What are the benefits of eating lettuce?

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For many people, lettuce is not easy to eat but even causes discomfort because of its fishy smell. However, lettuce has been found by experts to have many health benefits such as: strengthening the immune system, treating acne, improving the functioning of the respiratory tract... So using lettuce leaves How to get the best results. This article will provide more of this information.

1. Information about lettuce

Lettuce belongs to the group of herbaceous plants, perennial, about 20 - 40 cm high. Lettuce rhizomes grow underground. Lettuce has pale yellow flowers and staggered, dark green, heart-shaped leaves. Lettuce leaves, when crushed, have a slightly fishy smell like fish.
In Vietnam, in the past, lettuce was grown wild in mountainous, midland and plain provinces. Later, lettuce was brought to the garden to be used as food as well as medicine to improve health conditions.
All parts of lettuce contain essential oils. Compounds in this essential oil are mainly aldehydes and ketone derivatives such as methynol ketone, ... and 3-oxodocecanal with antibiotic-like effects to help fight bacteria.
The researchers isolated from the leaves of lettuce also obtained compounds such as beta sitosterol and flavonoids such as: quercitrin, rutin, isoquercitrin...

2. Some health benefits of lettuce

Lettuce raw vegetables are quite popular with many people. But the benefits related to this vegetable sometimes we have not discovered all and are always interested in eating lettuce has any effect?
Here are some health benefits of lettuce:
Lettuce helps to treat acne effectively: The active ingredient in lettuce contains antibiotics and anti-inflammatory substances, so Can use lettuce in acne skin care. Use lettuce leaves that are washed and drained, then pounded and mixed with a little salt into this mixture and then applied to the acne-affected skin. Doing this helps acne quickly reduce swelling and pain. Moreover, in addition to using lettuce to treat acne, lettuce can also help reduce dark spots caused by acne. Lettuce and its effects on diabetes: Lettuce contains ethanol compounds. And in the study of the relationship between this vegetable and diabetic patients, patients who drank lettuce juice continuously for 3 weeks could significantly reduce the fasting blood glucose level. In addition, the composition of lettuce juice also contains anti-diabetic substances and plays a role in controlling and stabilizing blood sugar levels in the body. Therefore, lettuce is also considered as a potential effective drug for patients with diabetes.

Rau diếp cá có thể làm giảm đáng kể hàm lượng đường glucose trong máu
Rau diếp cá có thể làm giảm đáng kể hàm lượng đường glucose trong máu

Lettuce helps to control weight effectively: The compound in lettuce leaves not only improves blood sugar, but also has anti-obesity effects. When drinking lettuce water has the ability to reduce excess fat in the body. Regular use in a short time can help control weight effectively. Lettuce helps to improve painful urination: According to folk experience, when experiencing painful urination, lettuce can be used in daily meals. This will help reduce painful urination while also being more diuretic. Because of this effect, traditional medicines also take advantage of the benefits of lettuce to prepare diuretics. Lettuce helps to detoxify the body: besides the ability to increase the diuretic effect of lettuce, lettuce can also help eliminate toxins, purify and eliminate toxins from the body. And these toxins will be eliminated through the urine. Lettuce strengthens the immune system: Some recent studies have shown that lettuce has immune-boosting nutrients because these substances can help stimulate the production of white blood cells. blood. This is an essential cell of the body that helps to strengthen the body's resistance as well as the immunity to help the body stay healthy. Therefore, lettuce is used for all ages to improve resistance.
Lettuce has antipyretic effect for children : When the weather changes, children can often get colds, heat and fever. In this situation, if the child has a low fever and you are afraid to use western medicine to reduce the child's fever, you can use lettuce as an alternative medicine to help reduce the child's fever effectively.

3. Remedies to use lettuce

Remedy to help reduce fever for children: use 20g lettuce, wash and crush then squeeze out the residue to get water. Give the child 2 drinks or use until the fever is gone. Or use lettuce with 15g combined with tea leaves 12g, also wash and cook drinking water to reduce fever for children.
Remedy to treat swollen pimples but no pus: use 12 grams of washed and crushed lettuce. After that, take the lettuce residue and apply it to the acne site. Do it twice a day and do it within 3 days, the condition of the acne will reduce pain and swelling quickly.
Remedy for red eyes caused by green pus bacilli: use 35 grams of lettuce, wash, rinse with boiling water to cool, drain and pound. Then, squeeze two clean gauze pads and put them on your eyes when you go to sleep. Do this for 3 days to help with red eye symptoms.

Rau diếp có còn được ứng dụng trong hỗ trợ điều trị bệnh lý
Rau diếp có còn được ứng dụng trong hỗ trợ điều trị bệnh lý

Remedy to treat swollen breasts due to clogged milk: use 25 grams of dried lettuce with 10 red apples. Then sharpen 3 bowls of water to 1 bowl and drink during the day. Using this method for 3-5 days will help reduce breast swelling.
Remedy for constipation: use 10 grams of dried lettuce leaves, steeped with boiling water after 10 minutes, can be used to drink tea daily. Note, only use this remedy for about qp of people.
Remedies to help treat kidney stones: use 20 grams of lettuce, 15 grams of coriander, 10 grams of ground licorice. Use this mixture for drinking water. Using this remedy for about 1 month is effective in the treatment of kidney stones.

4. Some issues to note when using lettuce

Lettuce is proven to have many health benefits. However, it is not entirely good in some specific cases. Many users also often have concerns about this vegetable such as: does eating lettuce cure white blood?... Basically, lettuce has welding properties. As a food, lettuce is used in combination with other herbs such as marjoram, coriander, lettuce, perilla, green onions... The combined use of these ingredients. Vegetables at the same time bring quite a lot of health benefits. And this also shows that using lettuce very rarely has side effects caused by it.
However, like other vegetables, if used in large quantities or abused, this vegetable can cause some adverse effects on health. If you want to use lettuce regularly, you should discuss this with your doctor to get the right advice.

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