How to properly supplement vitamin D?

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Video content is professionally consulted by Theo Doctor, Doctor Ho Thu Mai – Head of Nutrition Department, Vinmec Times City International Hospital
Many people do not know how to properly supplement vitamin D? Or how to supplement vitamin D? A detailed answer will follow.

1. Supplement vitamin D properly

According to Doctor, Doctor Ho Thu Mai - Head of Nutrition Department, Vinmec Times City International General Hospital, vitamin D is very important for the body and many of us are very deficient in this super vitamin. Vitamin D doesn't actually work like a vitamin but acts like a hormone. The form of vitamin D we get from food or supplements or indirectly through sunlight is vitamin D3. After entering the body, vitamin D3 is converted into a hormone, which travels throughout the body and participates in a number of processes. Therefore, vitamin D supplementation is necessary. If the blood test results show that vitamin D levels are below 30-100 ng/ml, it's time to take the initiative to get enough vitamin D properly for your body.
Proper vitamin D intake is for children from 400-500 IU/day, which can be supplemented for a long time with oral tablets. When vitamin D is deficient, the dose for children is increased to 1,000-2,000 IU/day. The maximum dose should not exceed 100,000 IU for 6 months. For adults, supplement vitamin D 200-400 IU/day for 3 months and no more than 200,000 IU for 6 months. The dose of prophylactic vitamin D supplement is 100IU/day. In COVID-19 patients under 60 years of age, vitamin D supplementation of 800-1000 IU/day is recommended as soon as possible after diagnosis of Covid-19 infection. For those over 60 years of age, higher doses of vitamin D supplements total up to 50,000-100,000 IU in case of deficiency to help limit respiratory complications.

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