How does the body react when there is a lack of oxygen to the brain?

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Lack of oxygen to the brain is a dangerous disease, with the risk of causing brain cells to be destroyed and permanently damaged. Recognizing the body's response to cerebral ischemia helps us to detect the disease early and take timely measures.

1. What is lack of oxygen to the brain?

A complex network of blood vessels is responsible for delivering oxygen and vital nutrients for the brain to function properly. Although it makes up only a small part of the total body weight, the brain requires a lot of energy. Specifically, the brain needs about 15% of the blood from the heart to get the oxygen and glucose it needs for daily activities.
Therefore, if there is not enough blood flow to the brain to meet the metabolic needs, the brain will be deprived of oxygen.
Brain hypoxia is considered to be the third leading cause of death in the world after cancer and cardiovascular disease. Most notably, cerebral hypoxia accounts for 25% of all cerebrovascular accidents.
Brain oxygen deficiency in mild form, the patient will feel headache, fatigue, dizziness. Severe form can cause temporary loss of consciousness/memory, hemiplegia, dizziness, blue skin, fear of cold,... making life and work difficult.
Prolonged lack of oxygen in the brain will lead to a cerebrovascular accident with many serious sequels such as brain tissue death, cerebral infarction, also known as stroke, sudden death, hemiplegia,...
There are many Risk factors for hypoxia to the brain, but mainly due to:
Exogenous risk: Includes smoking or inhaling secondhand smoke, air pollution, chemicals, airborne dust or the effects of height. Endogenous risk: It is possible that the lungs and cardiovascular organs are not in good condition. Atherosclerosis is also one of the causes.

Khói thuốc là một trong những nguy cơ làm thiếu oxy lên não
Khói thuốc là một trong những nguy cơ làm thiếu oxy lên não

2. The body's response to lack of oxygen to the brain

Respiratory problems: When there is a lack of oxygen to the brain, you will first feel short of breath, fast breathing, coughing and wheezing Headache: Feeling heavy in your head, especially when you have to move, think a lot or when Just woke up Dizziness, dizziness, tinnitus: Even though the patient is in a quiet space with no wind, the patient also hears tinnitus. In addition, they experience dizziness, lightheadedness and loss of balance. Insomnia: People with cerebral hypoxia often experience sleep problems such as restless sleep, frequent nightmares, sleep or wakefulness is also difficult to control, waking up in the middle of the night or in the morning can't fall asleep. Memory impairment: Due to insufficient blood flow to the brain, the patient may experience headaches, dizziness, dizziness, etc., thereby gradually reducing memory and forgetting things quickly. Numbness, aching limbs: The patient's fingertips will be numb, sometimes the patient feels a tingling under the skin like a crawling ant, or pain along the ribs, sometimes a cold feeling in the spine , aching limbs, pain along the shoulders and neck and pain along the ribs. Besides, the manifestations of autonomic nervous system disorders such as heart palpitations, hemodynamic disturbances, hot flashes, sluggishness, sluggishness, fatigue, decreased health... are also suspicious signs. of cerebral hypoxia.

3. Preventing lack of oxygen to the brain

Tập thể dục thường xuyên để cải thiện sức khỏe và phòng tránh thiếu oxy lên não.
Tập thể dục thường xuyên để cải thiện sức khỏe và phòng tránh thiếu oxy lên não.
You can adopt the following lifestyles and remedies to deal with brain hypoxia:
Quit smoking: If you have been diagnosed with cerebral hypoxia or other lung disease, quit smoking is one of the first things you need to do to improve your condition. Avoid cigarette smoke: Besides quitting smoking, you also need to avoid places where people smoke. Secondhand smoke can cause more lung damage than smoking. Exercise regularly: Exercise is really helpful to improve your overall strength and endurance. Regarding the diet, you need to limit eating foods that contain a lot of fat, limit the use of alcohol, carbonated drinks, and need to increase your diet with lots of green vegetables, especially those with a lot of vegetables. color. Know the causes of diseases of the lungs and cardiovascular organs to find ways to avoid them. Brain hypoxia is a dangerous disease, because it only takes 4 to 5 minutes for brain cells to be destroyed and permanently damaged. Therefore, experts recommend, when feeling the body appear the onset of symptoms of hypoxia to the brain or brain ischemia, such as confusion, heart rhythm disturbances, headache, dizziness, dizziness, loss of consciousness. sleeping... patients should immediately go to medical facilities to be examined by a doctor, accurately diagnose the condition of the disease and propose a timely treatment plan. Patients should not ignore the symptoms of lack of oxygen to the brain because it is very dangerous and can easily lead to a stroke.
Vinmec International General Hospital with a highly qualified medical team and a full range of modern medical equipment will help patients accurately diagnose the cause of brain hypoxia and offer treatment methods. suitable treatment.

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