Diet to help supplement calcium

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Calcium is an essential mineral, helps the body stay healthy, has an ideal height when mature, and especially helps the body avoid bone and joint diseases. Therefore, it is necessary to have a reasonable diet to supplement calcium.

1. Why need calcium supplements?

Calcium is a mineral that accounts for about 1.5-2% of body weight, of which 99% exists in teeth, bones and fingernails and toenails, only 1% of calcium exists in the blood. and in cellular and extracellular fluids.
Calcium has a role in bone development, strengthening bones and teeth, preventing rickets, osteoporosis and osteomalacia. In addition, calcium also plays an important role in blood circulation, maintaining muscle activity, signaling to nerve cells and helping to secrete certain hormones. Calcium ensures the operation of many organs in the body, makes ions easily permeable to cell membranes, helps cells and tissues function normally, enzymes are easily activated and accelerates the metabolism of nutrients. nutrients, hormones are transported and circulated well. Calcium also affects blood clotting and stimulates neuromuscular activity.

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Canxi tác động vào quá trình đông máu
Calcium also plays an important role in muscle contraction activity in the limbs and especially the heart muscle. A lack of calcium will lead to leg cramps. Therefore, it is necessary to maintain stable blood calcium levels.
Children and young adults need 800-1200mg of calcium every day. For adults is 900mg. Menopausal women need 1,200mg or more, and pregnant and lactating women need 1200-1500mg of calcium per day. Therefore, it is necessary to supplement calcium through food and daily diet to ensure stable bones and healthy digestive tract.

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Người bị bệnh đái tháo đường cần phải quan tâm nhiều hơn đến cách tính toán khẩu phần ăn sao cho phù hợp với nhu cầu và tình trạng sức khỏe. Nếu chưa rõ, bạn có thể tìm hiểu kỹ hơn thông qua bài trắc nghiệm ngắn sau đây.

2. Foods rich in calcium

A diet rich in calcium ensures strong bones, a good digestive tract and helps the organs in the body work healthy. Foods rich in calcium include:
Milk and dairy products: provide calcium and nutrients such as vitamin D, vitamin A, protein, phosphorus, riboflavin. All kinds of fish and shrimp: salmon, mackerel, soft-bone canned fish, sardines, shrimp, crab shrimp... Green vegetables: morning glory, jute, spinach, sugar beet,. .. Seeds: sesame, soybean, dried shiitake... Eggs

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Trứng chứa lượng lớn canxi

Cheese Yogurt However, in addition to adding calcium-rich foods, it is also important to note vitamin D. Because vitamin D helps the body easily absorb calcium to deposit in the bones. Some foods are rich in vitamin D such as: early morning sunlight, milk, sea fish,...
It should be noted to add enough calcium to avoid excess, leading to deposition and possible cause some diseases such as kidney stones, bladder stones,...

Calcium is an essential mineral for the development of the body, calcium is contained in many foods such as shrimp, shrimp, crab, fish, green vegetables, ... In addition, vitamin D is needed to Easily absorb calcium. However, it is necessary to supplement calcium according to the diet in a reasonable way, avoid excess and contraindicated for people with bladder stones, kidney stones,... Can refer to the diet through experts nutrition.

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