagnostic Imaging, Hue University of Medicine and Pharmacy with good English and Russian skills and over 10 years of experience in the fields of Diagnostic Imaging.
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