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Articles in Children are constipated

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What is the cause of bulging veins around the anus when the child has a bowel movement?
My baby is 32 months old. More than a month ago, the baby showed signs of external hemorrhoids as far as I learned. When the baby has a bowel movement, the veins around the anus are bulging, which is normally invisible. Baby goes out a little apple. Children rarely eat vegetables and refuse to eat fruits. So the doctor asked me what is the cause of the bulging veins around the anus when the child has a bowel movement? Should I give my baby surgery? I would like to thank you.
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Constipation in children under 1 year old
Constipation is a temporary disorder or a symptom of many different diseases. Constipation in children under 1 year old makes it difficult for them to have bowel movements, even causing fear of bowel movements and can cause slow physical development in children.
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How to early recognize constipation in babies
Constipation is a common symptom in infants and young children, causing discomfort in eating, sleeping and playing. Therefore, parents need to recognize constipation in children early to have timely treatment methods to help their children stay healthy.
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How to massage a child with constipation
Children with constipation should have their abdomen massaged in combination with other areas of the body, such as cycling exercises to increase effectiveness. In addition, the daily diet of children with constipation should also be changed, supplemented with more fiber and drink plenty of water.
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Constipation in a 2 month old baby
Constipation in 2-month-old babies is a condition where the baby's stool is dry, thick, and solid. The cause of constipation in infants may be due to the baby not getting enough milk or not getting enough water. Therefore, to overcome constipation in 2-month-old babies, it is necessary to increase breastfeeding or milk intake.
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What should mothers eat if their newborn has constipation?
Newborn constipation worries their parents, but it is a common symptom in both breastfed and formula-fed babies. In addition to treating constipation in the baby, the mother’s diet also plays a crucial role.
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How do I know if my baby is constipated?
Changes in diet or use of formula, illness, or dehydration can also cause constipation. Early detection of constipation in children will help improve the effectiveness of treatment.
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What causes children to be constipated?
Constipation is a temporary disorder or a symptom of many different diseases. Constipation in children under 1 year old makes it difficult for them to have bowel movements, even causing fear of bowel movements and can cause slow physical development in children.
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The right diet for children with frequent constipation
A proper diet can greatly assist in the treatment process. Questions like “what should constipated children eat?” are of great concern to parents.
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Suggested menu for children with constipation
Constipation in children leads to bloating and flatulence, making many parents feel worried and not knowing how to overcome this situation. However, creating a menu for children with constipation will help children get rid of this condition effectively.
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Children with constipation and anorexia should do?
Constipation is one of the causes of anorexia in children. This condition, if prolonged, can cause malnutrition in children, negatively affecting their intellectual and physical development later on. So what should children with constipation and anorexia do? This article will analyze the causes and intervention solutions when children encounter this condition.
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