Does a 14-month-old child weighing 10kg meet the standard or not?

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Children's weight is always an indicator of great concern to parents. How to make your child develop the most standard, healthy and active is the desire of all parents who are raising young children. So from a medical point of view, how many kilograms is the best weight for a 14-month-old baby?

1. Developmental characteristics of 14-month-old children

14-month-olds have basically developed gross motor skills through activities such as walking, climbing stairs, moving around and being independent. In terms of fine motor skills, 14-month-old toddlers pick up objects and perform operations with them with their little fingers.
At the age of 14 months, children are always trying to explore everything around, including drawers and drawers, so parents make sure that objects or drawers are well latched to prevent avoid danger to children.
14-month-olds are easily attracted to children of their own age, expressed by the excitement of seeing other children even though they are sometimes not ready to interact directly with you. Over time, a child's level of emotional expression will increase as he or she interacts more with other children or people around. At this age children have gradually learned that their own actions can cause certain reactions.
Linguistically, 14-month-old babies often imitate adult words and repeat as much as possible. Even if they can't speak clearly, children will still try to imitate sentences from parents or family members with babbling "ahh" sounds.
14 months old baby's communication is still limited to a few words and actions, so parents need to use sensory skills to really understand what their baby is trying to say.

Trẻ 14 tháng tuổi rất dễ bị thu hút bởi những bạn nhỏ bằng tuổi
Trẻ 14 tháng tuổi rất dễ bị thu hút bởi những bạn nhỏ bằng tuổi

2. How much does a 14-month-old child weigh?

Weight of a 14-month-old baby according to the World Health Organization WHO:
2.1. For boys For boys at 14 months, according to the standards of the World Health Organization (WHO), the average weight should be 10.1 kg. A 14-month-old boy is at risk of malnutrition when he weighs less than 9kg and is considered malnourished when he weighs less than 8.2kg. On the other hand, 14-month-old boys are at risk of obesity when their weight exceeds 11.3kg and are considered obese when their kilograms exceed 12.4kg.
2.1. For girls For girls, the average weight to reach at 14 months is 9.4kg. A 14-month-old girl is at risk of malnutrition when she weighs less than 8.3kg and is considered malnourished when she weighs less than 7.5kg. On the other hand, a 14-month-old girl is at risk of obesity when her weight exceeds 10.7kg and is considered obese when her weight exceeds 11.9kg.
Besides, the 14-month-old baby has 10 teeth and is in the toddler stage.
2.3. Is a 14-month-old child weighing 10kg standard? It can be seen that a 14-month-old child weighing 10kg (regardless of boy or girl) is also an ideal weight at this age, the child's weight is close to the standard weight according to the World Health Organization WHO. Therefore, 14-month-old children weighing 10 kg are not at risk of malnutrition or obesity.
However, parents need to pay attention to monitor the child's height growth: Boys should have an average height of 78cm and girls 76.4cm.

Trẻ 14 tháng nặng 10kg (bất kể trai hay gái) cũng là một cân nặng lý tưởng ở độ tuổi này
Trẻ 14 tháng nặng 10kg (bất kể trai hay gái) cũng là một cân nặng lý tưởng ở độ tuổi này

3. Recommended serving size for 14-month-old children

At this age, children will eat less than before, so their growth rate tends to slow down. 14-month-olds don't need as much food as younger children, which can make it difficult for parents to make sure babies get all the nutrients they need for growth.
At the age of 14 to 24 months, babies need about 500ml of milk every day (breast milk is best, if breast milk is not enough, children can drink more formula milk and other dairy products. such as yogurt, whey, cheese...); 3-4 meals of porridge/day (total about 600ml/day). The meal of a 14-month-old child should provide all 4 food groups (about 120 - 150g of plain white rice, 100 - 120g of protein, 1 egg per day); 20 - 30g oil (fat); 50 - 100g of green vegetables; 200g of ripe fruit.
Time for each child's meal should not exceed 30 minutes. Mothers need to pay attention to increase breastfeeding to help increase the amount of breast milk; The mother should also eat a full and varied food, drink plenty of water, can supplement with meals or 200ml of formula before going to bed because breast milk is often secreted more at night.
In short, a 14-month-old baby weighing 10kg (regardless of boy or girl) is also an ideal weight at this age. However, besides the weight, parents also need to pay attention to monitor the child's height, because this is an important factor to assess the development of the baby.
In addition, for the best development of 14-month-old baby, caregivers should establish a reasonable diet, complete with nutrients and add necessary micronutrients such as: Zinc, selenium, chromium, vitamin B1 and B6, Ginger, acerola fruit extract (vitamin C), ... for children to improve their taste, eat well, reach the correct height and weight, and exceed the standard, have a good immune system, enhance resistance for less sickness as well as less digestive problems.
To have more knowledge about taking care of children according to age, please visit the website ( regularly and make an appointment with the leading doctors, Pediatricians - Nutrition experts when you need advice.
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