Is it good to eat lettuce every day?

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Lettuce is often used together with other herbs. This is a healthy habit and the side effects of lettuce are rare. However, users should only use lettuce in moderation, should not be abused.

1. Nutritional values ​​in lettuce

Lettuce, also known as apricot tree, fish essence, ... is a small grass, prefers wet places, rhizomes grow underground. The stem of the lettuce plant is erect, hairy or hairless; leaves heart-shaped, tips slightly pointed; The flowers are small, grow in flowers and the whole plant has a fishy smell like fish.
Lettuce is familiar to everyone, this is a plant that is not only used as a vegetable but also used as medicine. The medicinal parts of lettuce are leaves and stem.
According to current medical research, lettuce has decanoyl-acetaldehyde, which is an antibiotic. Therefore, it has antibacterial effect (inhibiting staphylococci, streptococci, pneumococcal, diphtheria, e.coli...); kill parasites and fungi.
Besides, in lettuce also contains many nutrients beneficial to health such as: vitamin A, vitamin B, protein, calcium, iron, potassium, fiber, ... good for the human body.

Rau diếp cá là loại quen thuộc đối với mọi người
Rau diếp cá là loại quen thuộc đối với mọi người

2. Effect of lettuce

With such rich nutritional value, lettuce has a great effect on the human body, specifically:
Lettuce has an acne treatment effect: Women often choose lettuce to treat acne. acne, because it can quickly help acne spots reduce swelling, pain and limit darkening caused by acne. Lettuce has the effect of treating diabetes: In lettuce contains ethanol and anti-diabetic components, capable of stabilizing blood sugar in the human body. Help control weight: In addition to the above effects, lettuce water has the effect of controlling weight, suitable for people on a diet, anti-obesity. Therefore, lettuce has the effect of reducing excess body fat and controlling weight effectively. Lettuce helps diuretic, detoxifies the body: People with frequent urination and painful urination should eat lettuce for diuretic purposes. From its diuretic ability, lettuce also helps to eliminate toxins and purify the body. Treatment of Pneumonia and Infections: Lettuce can be used to aid in the treatment of pneumonia or treat infections-related diseases because of its antibacterial properties. Strengthen human resistance: Eating lettuce in a reasonable way can help people strengthen the immune system, stimulate the production of white blood cells, thereby helping the human body stay healthy. strong, strengthen resistance for all ages from young to old.

Rau diếp cá có tác dụng đối rất lớn với cơ thể con người
Rau diếp cá có tác dụng đối rất lớn với cơ thể con người

3. Is it good to eat lettuce every day?

The above effects of lettuce can help improve many bad health problems. So is it good to eat lettuce every day? Accordingly, lettuce has welding properties. In cuisine, lettuce is often used with other herbs... This is a healthy habit and the side effects of lettuce are very rare. However, there is currently no scientific evidence to answer the question of whether eating a lot of lettuce is good?
But similar to other herbs used daily, users can use lettuce every day but in moderation, do not overdo it. In case you want to supplement daily with lettuce, you must consult with a doctor of Oriental medicine to use it appropriately, to avoid unwanted side effects.

4. Oriental medicine remedies from lettuce fish

Some traditional medicine with ingredients from lettuce used to treat diseases are as follows:
Remedy to treat tuberculosis with blood in the lungs, spitting up foul sputum: Use 63g fish essence (soaked in a bowl of water for about an hour) ), sharpen quickly, remove residue, add an egg, beat well and eat. For good effect, it is recommended to use 1 time a day with a treatment course of 15-30 days. Remedies to treat bronchitis: Use 60g of lettuce leaves, 20g of spleen leaves, 100ml of squash juice. The way to do it is to use the leaves of lettuce and spleen to squeeze the water, the juices are mixed together, can add a little soluble white sugar. Remedies for the treatment of acute pneumonia, urinary tract infections with hot fever, cough, painful and painful urination, allergic rashes: Use 30g of fish essence, 15g of honeysuckle, 30g of white capillary, 15g of Lien Kieu. Sac take water and then add a little white sugar, divide it 2-3 times to drink during the day. Remedies for the treatment of swelling: Lettuce fish, black leaf pot ; Wild cabbage, river bones, cucumber, star fruit, red single, blood example all 15g; 3-leaf raspberry chain, 3 slices of squash, 3 slices of brown tuber, then pound, add water and squeeze to drink, and the residue is applied to the swelling. Remedy for postpartum women with little milk, blocked milk ducts: Take 60-80g of lettuce and drink until milk comes back or blocked milk ducts completely. Cure headaches, dizziness and trouble sleeping: Take 100g of lettuce, wash it and then blend it into a smoothie to drink to cure headaches and trouble sleeping. Cure anal ulcers or vulvar inflammation and pain with lettuce: Take 30-50g of crushed lettuce seeds and cook water to wash anal ulcers or vulvar inflammation and pain. Use anal steaming of lettuce to treat hemorrhoids: To use this method, the patient uses 2 bunches of lettuce and then washed, crushed fresh turmeric, double supplemented and then added a small spoon of salt, then for approx. 2 liters of water and bring to a boil. Pour that water into the basin and sit for about 15 minutes. After anal steaming, if the water is still warm, the patient can use it to soak and wash the anus. Persist in applying anal steam with lettuce leaves from 2 to 3 months, you will see the hemorrhoids shrink up completely.

Có thể sử dụng rau diếp cá mỗi ngày nhưng ở mức vừa phải, không nên quá lạm dụng
Có thể sử dụng rau diếp cá mỗi ngày nhưng ở mức vừa phải, không nên quá lạm dụng
In summary, people can use lettuce in daily meals or as medicine, however, it should not be overused to ensure safety for health.

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