Menu for people with high blood pressure

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The article was professionally consulted by Dr. Tran Quoc Tuan - Emergency Medicine Doctor - Emergency Resuscitation Department - Vinmec Phu Quoc International General Hospital. Doctor Tran Quoc Tuan has more than 12 years of experience in emergency resuscitation.
High blood pressure is a disease that can cause many complications such as heart failure, cerebrovascular accident, easily leading to disability or even death. Among the treatment methods, adjusting the diet, preparing a reasonable menu for people with high blood pressure plays an important role in supporting the treatment of the disease and reducing the risk of complications for the patient.

1. An overview of high blood pressure

Blood pressure is a combination of: The pressure exerted by the heart to push blood into the arteries and the elastic force of the arteries. When the heart contracts, we have systolic blood pressure. When the heart is at rest, we have diastolic blood pressure. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), if the blood pressure readings in adults are between 140/90 mmHg - 159/95 mmHg, it is considered as limit hypertension. If the blood pressure reading is over 160/95 mmHg, it is officially considered high blood pressure. Grades of high blood pressure include:
High blood pressure grade 1 (mild): Blood pressure readings from 140/90 mmHg - 159/95 mmHg; High blood pressure grade 2 (moderate): Blood pressure readings from 160/95 mmHg - 179/100 mmHg; Grade 3 (severe) high blood pressure: a blood pressure reading of 180/100 mmHg or higher. Common symptoms of high blood pressure are headache, dizziness, dizziness, blurred vision, ringing in the ears, insomnia, nervousness, memory loss, fatigue, irritability, numbness in hands and feet, etc.

Huyết áp cao gây ra triệu chứng đau đầu
Huyết áp cao gây ra triệu chứng đau đầu
High blood pressure can cause many unpredictable complications in the organs:
In the brain: Headache, forgetfulness, cerebral hemorrhage, cerebral palsy,...; In the heart: Enlarged heart, heart failure, arrhythmia, myocardial infarction,...; In kidney: Renal edema, renal failure,...; In arteries: Narrowing or occlusion of limb arteries, basilar artery causing blindness, cervical artery,...; Other complications: Decreased sexual ability,... In cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure is a disease with a high risk of death. Meanwhile, disease detection and control still face many difficulties. Patients who have been diagnosed with high blood pressure need to follow a strict treatment regimen, monitor their blood pressure regularly and follow a scientific lifestyle and diet.

Trắc nghiệm: Bạn có hiểu đúng về huyết áp cao không?

Huyết áp cao còn được gọi là kẻ giết người thầm lặng vì bệnh thường không có triệu chứng. Thiếu hụt kiến thức về huyết áp cao có thể làm cho tình trạng bệnh trở nên trầm trọng hơn. Dưới đây là những câu hỏi trắc nghiệm vui giúp bạn hiểu đúng về bệnh cao huyết áp.

2. Notes on diet for high blood pressure patients

There are many causes that affect high blood pressure such as psychological, social, and unscientific dietary factors (eating salty foods, drinking a lot of tea, coffee, tobacco, alcohol,...). Therefore, a reasonable diet is an important factor in the prevention and treatment of high blood pressure. Therefore, people with high blood pressure need:
2.1 What should people with high blood pressure eat? Limit foods rich in fat, especially animal fat such as fatty meat, fried foods, fried foods, ... and foods rich in cholesterol such as animal organs (heart, liver, kidney, ..). The reason is that absorbing a lot of fat will increase blood fat, promote hardening of the arteries, aggravate high blood pressure; Eat light, limit salt to reduce blood pressure. Because the main component of salt is sodium with a strong ability to absorb water. When it penetrates the artery wall, sodium causes the arteries to narrow, increasing peripheral resistance and increasing blood pressure. Therefore, people with high blood pressure should not absorb more than 3g of salt/day; Eat less sweets (saccharose, fructose, glucose all increase blood sugar, blood fat; Limit processed foods such as salted meat, dried fish, sausages, spring rolls, pickles, salted eggplant,...; Avoid absorption). too much caffeine, limit drinking strong tea, strong coffee, chili,...;

Người bệnh cao huyết áp nên hạn chế ăn ngọt
Người bệnh cao huyết áp nên hạn chế ăn ngọt
2.2 What should high blood pressure eat? Choose foods that protect blood vessels and have a fat-reducing effect, rich in potassium: Celery, black fungus, onions, bananas, tomatoes, garlic, shiitake, seaweed, sea cucumbers,... Eat a lot of fish and sea fish. Contains unsaturated fatty acids, reduces blood cholesterol, prolongs the aggregation of platelets, inhibits the formation of blood clots, prevents cerebrovascular accidents. At the same time, sea fish is rich in linoleic acid, which increases the elasticity of capillaries, prevents blood vessel rupture, and prevents complications of high blood pressure. Therefore, each week should eat fish 2-3 times; Increase fiber-rich foods: Oats, corn kernels, noodles,... The fiber in these foods has the ability to absorb cholesterol, speed up the excretion of bile acids from feces, reduce blood cholesterol and prevent arteriosclerosis condition. Provide enough fiber to support the prevention and treatment of high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, high blood fat. The amount of fiber the body absorbs daily should be more than 15g. In addition, in patients with high blood pressure suffering from constipation, fiber also helps laxative, convenient, effective prevention of constipation;

