How many calories does a 1km run burn?

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Jogging and walking are both sports chosen by many people, because they are simple, easy to perform, and have a relatively large calorie-burning effect. The question, running 1 hour burns how many calories is currently the question of many people who love this sport.

1. What are the health benefits of running?

Before getting the answer to the question, how many calories does jogging for 1 hour, you need to know the benefits and effects of running for health. The following benefits of running have been researched and proven:
1.1 Running improves memory Not only improves health, many studies in the US have proven that running regularly will significantly improved memory compared to those who did not practice this exercise. Also in the report given, people over 40 years old should walk every day to help increase blood circulation, prevent aging and limit old age diseases.
1.2 Jogging for healthier lungs This is one of the benefits of running that few people know about. In fact, when your body is active, it will have to better regulate breathing so that oxygen can reach the muscles. Because of this, the lungs work much stronger and more efficiently.
1.3 Reduce stroke and good for your heart through running If your family has a history of cardiovascular diseases, you should actively engage in running exercise to ensure a healthy heart and prevent prevent stroke risk. The reason is, when you walk or jog, the body will exercise a lot, thereby helping to keep the heart muscle healthy, thereby also reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
1.4 Lose weight and fat Walking has been shown to help tone muscles, reduce belly fat, and improve health. Therefore, if you are overweight, try to take a 30-minute walk every day and see results in a short time.

Chạy bộ có tác dụng gì? Giảm cân và mỡ rất hiệu quả khi bạn chạy bộ
Chạy bộ có tác dụng gì? Giảm cân và mỡ rất hiệu quả khi bạn chạy bộ

2. Running for 1 hour reduces how many calories?

In fact, the calorie consumption during an hour of jogging depends on the age and weight of each person. To answer the question, how many calories does running for 1 hour reduce? you can look at the following information:
2.1 Body weight from 54-63kg walking for 1 hour will burn 165-200 calories Walking at a moderate pace for 1 hour (5 km/h) burns 200 calories. Walking at a brisk pace (6.5 km - 8 km/h) burns 370 calories. Walking uphill (5.5 km/h) burns 355 calories. Going up the stairs (5 km/h) burns 275 calories. Walking downhill (4 km/h) burns 165 calories. 2.2 Body weight from 63 - 72 kg walking 1 hour will burn 190-225 calories Walking at a moderate pace (5 km / h) helps to burn 225 calories. Walking at a brisk pace (6.5 km - 8 km/h) burns 430 calories. Walking uphill (5.5 km/h) burns 408 calories. Going up the stairs (5 km/h) burns 545 calories. Walking down stairs or downhill (4km/hr) burns 190 calories. 2.3 Body weight from 72 - 81 kg walking 1 hour will burn 215-255 calories Walking at a moderate pace (5 km / h) helps to burn 255 calories. Walking at a brisk pace (6.5 km - 8 km/h) burns 485 calories. Walking uphill (5.5 km/h) burns 465 calories. Walking up the stairs (5 km/h) burns 620 calories. Walking downhill or down stairs (4 km/h) 215 calories. This is the number of calories your body burns in 1 hour of running, it can be seen that the amount of calories burned depends largely on your body weight.
In case you want to release more calories, you can combine jogging with weightlifting, push-ups. These are all very good exercises for health and help consume large calories.

Chạy bộ 1 tiếng tiêu hao bao nhiêu calo là thắc mắc của nhiều người tập luyện
Chạy bộ 1 tiếng tiêu hao bao nhiêu calo là thắc mắc của nhiều người tập luyện

3. At what time should you jog for the best health?

For running to bring good results, in addition to running technique and diet, jogging time also plays an extremely important role. According to Dr. Phyllis Zee, a neurologist, Northwestern University, USA, the ideal time for jogging is the afternoon time from 4pm to 6pm. This is the time when the body is neither hungry nor full, which is very suitable for exercise. This time when you run your muscles reach their peak, so there is very little risk of injury.
In addition to the above time, you can also jog in the morning and should not exercise at noon, when the body is tired and the weather is quite uncomfortable. This will negatively affect your health.
Besides, after running, you should add to the body an amount of mineral water of about 500ml so that the body can be regulated and avoid dehydration.
Above are the answers to the question, how many calories does a 1 hour jog burn. Hopefully, once you have the answer, you can consider and plan the best exercises for yourself.

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