A hand has about 30 muscles, and they can become stronger and more flexible when you perform different exercises. Increasing the strength and range of your fingers and thumb will help you in various activities like playing sports, playing musical instruments, etc.
1. Exercises to Increase Forearm Strength
Forearm exercises not only help increase the strength and thickness of specific forearm muscles but can also make your hands appear slightly larger. The benefits of these exercises include strengthening your ability to grip basketballs, soccer balls, or other objects. You can perform several simple hand exercises at home, but warming up properly is useful in preventing injuries and alleviating discomfort.
Before performing strengthening exercises, soak your hands for a few minutes in warm water or wrap them in a heated towel. For those with arthritis or other musculoskeletal conditions, this method may help reduce pain or stiffness in the hands. Hand exercises to increase muscle strength can be performed two or three times a week, but allow at least 2 days between sessions for your forearm muscles to recover.
1.1 Squeeze a Soft Ball
- Hold a soft, inflated ball in the palm of your hand.
- Squeeze as hard as you can (without causing pain).
- Hold the ball tightly for 3-5 seconds, then release.
- Repeat the exercise 10 to 12 times with each hand.
You can modify the exercise by holding an inflated ball between your fingers and thumb, holding it for 30 to 60 seconds. Additionally, you can improve your grip by frequently using other exercise tools that require a tight grip.
1.2 Clench and Release
The steps to perform this exercise are as follows:
- Clench your fist and wrap your thumb around the outside of your fingers.
- Hold this position for about 1 minute, then open your hand.
- Spread your fingers as wide as possible for about 10 seconds.
- Repeat the motion 3 to 5 times with each hand.

1.3 Play with Clay
Manipulating clay will strengthen your hands, improve finger movements, and create sculptures with detailed features, which will also help improve fine motor skills. You can shape various objects such as snakes, etc.
1.4 Perform Wrist Flexion and Reverse Wrist Flexion
The steps to perform this exercise are as follows:
- Sit up straight with your feet flat on the floor.
- Hold a light dumbbell (starting from 2 to 5 pounds) in one hand.
- Place your palm facing up on your leg, just above the knee.
- Bend your wrist upwards to raise the weight over your knee. Slowly return your wrist to the starting position.
- Perform 10 repetitions, then switch hands.
- Repeat 2 to 3 sets of 10 repetitions with each hand.
FOR MORE: Effective Forearm Exercises at Home
2. Exercises to Increase Forearm Flexibility
Stretching exercises for the forearm can increase their flexibility and range of motion. The following exercises can be performed daily. However, during the exercises, be careful not to overextend your fingers to strain any muscles or tendons.
2.1 Stretch the Thumb
A larger hand will help you grip better. However, the ability to catch and throw a ball or grip things during activities is more related to strength, flexibility, and technique. To help widen your hand's range, especially the distance between the thumb and pinky, perform the following steps:
- Gently pull your thumb away from the other fingers with the thumb of your opposite hand, feeling a slight stretch.
- Hold this position for 30 seconds, then relax.
- Repeat the motion with the other hand.

2.2 Flatten the Palm
The steps for this exercise are as follows:
- Place the palm of your right hand down on a table or another firm surface.
- Gradually straighten all your fingers to make the palm as flat as the surface of the table.
- Hold this position for 30 seconds, then switch to the left hand.
- Repeat the motion 3 to 4 times with each hand.
2.3 Lift Your Fingers
- Lifting fingers takes a little more time, but it's useful in increasing the range of motion.
- Start with your palm facing down on a flat, firm surface.
- Gently lift each finger off the table until you feel a stretch along the tips of your fingers.
- After stretching each finger, repeat the exercise 8 to 10 times.
- Then repeat the motion with your other hand.
FOR MORE: Effective Wrist Pain Relief Exercises
3. What Determines Hand Size?
Same as the ears, eyes, feet, and every other part of the body, the shape and size of the hand are unique. Hand size is fixed by the skeletal structure and is typically measured in three different ways:
- Hand length is measured from the tip of the middle finger (the longest finger) to the fold just below the palm.
- Hand width is measured across the widest part of the hand, where the fingers meet the palm.
- Hand circumference is measured around the dominant palm and below the finger joints, excluding the thumb.

In addition to more than 20 muscles, a hand also contains 26 bones. The length and width of the bones are determined by genetics, and grandparents or parents with smaller or larger hands can pass those traits down to you. For women, bone growth typically stops during their teenage years, while for men, it may take a few more years. However, the size of the hand muscles can be greatly increased through exercise. Strength and flexibility exercises for the forearm can make the hand muscles bigger or thicker. If you have ever broken your hand or had other injuries, they may affect the shape and size of your hands.
In conclusion, while you cannot make your fingers longer or your palm larger, a few simple exercises can help make your hands stronger and increase the flexibility of your fingers. These exercises can help you grip more securely and extend your reach a little further. Just ensure you perform them carefully and correctly to avoid injuring your hands.
Source: healthline.com
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