Home Tag Lack of brain oxygen

Articles in Lack of brain oxygen

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What to do when the fetus lacks oxygen?
Fetal hypoxia can lead to conditions such as low birth weight, premature birth, malnutrition... or more seriously, slow development, depending on the level of hypoxia. After birth, cerebral hypoxia in newborns has the potential to cause disability and death, with over 25% of children having brain damage and an increased risk of death at 18 months.
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Measures to prevent hypoxia
Hypoxia is a complex pathological process due to our body not being provided with enough oxygen for the normal functioning of cells, or due to pathology in which cells and tissues cannot use oxygen. The following knowledge will help you prevent hypoxia and maintain your health better.
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Causes of lack of oxygen in the body
Hypoxia is a complex pathological process caused by our body not being provided with enough oxygen for the normal functioning of cells, or by pathology in which cells and tissues cannot use oxygen. Understanding the causes of hypoxia will help you prevent this condition better.
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Explain the phenomenon of lack of oxygen when sleeping
Sleep hypoxia is a phenomenon of decreased oxygen and increased CO2 in the blood. Anyone can suffer from sleep hypoxia. People with sleep hypoxia syndrome, if not diagnosed and treated promptly, will cause systemic hypoxia and cause a series of metabolic disorders such as high blood pressure, myocardial infarction, stroke due to cerebral embolism, cerebral hemorrhage... even sudden death.
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Consequences of drowning and rehabilitation measures
Drowning is a term used to describe the state of being suffocated under water, which is the final stage before the victim actually drowns. For drowning victims, immediate medical attention is needed to prevent possible complications of drowning.
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Breathing oxygen through a mask in emergency resuscitation
Oxygen therapy via mask is a method of increasing the concentration of inspired oxygen (FiO2) using a mask, providing enough oxygen for the body's metabolic needs. This oxygen therapy plays a very important role in emergency resuscitation.
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Causes and reactions of the body when there is a lack of oxygen
Lack of oxygen in the blood will lead to serious consequences. Knowing the cause and the body's reaction to lack of oxygen will help provide timely emergency care and prevent dangerous complications.
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How does the body react when there is a lack of oxygen to the brain?
Lack of oxygen to the brain is a dangerous disease that can destroy brain cells and cause permanent damage. Recognizing the body's reactions to cerebral ischemia helps us detect the disease early and take timely measures.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics