Does lettuce cure hemorrhoids?

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Lettuce, or other names in folklore such as sardines, fish essences, is a familiar vegetable to Vietnamese people. This is a vegetable that many people spread to each other to have the ability to treat hemorrhoids. So is lettuce for hemorrhoids right?

1. Overview of hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids is a condition in which the anal varicose veins become excessively stretched and cause discomfort that affects the quality of life. People who suffer from constipation for a long time, sit a lot, stand for a long time, carry heavy loads, suffer from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, become pregnant, and are at high risk of hemorrhoids.
Depending on the location of the hemorrhoid, people can divide it into internal or external hemorrhoids. Internal hemorrhoids are pathological conditions of hemorrhoids located above the dentate line. External hemorrhoids is a medical condition of hemorrhoids located below the dentate line. For internal hemorrhoids and external hemorrhoids, they form mixed hemorrhoids. In some cases, between the hemorrhoids, they are connected by auxiliary hemorrhoids to form ring hemorrhoids.
Depending on the degree of prolapse of hemorrhoids, they are classified into specific disease levels as follows:
Grade 1: newly formed, bleeding is the main symptom. Grade 2: The hemorrhoid prolapses when having a bowel movement but rises on its own. Grade 3: hemorrhoids prolapse when going outside, must use force to push up. Grade 4: Hemorrhoids prolapse permanently and may become strangulated, leading to the risk of necrosis.

2. Uses of lettuce for people with hemorrhoids

In folk often use lettuce with the use of self-repelling hemorrhoids. Lettuce also has a scientific name is Ngu Tinh Tinh. This is one of the foods that are used quite a lot in the daily meals of families, especially in the summer.
Lettuce has a sour, slightly spicy taste, with a characteristic fishy smell. This vegetable has the ability to detoxify and clear heat, so it has long been used to reduce the uncomfortable symptoms of hemorrhoids. Specifically, according to modern medical studies, lettuce contains a number of ingredients such as:
Quercetin: This is an antioxidant belonging to the flavonoid group, capable of eliminating free radicals and increasing endurance. of the vessel wall. As a result, this vegetable can control dilated blood vessels, blood stasis and lead to the risk of increasing the size of hemorrhoids. Decanonyl acetaldehyde: This type of substance has strong antibiotic effects. Studies have shown that this ingredient is effective against both bacteria and fungi. Therefore, the use of lettuce can be used to prevent bacterial infection in hemorrhoids and support the recovery and regeneration process faster for damaged tissues. Fiber: Lettuce is one of the green vegetables that contains relatively high fiber content. Fiber has the effect of softening stool, good for excretion, regulating bowel movements and preventing constipation - this is a factor that accelerates the progression of hemorrhoids.

3. Lettuce treats hemorrhoids?

Lettuce has welding properties, can be used with the effect of clearing heat, detoxifying, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic. In lettuce contains a large amount of active ingredients Quercetin, Isoquercetin has the effect of strengthening capillaries and veins. In addition, the essential oil in lettuce has good effects on anti-inflammatory, anti-inflammatory, and bactericidal, so it can be used to treat intestinal diseases or dermatological diseases... Hemorrhoids, lettuce has specific uses: preventing constipation, reducing inflammation and itching in the anus, shrinking hemorrhoids... Since then, it has become a widely used material for the treatment of diseases. hemorrhoids. Through the above information, it can be seen that lettuce contains ingredients that help reduce the symptoms of hemorrhoids. However, how to use lettuce should consult a doctor specializing in Gastroenterology (eating directly, blending...). Absolutely do not arbitrarily apply, put lettuce on the hemorrhoids can cause inflammation. Besides, the use of fish lettuce supplement in the daily diet only needs to be applied to the cases of hemorrhoids in the early stages and the effect also depends on the location of each specific person. It is best when you suspect that you have hemorrhoids, you need to go to reputable medical facilities for detailed examination and accurate diagnosis. On that basis, there is a suitable treatment plan to help treat hemorrhoids comprehensively and effectively.

