Factors that decrease breast milk secretion

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The article was consulted with Doctor Bui Duc Hoan - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Vinmec Nha Trang International Hospital.

Nutritionists recommend that infants should be exclusively breastfed for the first 6 months and should be maintained until the child is 24 months old. However, not every mother can keep an abundant milk supply as in the first days after giving birth. Many factors in daily life and diet can reduce breast milk secretion.
Factors that decrease breast milk secretion may include:

1. Stress, fatigue

Postpartum women cannot avoid stress, fatigue in the process of taking care of children, facing big changes in life or pressure from financial problems. This is the leading cause of decreased milk production in mothers after giving birth. Therefore, the mother needs to keep her mind at ease, should not work too hard, and regularly discuss and confide in her family members, especially her husband, to avoid stress and mental heaviness. physical.

2. Unstable health

The mother's health decline is also the cause of reduced breast milk production. For example: fever, flu, sore throat or other serious illness. As soon as the mother notices abnormal signs of the body, the mother should see a doctor and take timely measures to improve health, both not making the mother tired, and ensuring the quantity and quality of milk for the baby. suck.

3. Too much caffeine

Caffeine is the culprit that causes decreased breast milk production. If the mother uses caffeinated beverages such as coffee, tea, chocolate, etc. in moderate amounts, there is no noticeable effect. But if used in large quantities and continuously, it will cause the body to lose water and produce less milk.
In addition, caffeine can be passed from mother to baby through breast milk, causing sleeplessness and fussiness in babies. Therefore, the mother needs to consider carefully before using.

Caffein có thể truyền từ mẹ sang con thông qua sữa mẹ, khiến trẻ bị mất ngủ và quấy khóc
Caffein có thể truyền từ mẹ sang con thông qua sữa mẹ, khiến trẻ bị mất ngủ và quấy khóc

4. Smoking

Smoking interferes with the release of oxytocin from the body. This is a hormone that stimulates the letdown reflex, the release of milk from the mother's breasts.
Ideally, a mother during breastfeeding should not smoke, especially when smoking near her baby or coming into contact with her baby right after smoking can cause serious harm to the baby.

5. Drink a lot of wine and beer

Alcohol in wine and beer is also one of the reasons for low milk production. In addition, alcohol also changes the taste of milk, which can make children lose their appetite and eat less. Alcohol passed through breast milk to the baby can cause growth retardation.

6. Use of certain drugs

Breastfeeding can last from 1 to 2 years. During that time, the mother is most likely to have health problems that require medication. Some drugs can affect lactation such as: testosterone, pseudoephedrine, estrogen, progestin, and ergot derivatives such as bromocriptin, ergotamine, cabergolin...
Before using any medicine, read carefully. manufacturer's instructions and recommendations for nursing women. Absolutely do not arbitrarily take drugs indiscriminately.

7. Herbs and hot foods

Some common herbs such as herbs, parsley, mint ... seem harmless but can make the amount of breast milk secreted significantly decrease.

8. Using birth control pills

Postpartum sisters often use birth control pills to avoid pregnancy too close together. Birth control pills containing estrogen can cause a decrease in breast milk production, only progesterone should be used.

Thuốc tránh thai có chứa estrogen có thể gây giảm tiết sữa mẹ
Thuốc tránh thai có chứa estrogen có thể gây giảm tiết sữa mẹ

9. Pregnant

Pregnant women during lactation will cause hormonal changes. This change can reduce lactation.

10. Improper diet

Many mothers still have enough milk to breastfeed even if they do not eat enough. But a lack of nutrients and water can reduce breast milk production in many other situations. Ideally, women should have a scientific diet, ensuring the health of the mother and the source of nutrients in breast milk for her baby.
Maybe the mother has breast pain due to lactation, postpartum depression, child-rearing practices.... When there is breast pain, there is not enough milk for the baby, she needs to be examined at a reputable medical facility. Currently, Vinmec has a consulting service for breastfeeding, lactation due to milk shutdown. For safe and effective treatment of postpartum lactation, you can contact Vinmec International General Hospital for doctors to designate specific treatment for each case.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

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