How many eggs should children eat per week?

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Eggs are a food containing many nutrients good for heart and brain health, preventing osteoporosis. However, not everyone knows how to feed children with eggs. Here is some information for parents to refer to and feed their children eggs properly.

1. Nutritional composition of eggs

In terms of nutrition, each type of egg has its own use for health.
Chicken eggs contain a lot of phosphorus, potassium, zinc, protein, vitamins A, D, E, especially low in calories and cholesterol, so it is very suitable for adults with high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease and children. Sometimes to supplement nutrition, children can eat duck eggs. Duck eggs are larger than chicken eggs. The calorie content of a duck egg is 130 calories, twice the calorie content of a chicken egg. The protein, vitamin, and saturated fat content of duck eggs is also superior to that of chicken eggs. Duck eggs provide many Omega-3s that help fight inflammation and reduce the risk of chronic disease. Quail eggs are much smaller in size than chicken and duck eggs (about 8.5g) but contain the most nutrients. Estimated in 1 quail egg contains 14 calories, 1.2g protein and many amino acids, minerals, vitamins similar to chicken eggs and duck eggs. In addition, compared with chicken eggs, quail eggs are less likely to cause allergies, so they are very suitable for children under 6 years old. In general, eggs are foods with high nutritional value, easy to absorb, provide a lot of fat, vitamins and minerals (iron, zinc...) necessary for the development of young children.

2. What is the right way to feed children eggs?

Although eggs are a nutritious food, you should not give them too many eggs because their high fat content can lead to bloating, indigestion, and digestive disorders in children.
Depending on the child's age, parents can give children different amounts of eggs.
Children from 6-7 months old: each meal should only eat half an egg, 2-3 meals/week. Children from 8-12 months old: one yolk per meal, 3-4 egg meals/week. Children 1-2 years old: Eat 3-4 eggs per week, including egg whites. Children from 2 years old and up: depending on taste, if children like to eat eggs, they can eat one egg a day.

Không nên cho trẻ ăn trứng quá nhiều vì sẽ gây rối loạn tiêu hóa
Không nên cho trẻ ăn trứng quá nhiều vì sẽ gây rối loạn tiêu hóa

3. How to prepare eggs for children depending on the month of age

Chicken's genital tract has many bacteria (especially Salmonella - a factor that causes food poisoning), so both inside and outside of chicken eggs are susceptible to this dangerous bacteria. To prevent infection, young children should not eat raw chicken eggs or put raw eggs in hot porridge, hot soup and then dissolve, but should be boiled or cooked. This is also the best way to process eggs to ensure nutrients such as protein, lipids, minerals... but also limit the risk of infection.
The best way to boil eggs is to put the eggs with the right amount of water into the pot and bring to a boil. When the water has boiled, turn down the heat to simmer for about 2 minutes, then turn off the heat and soak the eggs for 5 minutes. So the egg will be cooked just right, the yolk is not overcooked, so it is easy to absorb. Besides, when boiling to prevent the eggs from breaking, you can add a little salt.
Note: Fresh eggs taken out of the refrigerator should not be boiled immediately, nor should they be soaked in hot water or boiled with too high a fire because they will break easily or the yolk will not be cooked.
Children from 6-12 months: should give children egg powder, that is, when the flour is cooked, then put the eggs in. Method: Crack egg yolks into a bowl with chopped vegetables, beat eggs and vegetables well. Meanwhile, cook the flour to a boil on the stove, then pour in the eggs and vegetables, stir quickly, wait for the dough to boil. Do not cook the flour too thoroughly, making it difficult for the eggs to absorb, nor should you boil the eggs and then crush the yolks to cook the flour because it will be difficult for children to absorb it after many times of processing. Children 1-2 years old: at this time, children can eat egg porridge, the cooking method is similar to egg powder. When the porridge is cooked, give eggs, in addition, you can give your children boiled eggs that have just been cooked. Children from 2 years old and up: can already eat a variety of dishes made from eggs such as egg porridge, boiled eggs, eggs with ketchup, fried eggs with meat served with rice. It is best to give your baby hard-boiled eggs. In addition to the nutritional diet, parents should supplement their children with supporting products containing lysine, essential micro-minerals and vitamins such as zinc, chromium, selenium, and B vitamins to help fully meet their nutritional needs. in children. At the same time, these essential vitamins also support digestion, enhance nutrient absorption, help improve anorexia, help children eat well, and develop comprehensively.
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