4. How to use lettuce to treat hemorrhoids at home?

4.1. The simplest way to use lettuce to treat hemorrhoids at home is to eat this vegetable raw. Lettuce has cool properties, so it has been used by many people as raw vegetables in daily meals.
Not only that, its composition also contains many uses as mentioned above, so when treating hemorrhoids, it will help improve the signs and symptoms of constipation, regulate bowel movements, strengthen the vessel wall, Anti-inflammatory and inhibits bacterial growth.
4.2. Drink lettuce tea Squeeze water to drink lettuce to treat hemorrhoids. However, this type of water has a fishy smell and a slightly difficult taste, so not everyone can use this type of water. Instead, you can make lettuce leaves into tea to relieve discomfort while keeping its therapeutic effects.
Treating hemorrhoids with lettuce in this way is very simple, you just need to dry or dry this medicinal herb and then store it, each time take a handful of lettuce with 200-300ml of boiling water for a period of about 10-15 minutes and then drink like regular tea. Normally, drinking lettuce tea not only shrinks hemorrhoids, destroys parasites, detoxifies, treats constipation but also clears body heat very well. Compared with the solution of eating raw, lettuce tea has significantly reduced the fishy smell, which is very suitable for people who are afraid of the fishy smell of lettuce.
4.3. Steaming lettuce leaves In addition to the ways to use lettuce to treat hemorrhoids as mentioned above, you can also steam lettuce to reduce itching, shrink hemorrhoids and help eliminate bacteria in hemorrhoids. . This is how to use lettuce at home to treat hemorrhoids with relatively high efficiency. The experience of those who have performed this method of treatment is that it is to use the method of smoking lettuce leaves. After exercise will be more effective, because then the strong blood circulation leads to blood stasis in hemorrhoids quickly pushed to other organs and thereby the size of hemorrhoids is reduced.
To treat hemorrhoids with steamed lettuce, you need:
Use about 2 bunches of lettuce, washed thoroughly, a crushed fresh turmeric, halve the figs and add a small teaspoon of salt to a cup. pot. Prepare with about 2 liters of water and bring to a boil. Pour the prepared water on a potty and place a chair with a hole in it. Sit in an anal steam bath for a period of 15 minutes. After that, if the water is still warm, you can use it to soak and wash the anus for 15 minutes, then use a soft towel to dry the anus. The best time to do an anal wash is when you have just finished exercising, or when you are hungry. The performer needs to persist in applying this method for a period of 2 to 3 months, will see the hemorrhoids shrink significantly.

5. Note when using lettuce for hemorrhoids

In the process of treating hemorrhoids with lettuce at home, to achieve the best effect, you need to remember:
Always soak lettuce with salt water and clean water many times before using to remove removing all kinds of harmful agents such as fungi, dirt, bacteria, animal carcasses, ... Medicinal materials that have not been cleaned and used not only reduce their effectiveness but also easily increase the risk of inflammation. infection, it is difficult to achieve the desired effect. Before performing the home remedy for hemorrhoids with lettuce, you also need to clean the anus thoroughly. Maintain regular and persistent treatment methods for a long time to see results. It is necessary to combine treatment of hemorrhoids at home with lettuce, while changing the diet and daily activities to achieve the highest healing purpose. Lettuce itself is a natural herb, so herbal treatments won't work as quickly as medical interventions. On the other hand, the effect that lettuce brings is almost only achieved with hemorrhoids at an early stage with a mild disease level. Therefore, if you are not persistent enough or have had hemorrhoids of grade 3 or higher, this treatment method is not effective. If you want to treat hemorrhoids quickly, minimizing the risk of recurrence, it is best not to wait too much for folk methods such as using lettuce to treat hemorrhoids. Instead, you should take the initiative to visit a specialist doctor to know the exact condition of your disease and find the most optimal treatment.
Hope the information in the above article has helped you answer questions about lettuce treatment for hemorrhoids. If you have any questions, please contact Vinmec doctor for examination and support.
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