Home Tag Fish lettuce

Articles in Fish lettuce

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Does lettuce cure hemorrhoids?
Lettuce, or with other names in folklore such as coriander, fish essence, is a familiar vegetable to the Vietnamese. This is a vegetable that many people spread to each other to have the ability to treat hemorrhoids. So is lettuce for hemorrhoids right?
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Is it good to eat lettuce every day?
Fish mint is often used with other herbs. This is a healthy habit and side effects of fish mint are rare. However, users should only use fish mint in moderation, not overuse.
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Nutritional composition of lettuce
Fish mint is a familiar food to Vietnamese people and is a valuable medicine that brings many benefits. Fish mint has a spicy, sour, fishy smell, cool properties and many beneficial nutrients, so it is used in the treatment of some diseases. So how should we use fish mint to achieve optimal results?
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What are the benefits of eating lettuce?
For many people, fish mint is not easy to eat and even makes the eater feel uncomfortable because of its fishy smell. However, fish mint has been found by experts to have many health benefits such as: strengthening the immune system, treating acne, improving respiratory function... So how to use fish mint to bring the best results. This article will provide more information.
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What vegetables to eat to cool, cool down?
Green vegetables are a natural source of nutrients that help cool and detoxify the body very effectively. Each type of vegetable has a different characteristic, so eating which vegetables is good for health is something that each of us is always interested in. The following article will show a little information about groups of green vegetables that have the function of cooling and are good for health.
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Is lettuce mask good and should be applied daily?
Fish mint not only helps to increase appetite but also aids in digestion. Fish mint also has the effect of cooling, detoxifying, diuretic and antiseptic. Therefore, fish mint mask is used by many women to treat hidden acne and beautify the skin.
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