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Articles in Childrens health

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Dosage of paracetamol for children by weight
Paracetamol is a fairly common antipyretic, used for both adults and children. However, the dose of Paracetamol for children according to body weight is not simply 10-15 mg/kg for all cases as parents often think.
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What happens in an overdose of paracetamol in children?
Paracetamol is a common pain reliever and fever reducer and is thought to be quite safe, even for children. However, when using the drug for children, it is necessary to have a doctor's prescription and advice because paracetamol overdose will lead to dangerous complications, even death.
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How to explain obesity to children?
A overweight baby probably won't grow up to be an overweight child, but an obese child often grows up to be an obese adult.
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Digestive disorders in children
Although prolonged digestive disorders do not pose a direct danger to the child's life, they can seriously affect the absorption of nutrients as well as hinder the physical and intellectual development of the baby. Not only that, digestive disorders are also the leading cause of anorexia and malnutrition in children. Therefore, overcoming digestive disorders in children is something that needs to be done early and dealt with thoroughly.
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Gastrointestinal disorders in infants and young children
The manifestations of digestive disorders in infants and young children are vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, abdominal cramps,... There are many causes of digestive disorders in children and timely overcoming them. Time will help the baby have a good digestive system, catch up the growth momentum.
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Heartburn in children and infants
Heartburn is common in adults, especially after a full or spicy meal. However, infants and children can also have symptoms of burning in the chest. According to some studies, about 2% of children 3 to 9 years old and 5% of children aged 10 to 17 years have heartburn. Symptoms can even begin in infancy.
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Should HP test and gastroscopy in children?
Testing for HP bacteria, endoscopic anesthesia in children is dangerous is not the question of many people when assigned to perform this test. Although gastroscopy in children has been widely applied today, many people wonder whether gastroscopy in children is dangerous.
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How to treat constipation in babies and children?
Constipation is a condition in which a child has a bowel movement less often than usual, the stools of children tend to be dry and hard, making it difficult for the child to pass, painful or even anal bleeding. Constipation is common in children, but is often overlooked and its severity is often overlooked. It can reduce a child's quality of life, cause emotional problems, and create pressure in the family.
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Detection and treatment of dilated cardiomyopathy in children
Dilated cardiomyopathy is a disease of the heart muscle, characterized by dilation of the cardiac chambers and reduced contractility of the left and/or right ventricular muscles, increased systolic and diastolic volumes, and abnormal ventricular myocardium. thinning can lead to heart failure and death. The disease can occur at any age including children.
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Detection and treatment of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in children
Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy disrupts the heart's ability to contract and circulate blood, affecting the heartbeat, leading to arrhythmias. This is also a common cause of sudden death in young people, early detection and treatment help reduce the risk of death and increase the effectiveness of treatment.
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Set up a blood pressure monitoring catheter in the treatment of respiratory failure in children at Vinmec
Respiratory failure in children is a common disease of the airways causing damage to the lungs or diseases of the brain, nerves and muscles. Respiratory failure if not treated in time will affect the life of the child, even death. At Vinmec hospital, based on the children's health status, we have selected and successfully applied the arterial catheterization method to monitor blood pressure in the treatment of respiratory failure in children.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics