Distinguish between primary and secondary hypertension

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High blood pressure is a dangerous cardiovascular disease. The disease usually has a silent progression, with no characteristic symptoms. In Vietnam, more than 40% of adults have high blood pressure. This is an alarming number.

1. What is blood pressure?

The force exerted by the blood on the walls of the arteries is called blood pressure. Blood pressure is measured in mmHg and is determined by measuring blood pressure.

Trắc nghiệm: Bạn có hiểu đúng về huyết áp cao không?

Huyết áp cao còn được gọi là kẻ giết người thầm lặng vì bệnh thường không có triệu chứng. Thiếu hụt kiến thức về huyết áp cao có thể làm cho tình trạng bệnh trở nên trầm trọng hơn. Dưới đây là những câu hỏi trắc nghiệm vui giúp bạn hiểu đúng về bệnh cao huyết áp.

2. What is hypertension?

High blood pressure occurs when the blood pressure on the artery walls is higher than normal. The disease can progress without any symptoms. If this condition persists, the disease can have serious complications such as heart attack, stroke.
Systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure are two measurements used to measure blood pressure. When one or both readings are too high, you are considered to have high blood pressure.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), when the mean of at least two measurements of systolic blood pressure is 140 mmHg and/or the mean value of diastolic blood pressure 90 mmHg on at least two visits consecutive examination.
If your reading is less than 120/80 mmHg then your blood pressure is in the normal range.
If the blood pressure reading is 120/80 mmHg or higher but below 140/90 mmHg, it is called prehypertension.

Tăng huyết áp là gì?
Tăng huyết áp là gì?

3. What is primary hypertension?

Primary hypertension is the most common type of hypertension with 95% of cases, and complications gradually over time.
Primary hypertension often cannot identify a specific cause of hypertension, so it is also called essential hypertension.

4. What is secondary hypertension?

Secondary hypertension is a condition in which the doctor determines the cause of the increase in blood pressure.
Approximately 5-10% of cases are diagnosed with secondary hypertension.

5. Causes of primary hypertension

Primary hypertension does not have a clear cause, so the study only showed a link between hypertension and a number of risk factors including:
Older people: Blood vessels gradually lose their elasticity recovery in the elderly leads to an increased risk of hypertension. Compared with men in the same age group, women aged 60 and above have a higher risk of developing high blood pressure; Genetic factors: Not only adults, children can also develop high blood pressure. The reason for this is that there is a family history of hypertension; Subjects with obesity, diabetes: Sedentary habits and unbalanced nutrition make the number of obese and diabetic people increase. These are the two factors that increase the rate of high blood pressure; Salt: If the body consumes too much salt, you will be prone to high blood pressure because salt increases water retention.

6. Secondary causes of high blood pressure

Unlike primary hypertension, secondary hypertension always has an identifiable cause.
Some causes for you to have secondary hypertension such as:
Due to hormone disorders in the adrenal gland; Due to disease such as renal failure, renal tumor or renal occlusion; Due to some side effects of drugs such as pain relievers, weight loss drugs...; Due to sleep breathing disorder; Pregnant women for the first time and complications such as preeclampsia ; Due to congenital defects such as coarctation of the aorta. Early identification of the cause of high blood pressure will make treatment easier.

7. How to control blood pressure?

Thường xuyên theo dõi huyết áp để kiểm soát huyết áp
Thường xuyên theo dõi huyết áp để kiểm soát huyết áp
The treatment of hypertension requires patient compliance. Some methods to help patients control blood pressure include:
Regularly monitor blood pressure; Adjust the dose of antihypertensive drugs appropriately; Change lifestyle, implement a healthy lifestyle: Lose weight, reduce salt and saturated fat intake, exercise regularly, avoid stimulants, limit smoking, including passive smoking; Good control of other diseases. High blood pressure will improve if the cause is detected early. To effectively treat high blood pressure, patients need to follow the doctor's prescription.
>> See more: Antihypertensive drugs
Vinmec Times City International General Hospital is currently a prestigious address for patients with hypertension because of the effectiveness that the treatments here bring. again. Vinmec Times City invests in modern equipment, spacious facilities, meeting international standards; especially with outstanding medical quality with a team of well-trained, skilled and experienced cardiologists.
For detailed advice on primary and secondary hypertension as well as effective methods of diagnosing and treating hypertension at Vinmec Times City, you can contact HOTLINE 0243 9743 556 or register online HERE.
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