How to increase maximum height for children from a young age

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Nutritional components, mobility, living environment, sleep... are important factors that determine a child's height. Therefore, in order to increase height for children in the most optimal and effective way, parents should learn ways to increase maximum height for children and can apply in cases where children do not have good height genetics.

1. The formation and development of the human skeleton

In newly born babies, the skeleton will be divided into 3 basic parts: head bones, trunk bones and limbs. Including 4 types of bones are long bones, short bones, flat bones and irregular shaped bones. Between bones there are contiguous parts called joints.
In infants, most bones are composed of cartilaginous material and during development the cartilage is gradually converted into solid bones through the process of ossification.
Bone growth undergoes the following processes:
Bones expand horizontally thanks to the division of periosteal cells to create new cells, push old cells inward, and then ossify. ; Bones elongate through the division of growth plates (also called ossification). The initial ossification points are essentially non-enhanced cartilaginous tissue and gradually ossified to appear on radiographs. With each growth cartilage, there will be a different time of ossification in each person's life.
The child's height grows as the bones grow longer and bigger. For long bones, this growth is slow and does not occur over the entire length of the bone, but only at the ends of the bones due to the division of growth cartilages.
Especially during puberty, the height growth will breakthrough in both boys and girls. Then in adolescence, bone growth slows down and eventually stops growing. The reason is because the growth cartilage is no longer able to ossify, so the height of the child does not increase.
Watch now: Diet to increase height for puberty

2. Ways to increase maximum height for children from a young age

Genetic factors play a very important role in shaping a child's height, but this is an unchangeable factor, so parents need to focus on other factors to help increase their child's height. including:

2.1. Pay attention to foods to increase height for babies

Nutrition is the most important factor determining height growth in children (affect rate up to 32%). Therefore, starting from pregnancy and continuing until breastfeeding, the mother's diet must be full of foods to increase the baby's height (with special attention to protein), nutritious foods, and nutrients. provide adequate micronutrients for children (including iron, iodine, calcium, phosphorus), folic acid, vitamin D, unsaturated fatty acids...
Newborns need to be exclusively breastfed for at least 6 days. In the first month, because breast milk is an abundant source of calcium, good for bone growth, with the advantage of being easily absorbed, calcium in breast milk is very effective to increase height for children.
The baby's nutrition needs to be scientifically built based on age and appropriate diet, paying special attention to the issue of micronutrient supplementation for children. Insufficient supply of essential nutrients is a factor leading to the risk of malnutrition or conversely providing too much causes overweight and obesity.
Baby's meals should be prepared with all 4 main food groups including starch (found in rice, bread, potatoes, corn...), protein (found in meat, fish, eggs, tofu .. .), fats (fat, oil, milk and dairy products...) and vitamins and minerals. In which the needs of each group of substances are as follows:
Protein: The need for protein supplementation in children at puberty is higher than in adults. Besides the ability to develop muscle, protein is a component that helps to form and develop sex hormones. The daily protein requirement for children is about 70 to 80g through foods such as beans, shrimp, crab, eggs... Starch: Starch is an essential nutrient to create energy for activities. movement of the body, the need for starch each day needs to provide from 300 to 400g. Fat: Fat is a solvent that dissolves a number of fat-soluble vitamins and plays an important role in physical development and the skeletal system. Children need to be provided with 50 to 60g of fat per day, of which the important ones are plant-based fats. Vitamins and minerals: Besides the above 3 groups of substances, parents need to pay attention to supplementing their children with micronutrients. In particular, foods to increase height for babies are often rich in calcium (in shrimp and crab, tofu, dark green vegetables, milk and dairy products...). However, for the effective absorption and use of calcium, parents should give their children the necessary amount of vitamin D.

Chú ý các thực phẩm tăng chiều cao là cách tăng chiều cao tối đa cho trẻ
Chú ý các thực phẩm tăng chiều cao là cách tăng chiều cao tối đa cho trẻ

2.2. Let your children exercise regularly to increase their height

Moderate exercise, suitable for the body, helps to stretch the muscles and help strengthen bones. Therefore, letting children exercise regularly is a way to increase maximum height for children. Besides, exercise stimulates the body to produce more growth hormone GH, so it is very beneficial in increasing bone length and stimulating cartilage growth. In particular, after a suitable exercise time, the child's body is also released energy, thereby stimulating children to eat more deliciously, sleep better and develop more comprehensively.
Note that children under 3 years old, parents should encourage children to participate in physical activities. With older children, parents gradually train their children to switch to stimulating sports to increase height such as swimming, volleyball, basketball... from 30 to 60 minutes a day.

