Core strength exercises with gym ball

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Exercise balls are one of the best tools for increasing core strength, endurance, and stability. By adding a ball to some moves, you add even more intensity, making a core workout challenging. Just make sure you're comfortable using the exercise ball and take the time to practice. Learn more about core strength exercises with the gym ball in the article below.

1. How to use exercise ball in practice?

Exercise balls are one of the best training tools for improving strength, endurance, and stability in core muscle groups. Because our bodies are placed on an unstable surface, the muscles, especially the core muscles, have to work harder to keep your balance. By adding a gym ball to some moves, we can even increase the intensity, making using the gym ball in our workouts a challenging core workout.
Plus with the exercise ball, we not only strengthen your core, but also improve your balance and coordination. Just make sure you are comfortable using the exercise ball as some movements can be difficult. Therefore, take the time to familiarize yourself with the practice ball and learn how to balance it before applying it to specific exercises.
All that is needed for a ball exercise is an exercise ball, a mat and a light medium ball (recommended weight: 1.5 – 3 kg). However, it is important to talk to your doctor before trying this exercise if you have any injuries, medical conditions or other health problems.
How to work out with the gym ball
Warm up for 5 to 10 minutes with the usual cardio or strength exercises we usually do. Perform each exercise as described below about 1 to 3 sets of 12 to 16 reps. Adjust movements to suit your fitness level and skip any exercises that cause pain or discomfort. Take at least one day of rest between each workout.

Luyện tập với bóng thể dục là một trong những cách tốt nhất để nâng cao sức khoẻ
Luyện tập với bóng thể dục là một trong những cách tốt nhất để nâng cao sức khoẻ
Ball Marches exercise: Sit on a ball with abs tight, back straight, feet flat on the floor. Bring your arms behind your head or to increase the difficulty, place them on a ball or cling to a wall for balance if needed. Lift your right foot off the floor, lower it, and then lift your left foot off the floor. Continue doing those movements on the ball for 60 seconds. Butt Lift: Lie on the ball with your head, neck, and shoulders supported, knees bent, and body in a tabletop position. Lower your hips toward the floor without rolling on the ball. Squeeze your glutes to raise your hips until your body is in a straight line. Add a few dumbbells above your hips to increase the intensity and make sure the balance is done with your heels, not your toes. Repeat 16 times. Back exercise: Place the ball under your hips/abdomen with your knees on the floor (the position is considered the easiest of this exercise) or straight. With your hands behind your head or behind your back, slowly roll the ball down. Lift your chest off the ball, lifting your shoulders until your body is in a straight line. Make sure that our body is aligned (i.e. head, neck, shoulders and back are in a straight line), abs are pulled in and not pushed back. Repeat 16 times. Practitioners can also modify and turn this exercise into a knee exercise. Plank with the toes: This is an advanced exercise, so the practitioner needs to make sure they are familiar with working with the ball before trying it. Get into a plank position with your hands under your shoulders and your feet on the ball. Practitioners can stand on tiptoes (more difficult) or balance with their feet. Once balanced, slowly lift your right foot off the ball and touch it to the floor. Bring your right foot back, place it on top of the ball, and lower your left foot. Repeat 12 to 16 times. Rolling exercise: Place your hands on the ball in front of you with your arms parallel. Pull your abs forward and squeeze your torso, slowly rolling forward, rolling the ball as far as you can without arching or straining your back. Be careful not to push the ball too far, otherwise you may not be able to return. Push your elbows into the ball and squeeze your abs to pull your body back to the starting position. Avoid rolling back muscles. Repeat 12 to 16 times. Throwing exercise: Lie on the floor with a ball under your shoulders and lower back, holding a small ball in your hands. Straighten your arms and bring the ball straight behind your back, parallel to the floor. Bend your shoulders off the ball and at the same time bring the small ball up toward the ceiling. Lower and repeat 16 times. Ball Twist exercise: Put your body into a push-up position with your feet on either side of the ball. Next, rotate your ankles to hug the ball on either side. Make sure your hands are directly below your shoulders and your head and neck are in a straight line. Keeping your body in a straight line with your abs pulled, slowly rotate the ball to the right while trying to keep it at shoulder level and then to the left. Repeat 12 to 16 times, alternating sides.

Plank chân với bóng thể dục nâng cao sức mạnh cốt lõi của chân
Plank chân với bóng thể dục nâng cao sức mạnh cốt lõi của chân

2. 5 ball exercises with gymnastics that strengthen core muscle groups

2.1. Sit-ups with gym ball

Performing a controlled crunch on the surface of an exercise ball will strengthen the abdominal area more than a regular crunch.
How to do it: Sit on an exercise ball and bring your legs forward so that your shoulders, neck, and thighs are parallel to the floor. Put your neck in the most relaxed state, bring your hands behind your head. Focus on your center of gravity and lift your shoulder blades off the ball, pausing when your body reaches a 45-degree angle. Keep your gaze up to the sky or to the ceiling so you don't put too much pressure on your neck. Pause, then gently lower your upper body back down to the starting position. This movement has nothing to do with speed, so the slower we go, the more effective the exercise will be. Repeat the above movements 10 times.

2.2. Hand extension exercise

Lower your shoulders and center of gravity. Extension exercises performed on an exercise ball will increase the range of motion of the hands more than when we do these movements on the floor.
How to do it: Place chest on an exercise ball, legs extended straight back. Try to balance with your toes. Place your body in a plank position and your head in a neutral position. Keeping your center of gravity, glutes, and back focused, drop your arms off your shoulders but don't touch the ground or the ball. Then, raise your arms and stretch them straight over your head so that your body makes the letter "Y.". Lower your arms. Next, raise the arms so that they extend straight out from the sides to form a "T" shape. Lower your arms. Repeat each step over 10 times.

2.3. Ball Roll-Outs Stabilization Exercise

Experts say that using an exercise ball to roll your body can help toned muscles much more than traditional forms of exercise. However, this is also one of the more difficult exercises, with all muscle groups, especially the hamstrings.
How to do it: Start by kneeling on the ground, trying to balance with your toes, not your entire foot. Place an exercise ball in front of you. Place your forearm on top of the ball so that your arm forms a 90-degree angle. Push yourself off your toes and roll forward to balance on the ball in a plank position. Our body should form a straight line from head to heel. Hold for a second, then bend your knees and slowly roll back to the starting position. Repeat the above steps 10 times.

Bài tập căng cơ bụng với bóng thể dục nhắm đến các nhóm cơ cốt lõi
Bài tập căng cơ bụng với bóng thể dục nhắm đến các nhóm cơ cốt lõi

2.4. Abdominal stretching exercises

For this exercise, the lower back of the practitioner will be balanced on an exercise ball, to do that, the practitioner will need stable core muscle groups to perform this move. This is a two-in-one exercise because it targets both your glutes and core muscle groups.
How to do it: Sit on an exercise ball with your feet flat on the floor. Step your feet forward and roll your back onto the ball so that your shoulders and upper back are supported by the ball. Contract and lift your butt off the floor. The practitioner's shoulders and back should remain on the ball and hold for two seconds. Drop your hips to the floor, then squeeze and lift your butt up again. Repeat these movements 10 times.

2.5. Squat exercise with gym ball

The squat exercise with an exercise ball helps the practitioner exercise their glutes, hip muscles and core muscle groups. In addition, this exercise also supports a lot of our lower back.
How to do it: Stand with an exercise ball about halfway between the wall and your lower back. You should face away from the wall, standing tall with your shoulder blades pulled back. Lean on the ball and make sure your weight is completely on your heels. With your hands on your hips, slowly lower yourself into a squat until your knees are bent at 90 degrees and your thighs are parallel to the ground. Next, squeeze your glutes and work your glutes, hamstrings, and core muscle groups to get up. Repeat this movement 10 times.
Core exercises are exercises that strengthen your core muscle groups, including strengthening your abs, back muscles, and muscles around your pelvis. You can do many core strength exercises with an exercise ball. In general, use an exercise ball that is sized so that your knees are at a right angle as you sit on the ball with your feet flat on the floor. Do each core strength exercise five times and maintain a good technique. Once you get used to the ball, increase the intensity to 12 to 15 reps. For most people, an exercise of 12 to 15 repetitions can best build strength and improve fitness. Breathe freely, deeply, and focus on tightening your abs during each core strength exercise. If you have back pain, osteoporosis or any other health problem, talk to your doctor before doing these core strength exercises.
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