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Articles in Normal blood pressure

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Why is blood pressure important?
Blood pressure disease including high blood pressure or low blood pressure is becoming more and more common, it is the main cause of death and disability due to complications of the heart, brain, blood vessels...
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How to measure blood pressure correctly in children
In some diseases in children, especially infants, blood pressure monitoring is very important during treatment. However, there are many methods of measuring blood pressure for children as well as many different types of blood pressure monitors, so it is necessary to have specific information to choose the most accurate way to measure blood pressure for children.
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Sudden increase in blood pressure, how to treat?
Blood pressure is an indicator of health status. Sudden increase in blood pressure is more or less harmful to the body. Therefore, recognizing and dealing with sudden high blood pressure will help people have appropriate responses to keep blood pressure stable, thereby protecting the health of themselves and their loved ones.
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Factors associated with hypertension
Hypertension is a fairly common disease today, related to an increase in the body's arterial blood pressure. This is a chronic but very dangerous disease and can leave some serious complications for the patient. For effective treatment, finding the cause of high blood pressure plays a very important role.
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Menu for people with high blood pressure
High blood pressure is a disease that can cause many complications such as heart failure, cerebrovascular accident, easily leading to disability or even death. Among the treatment methods, adjusting the diet, preparing a reasonable menu for people with high blood pressure plays an important role in supporting the treatment of the disease and reducing the risk of complications for the patient.
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Postoperative hypertension
All surgeries carry the potential for certain risks, even when everything is done properly. One of the frequent risks that occur is high blood pressure complications after surgery. To learn more about this situation, please follow the article below.
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Low blood pressure after surgery
Any surgery carries risks during and after surgery. Low blood pressure after surgery is a problem many people face. So what causes this condition and how effective is the management of low blood pressure after surgery?
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Distinguish between primary and secondary hypertension
High blood pressure is a dangerous cardiovascular disease. The disease usually has a silent progression, with no characteristic symptoms. In Vietnam, more than 40% of adults have high blood pressure. This is an alarming number.
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Should people with low blood pressure work outdoors? What should be done to keep the health and blood pressure stable?
Dear doctor. I have low blood pressure 70-80, currently I work as a market worker running outdoors, running the market 3 days a week. Is there any danger in my illness if I still stick with my current job? And should people with low blood pressure work outdoors? What should be done to keep the health and blood pressure stable? Thank you doctor.
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When is it called hypertension? How to detect and treat
For normal people, blood pressure during the day is usually higher than at night. Exercising physical activity, nervous tension or when experiencing strong emotions can all cause blood pressure to rise. Conversely, when the body rests and relaxes, blood pressure may drop.
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Assess blood pressure status through measurement results of the day
Hi doctor! I am 64 years old, blood pressure of the day at 3 times, 130/80 mmHg in the morning, 119/75 mmHg in the afternoon, 117/65 mmHg in the afternoon.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics