How to massage a child with constipation

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The article was professionally consulted with Specialist Doctor I Dang Thi Ngoc Chuong - Pediatrician - Pediatrics - Neonatal Department, Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital.
Children with constipation should be massaged in the abdomen in combination with other areas of the body, such as cycling exercises to enhance the effect. In addition, the daily diet of children with constipation should also be changed, adding more fiber and drinking plenty of water.

1. Constipation in children

Constipation occurs when bowel movements decrease, children have difficulty excreting stools because stools are often quite dry and hard. Constipation can last for weeks to months, depending on the cause of the constipation.
Children with constipation often manifest clinically with the following signs:
Passing stools less than 3 times a week Painful bowel movements Abdominal pain Hard, large, dry stools, possibly with blood

2. How to massage children with constipation

Massage is one of the simple and inexpensive ways to support children with constipation that parents can practice at home. The basic benefits that massage brings include increasing circulation in the body, stimulating bowel movements and helping children pass stools more easily and more often. In addition, conducting massage for children with constipation also helps children relax, increase interaction between parents and children, mothers increase milk production while children have the opportunity to quickly develop communication skills. Parents when massaging should show their love for their child by looking at the child smiling or singing soothing songs to the child. Massage for children with constipation can be combined with massage oils or essential oils that have a pleasant scent and are less irritating to the skin. Massage for children with constipation should be done daily and at least 3 times a day.
The best time to conduct a massage for a constipated child is right after the child wakes up in the morning or before going to bed or before bathing in the evening. Should avoid performing massage when the child has just eaten or the child has an open wound on the skin of the abdomen. Wait at least 45 minutes to 1 hour after eating before giving massage for constipated children.

Massage cho trẻ táo bón ngay sau khi trẻ thức dậy vào buổi sáng
Massage cho trẻ táo bón ngay sau khi trẻ thức dậy vào buổi sáng
The first steps when massaging a constipated child:
Room preparation: Constipated children should be massaged in an airy, clean, well-lit and draft-free room. Prepare the massager: The child's father or mother should be the one to conduct the massage. The hands of the constipated child massager should be cleaned, cut nails short, remove all jewelry to avoid injuring the child's skin surface. Child preparation: Constipated children should be cleaned before the massage. Lay your baby on his or her back on a flat surface lined with a clean, soft blanket. Conducting massage: Many people mistakenly think that massage for children with constipation only needs to be massaged in the abdomen, but children should be massaged in many other parts of the body to increase circulation and increase blood circulation. The masseur can start with the child's hands: gently massage the arms from the shoulder down to the arm, elbow, wrist and end at the hands, open and close the child's arms steadily and gently. Massage the abdomen of a child with constipation in a clockwise direction along the colon. Gently move the fingers one way from right to left according to the position of the corresponding colonic framework on the abdominal wall. Then, proceed to massage the child's back by stroking along the 2 muscle blocks next to the spine in a spiral, patting the shoulder blades. Finally, parents need to massage the lower extremities similar to two hands: gently massage the child's legs from above the thighs to the bottom of the legs and feet, gently flexing and stretching the legs. Children with constipation should practice small exercises, the most common is cycling exercise: hold the child's legs gently, bend the right leg slowly towards the right shoulder, then straighten the leg and bend the left leg. towards the left shoulder in the same way.

Táo bón khiến trẻ mệt mỏi
Táo bón khiến trẻ mệt mỏi

3. Measures to support the treatment of children with constipation

In addition to massage exercises, children with constipation should be supported with digestion by many other methods such as adding some foods that are easy to find and process such as:
Fresh fruit: Children with constipation should drink water juicing combined with breastfeeding. Drink alternately several times a day and between meals. Some fruits that should be used for children with constipation include prunes, pears, apples, grapes because they provide a lot of fiber, which supports the functioning of the digestive tract. Juices from grapefruit, orange, and pineapple should be limited because their ingredients have the potential to cause intestinal irritation. Mint leaves: Mint is known as an effective food in supporting digestion and excreting stools of children. Parents can crush a few mint leaves mixed in a cup of warm water for children to drink to help children pass stool easier. Do not use too much mint. Bathing babies with warm water: Similar to adults, a warm bath helps children relax, comfort and reduce discomfort caused by constipation or bloating. You can add a few essential oils with a light scent or herbs to make the child feel more relaxed. Using honey and coconut oil applied around the anus helps babies push easier. Probiotics: Constipation can be caused by using formulas instead of breast milk, as they are often quite indigestible. Probiotics with a composition of many beneficial bacteria help balance the intestines, soften stools and make it easier for children to defecate. However, the choice of probiotics, dosage and duration of use must be prescribed by a doctor, parents should not arbitrarily buy and let children use for a long time, which can easily bring many unwanted effects. want.

Cha mẹ cần đưa trẻ đến cơ sở y tế ngay khi xuất hiện triệu chứng bất thường
Cha mẹ cần đưa trẻ đến cơ sở y tế ngay khi xuất hiện triệu chứng bất thường
However, parents should not be subjective about their child's constipation. Take a child with constipation to see a doctor if the child has the following danger signs:
Acute abdominal or anal pain that persists for more than an hour. Bright red or bruised bleeding from the anus. Your child has been constipated for more than a week. Constipation with vomiting, tired children. High fever, lethargy. Weight loss or no weight gain In order to limit the child's constipation, parents should pay attention to the nutrition that improves the child's resistance. At the same time, add supporting foods containing lysine, essential micro-minerals and vitamins such as zinc, chromium, selenium, B vitamins,... snacks and less digestive problems.
Parents can learn more:
Why do you need to supplement Lysine for your baby?
The role of zinc - Guidelines for reasonable zinc supplementation
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