2.3. Sleep also contributes to height growth for children

Besides nutrition and activity level, some daily habits can have a certain influence on the process of increasing height for children, the most special of which is sleep.
Children's skeletal system develops strongly during sleep, especially the sleep from 10 pm to 4 am, peaking at 0 o'clock. This is because these are the times when growth hormone (GH) is secreted the most. Therefore, the simplest way to increase the maximum height for children is to practice the habit of sleeping early, before 9pm for children who have not gone to school and before 10pm for children who have gone to school. In order for children to get quality sleep, parents should pay attention to the bedroom space, ensuring quiet, cool and clean.
A very bad habit nowadays is the overuse of electronic devices. If it occurs at night, it can make the baby sleepless and inhibit the secretion of growth hormone.

2.4. Create a good living environment to help increase height for children

Parents avoid letting children early exposure to electronic devices because it can both be addictive and negatively affect the process of increasing height for children. Instead, parents should create conditions for children to study and have fun outdoors with rewarding activities.
Besides, a way to increase maximum height for children that is easy to apply is to create a happy, healthy, fresh air living environment for children. At that time, parents need to limit or not smoke or use stimulants, limit stress, family conflicts, and care for children with love instead of scolding and whipping.
According to research, children born and raised in a comfortable environment, without domestic violence or psychological inhibition will develop better natural height.
Besides, in puberty children, parents should listen to the sharing when children encounter special problems and from there give the most reasonable advice. This is not only a way to increase the maximum height for children but also help them develop comprehensively both physically and mentally.

2.5. Improve your posture

Habits of standard posture from a young age are very important in forming the ideal body shape of children later. Children sitting in the wrong position when studying, carrying too heavy a bag will affect their bones and joints, causing scoliosis, hunchback... these are all factors that lead to difficulty in height development in children.
Parents should pay attention to adjust the child's standing posture in daily activities, train the child to stand upright, sit upright to create good habits from a young age.
Watch now: Consideration when using hormone therapy to increase height for children

Cải thiện tư thế khi học bài là cách tăng chiều cao tối đa cho trẻ
Cải thiện tư thế khi học bài là cách tăng chiều cao tối đa cho trẻ

3. Some misconceptions about increasing height for children

Every child has different growth and development milestones. Excessive dieting in adolescence is not recommended, because this is the period when the most essential nutrients are needed for height growth. If the child gains weight during the developmental period, parents should not rush to apply strict dietary measures but consult a doctor to develop a suitable eating menu.
Currently there are many drugs or functional foods that are advertised with the effect of helping to increase height for children, but most of the drugs to increase height for children contain the main ingredients Calcium, vitamin D3, vitamin K2. In addition, some drugs or functional foods also contain growth hormone ingredients that should be taken into account when used.
Growth hormone (GH) secreted by the anterior pituitary gland, this hormone helps to stimulate the growth of cells, increases the size and stimulates the cell division... this process is natural by the body adjusted for each stage of development. Therefore, growth hormone-containing drugs are indicated in a number of diseases, including increasing height for growing children who have a modest height but have low blood GH levels when tested. to a very limited extent.
For children of short height but normal blood GH levels, the use of growth hormone-containing drugs is not effective, but there is also a potential risk of side effects if used in high doses or for a long time: fluid retention, edema, finger swelling, breast enlargement (found in boys), headache, somnolence, joint pain, swelling in the abdomen. Long-term use of growth hormone-containing drugs in people who have reached the end of their development period can cause acromegaly, increase the frequency of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and increase the risk of developing malignancies in the gastrointestinal tract. Digestive ...
Therefore, not all drugs containing growth hormone are good and have the effect of increasing height for children, parents need to consult a doctor before using any medicine or functional food for their children. young. In particular, parents do not arbitrarily use growth hormone for children without a doctor's prescription.
When the growth cartilage has turned into bone, there is no ossification process, at this time the child has stopped growing in height, the foods to increase height for children are no longer effective and can only increase the height. height by means of leg lengthening surgery.
In addition, to help children develop the best height, especially at the "golden stage", parents should supplement children with supportive products containing lysine, essential micro-minerals and vitamins such as zinc, chromium , selenium, B vitamins to help fully meet the nutritional needs of children. At the same time, these essential vitamins also support digestion, enhance nutrient absorption, help improve anorexia, help children eat well, and develop comprehensively.
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