Diet to increase height for puberty children

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Puberty is a very important time in a child's development, especially when it comes to height. If children have the right nutrition, they will be able to achieve optimal height.

1. The relationship between nutrition problems and height growth in pubertal children

Human height grows continuously from birth to adulthood, in which puberty is the time when height growth is very fast and strong.
Girls will start to skyrocket in height in the early years of puberty, while boys will start to increase in height later, in the last years of puberty. It is almost impossible for both men and women to grow taller once they reach adulthood.
There are many different factors affecting the development of human height, of which the most important and the most important is the genetic factor, but genetics is an unchangeable factor. In terms of impact, nutrition and exercise will have a decisive influence on the final height achieved in adulthood, so puberty children need a balanced, healthy diet. strong, full of nutrients to be able to have optimal physical and mental development as well as height.

Tăng chiều cao thường do yếu tố di truyền quyết định
Tăng chiều cao thường do yếu tố di truyền quyết định

2. Diet for children during puberty to reach optimal height

When entering puberty, the amount of energy a child needs to provide each day is equivalent to that of an adult, from 2200 to 2400 calories. Children need such a large amount of energy not only because they are growing fast and strong physically and mentally, but also because during this period they are physically active a lot, so they need to supplement. lots of energy.
Nutrition for puberty children should pay attention to the following issues:
Carbohydrate: is one of the three main nutritional components (the other two are lipids and proteins), providing most of the energy for children. The amount of energy provided by carbohydrates accounts for 60-70% of the total daily energy requirement. It is recommended to use carbohydrates from beneficial foods (such as whole grains) so that children can enjoy many health benefits and prevent overweight and obesity. Lipids: Lipids are an important component for children at puberty. In addition to helping children eat well, lipids provide a lot of energy and are an indispensable factor for the body to absorb vitamins A, D, E, K. During puberty, children need to be provided with vitamins and minerals. saturated fat (most commonly found in animal fats) and unsaturated fats (most commonly found in vegetable oils and fish oils), and the amount of lipid needed per day is about 40 - 50 g.

Lipid trong dầu cá cung cấp lượng lớn Lipid cho cơ thể trẻ
Lipid trong dầu cá cung cấp lượng lớn Lipid cho cơ thể trẻ

Protein: Puberty is a period of strong physical development for children, so they need more protein than adults. The amount of energy provided by protein accounts for about 15% of the total daily energy requirement. It is best for children to use protein of animal origin, so that in addition to protein, children can also absorb other trace elements available in food. Calcium: Calcium is an indispensable element for children to develop bones to help them stay strong and reach maximum height. Children need 1200 mg of calcium per day. Iron: Iron is very important for children during puberty, especially in girls (because girls start menstruating). Boys need 12-18 mg/iron per day, while girls need more, 20 mg/iron per day.

3. But another note for puberty to achieve optimal height

In addition to proper nutrition, children need to be active, practice sports, because puberty is the last stage when children can achieve optimal height. Children being exercised and exercised are not only meaningful in terms of height development, but also create habits in children, helping them maintain an active lifestyle, which is very meaningful in the prevention of diseases in the future.

Tập luyện thể thục thể thao giúp trẻ đạt chiều cao tối ưu ở tuổi dậy thì
Tập luyện thể thục thể thao giúp trẻ đạt chiều cao tối ưu ở tuổi dậy thì

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