Tăng cường chất xơ trong khẩu phần ăn hằng ngày
Tăng cường chất xơ trong khẩu phần ăn hằng ngày
Should eat vegetables and fruits: Is a food that contains many vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin C and vitamin E. Vitamin C helps reduce cholesterol, enhances the elasticity of blood vessels, and vitamin E has strong antioxidant capabilities, ensuring the completeness of cell membranes, preventing arteriosclerosis. And minerals such as chromium, zinc, selenium, ... help metabolize lipids and glucid; Iodine helps inhibit the absorption of cholesterol in the intestines,...

3. Suggested menu for people with high blood pressure

Patients with high blood pressure should eat less in meals, divide many meals a day (4-5 meals) and should not eat too full. Here is a suggested menu for a week for high blood pressure patients
Monday: Breakfast: 1 cup of oatmeal with skimmed milk. You can use half a cup of fresh orange juice; Snack: 1 apple and 1 box of low-fat yogurt; Lunch: Whole grain sandwich with tuna and mayonnaise; Afternoon snack: 1 banana; Dinner: Chicken breast cooked with beans, broccoli and boiled carrots. Should eat brown rice instead of white rice; Tuesday: Breakfast: Bread with margarine or fruit jam. Should drink more orange juice and eat 1 more apple; Snack: 1 banana; Lunch: Chicken rice with mixed vegetables and low-fat cheese; Afternoon snack: Peaches (fresh or canned) and low-fat yogurt; Dinner: Pan-fried salmon, mashed potatoes and boiled vegetables;

Người bệnh cao huyết áp nên ăn nhẹ bằng một trái chuối
Người bệnh cao huyết áp nên ăn nhẹ bằng một trái chuối
Wednesday: Breakfast: Oatmeal and skim milk or cereal with low-fat milk. Patients should add cranberry juice or fresh lemon juice; Snack: 1 orange; Lunch: Whole wheat bread with lean chicken and low-fat cheese. Patients can eat more vegetable salad mixed with tomatoes to add more fiber. If you do not eat bread, you can switch to barley or pasta; Afternoon snack: Crackers and pineapple; Dinner: Pan-fried cod fillet or basa, salmon or mackerel fillet, served with broccoli and green beans; Thursday: Breakfast: Pho or noodle soup (don't order too fatty broth), drink raspberry or fresh orange juice; Snack: 1 porcelain banana; Lunch: Lettuce salad, cherry tomatoes, eggs and olive oil served with grilled fish; Afternoon snack: Chilled pears served with low-fat yogurt; Dinner: Stir-fried pork with bell peppers served with rice cooked from brown rice with boiled cabbage or water spinach; Friday: Breakfast: Smoked chicken, boiled egg served with tomatoes and 2 slices of toasted barley bread, dessert with fruit juice; Snack: 1 apple; Lunch: Crab vermicelli and mixed vegetables; Afternoon snack: 1 plate of fruit salad; Dinner: spaghetti, noodles or pho with chia sauce, minced meat, mushrooms and peas; Saturday and Sunday: Breakfast: Banh cuon or wet cake, drink more orange juice or lemon juice; Snack: 1 apple or pear, peach, mango,...; Lunch: Honey grilled chicken served with vinegar salad or grilled vegetables; biscuits can be used; Afternoon snack: Fruit pickle with low-fat yogurt; Dinner: Steak with beef or pork, served with mashed potatoes, boiled broccoli, low-fat cheese and peas. Can drink with 1 glass of red wine to enhance the taste.

Định kỳ kiểm tra sức khỏe tim mạch là việc làm cần thiết
Định kỳ kiểm tra sức khỏe tim mạch là việc làm cần thiết

Currently, Vinmec International General Hospital has basic hypertension packages with a team of doctors - doctors who are leading experts, highly qualified, dedicated and devoted to the benefit of the patient. core. Vinmec is confident about its hypertensive screening service because:
With 90% having university degrees, 20% are professors, associate professors, nearly 30% are doctors, bringing high efficiency in medical examination and treatment. Healing. Comprehensive and professional medical examination, consultation and treatment services. A system of modern equipment, supporting effective diagnosis and treatment. Modern, civilized, luxurious and sterile medical examination and treatment space.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

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