Effects of staying up late

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Many people have a habit of often staying up late, this is a bad habit for health. However, not everyone knows the harmful effects of staying up late to your body and skin.

After a tiring day of work, the night is the time when the body rests to restore health and balance the elements in the body, but for a reason or a certain habit that we often waking up at night not getting enough sleep. Staying up late regularly has a significant impact on health and also affects beauty, especially for women.

1. Bad effects on health

Staying up late causes headaches and memory impairment According to statistics, the rate of people with the habit of staying up late at night is 5 times higher than the average person who does not have the habit of staying up late. Because evening time is the time for the brain to rest and remember the activities that took place during the day. But when we stay up late, it increases the amount of information that needs to be remembered while decreasing the amount of time the brain rests.
On the other hand, when staying up late or sleeping too little, it is easy to have a headache the next day, in addition, staying up late will cause signs of mental disorders such as insomnia, forgetfulness, anxiety, irritability, stress, headaches... Should sleep 8 hours a day to reduce the risk of headaches, fatigue and especially the manifestations of memory impairment.

Thiếu ngủ gây đau đầu
Thiếu ngủ gây đau đầu

Affects the immune system When staying up late, the body is prone to lack of energy, the body is tired and makes the body's resistance decrease. Therefore, people who stay up late regularly will be more susceptible to diseases caused by microorganisms such as flu, respiratory infections... than people who get enough sleep.

Endocrine disorders During sleep, the body secretes hormones to balance the body to avoid falling into a state of endocrine disorders. In people who often stay up late or do not sleep enough, hormone deficiency or imbalance. In women who often stay up late, it causes menstrual disorders, increases the risk of uterine fibroids ...
Affects the digestive system The cells of the stomach lining can regenerate and repair themselves in the morning. night while sleeping. Staying up late makes these cells not rest, leading to weakness. Moreover, staying up late causes gastric juice to secrete more, leading to stomach ulcers if this condition persists, or aggravates the disease if it has been infected before. In addition, if you stay awake to work stressfully or watch a program that is stimulating and nervous, it also makes the condition of the stomach and duodenum worse.

Đau bụng do viêm loét dạ dày vì thức khuya
Đau bụng do viêm loét dạ dày vì thức khuya

Staying up late reduces vision At night is the time when the eyes need to rest after a whole day of work, when we stay up at night, it means that the eyes must continue to work, plus the lack of light conditions will gradually fade away. significantly reduced. If you stay up late and work with electronic devices such as computer screens, phones require eyes to adjust and secrete lubricating fluids. The more you look at it for a long time, plus the light conditions are not enough, the more your eyes have to secrete more lubricating fluid, and that is also the cause of dry and tired eyes.
Also, the light of a computer or phone screen is called blue light. When we work at night, the higher the concentration level, the more your eyes will focus on this amount of light. The nature of blue light is the light with the highest energy of all visible light, they can penetrate the natural light filtering layers of the eyeball to the fundus and cause retinal damage. Blue light damage is permanent and will accumulate over time, eventually causing eye diseases, especially macular degeneration, a leading cause of eye disease. blind. Today macular degeneration is gradually rejuvenating and many research results show that blue light is a factor that promotes early disease development.

Trắc nghiệm: Bận rộn có ảnh hưởng đến sức khỏe của bạn không?

Cuộc sống hiện đại khiến chúng ta vì quá bận rộn mà quên chăm sóc sức khỏe cho chính mình. Ai cũng biết rằng lịch trình làm việc cả ngày có thể khiến bạn kiệt sức, nhưng cụ thể bận rộn ảnh hưởng thế nào tới sức khỏe? Hãy cùng làm thử bài trắc nghiệm dưới đây.

2. Impact on aesthetics

Night is the time when skin cells are regenerated, the rate of regeneration at night is faster than during the day. Staying up late will make the regeneration and regulation of skin cells erratic, affecting the function of the skin. This causes the skin to age prematurely, dull, appear wrinkles, dry skin, acne ...
Dark circles and eye bags: Without adequate rest, staying up late will lead to blood circulation around Poor eyesight, there will be dark circles around the eyes, blood streaks in the whites of the eyes, and puffiness.

Thức khuya gây nổi mụn trứng cá
Thức khuya gây nổi mụn trứng cá

To avoid the harms caused by staying up late, we should limit staying up late, sleep before 12 o'clock and 8 hours a day. In addition, drinking enough water and supplementing with adequate nutrition is also a measure to help reduce the effects caused by staying up late.
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