Does HIV test require fasting?

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When testing for HIV, test takers do not need to fast, but should wash and clean, especially the genitals before coming for the test, do not shave off lesions, sores, do not apply Any medicine or gel on the ulcerated area.

1. What is an HIV test?

HIV testing includes several tests of blood or body fluids to determine if you are infected with the HIV virus.
It is almost impossible to detect HIV infection immediately, but it takes time for your body to make antibodies or enough virus to develop. It may take about 3–6 months before you get an HIV positive result. That means early testing can give false results.
The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that everyone 13–64 years old get an HIV test at least once. If unfortunately infected with HIV virus, early detection will help prepare better mentally for treatment and take measures to prevent HIV transmission to others.

Xét nghiệm HIV
Xét nghiệm HIV

2. Does HIV test require fasting?

With the problem of getting tested for HIV, do you need to fast? According to social disease specialists, HIV testing is usually based on tests for antigens, antibodies of viruses, or for the presence of bacteria in the blood, in lesions. Therefore, the tester does not need to fast.
Before going to the doctor, HIV testing people should:
Wash and clean, especially the genitals, before coming to take the test; Do not shave, lesions, ulcers; Do not apply any medicine or gel to the ulcerated area; Eat well, no need to fast. In addition, the most important thing to get accurate HIV test results is that patients need to be tested for HIV at the right time as follows:
The first time it is necessary to take the test after 3 months after committing the act of having HIV. risk of infection. The second test after 6 months after performing the risky behavior (do not perform any risky behavior, the test results will be valid).

Xét nghiệm HIV không cần phải nhịn ăn
Xét nghiệm HIV không cần phải nhịn ăn

3. How is HIV treated?

Doctors will prescribe antiretroviral drugs to control the HIV virus in most people.
Most people with HIV need to take their medication at the prescribed time each day and follow all of their doctor's instructions about treatment. Because HIV can get worse if you quit or stop taking your medicine.
If there are any side effects or problems when using the drug, please inform your treating doctor.
Vinmec International General Hospital offers a Package of Examination and Screening for social diseases to help customers detect diseases early and have effective treatment and prevent dangerous complications. The screening package for social diseases at Vinmec is for all ages, both men and women.
To register for examination and treatment at Vinmec International General Hospital, you can contact Vinmec Health System nationwide, or register online HERE.
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