Cool off with tapioca flour, give this thing too much, beware of mouth ulcers and diabetes

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The article is provided with information from Doctor, Doctor Ho Thu Mai - Head of Nutrition Department, Department of Medical Examination - Vinmec Times City International Hospital

Tapioca flour helps to cool down very well in hot summer days. But if abused, used in the wrong way, this food will be counterproductive, even causing heat in the mouth and diabetes.
Tapioca flour can have the opposite effect of "cooling off" for unexpected reasons. Being sent by her mother-in-law to weigh her homemade pomelo flower-marinated tapioca flour, Ms. Nguyen Thi Hang (Hoang Mai District, Hanoi) was very happy.
It's not that her son often has heat rash, and her husband often has heat in the mouth, so Hang wants to give her husband and children tapioca flour to cool down. However, she did not dare to buy it outside because she was afraid that "Tassi flour is floating in the market and doesn't know which way to go, only afraid of making the dough unhygienic and mixed with impurities".
Received tapioca flour from her mother-in-law, she mixed it for her children to drink every day. To "seduce" her children to drink, she added a lot of sugar to make it sweeter. She did not expect that after two weeks of drinking tapioca flour, her child would show signs of irritability and discomfort as if it was hot inside.
“Stop drinking tapioca flour, you won't be like that anymore. I don't understand why drinking tapioca flour to cool down but my child has such a hot expression?", asked Hang.

Bột sắn dây là thức uống giải nhiệt khi hè đến. Tuy nhiên, nếu không biết dùng đúng cách thức uống này sẽ phản tác dụng.
Bột sắn dây là thức uống giải nhiệt khi hè đến. Tuy nhiên, nếu không biết dùng đúng cách thức uống này sẽ phản tác dụng.

Hot weather makes people tend to look for cool foods and drinks. In particular, using tapioca flour to "relieve heat", prevent boils, heat rash, and cool skin is a popular choice in families. However, not everyone knows how to use this drink properly.
Talking to PV Em Dep, Dr. Ho Thu Mai, Department of Nutrition, Vinmec Hospital confirmed that tapioca has strong soldering and cooling properties. "But if you regularly drink tapioca flour for too much sugar, it will be the same amount of sugar that will make tapioca flour counterproductive, causing heat in the mouth, the risk of obesity and diabetes," Dr. Ho Thu Mai explained.
Spot the mistakes that are easy to make when drinking tapioca powder According to Dr. Ho Thu Mai, kudzu is an easy drink to drink but not easy to drink. There are some mistakes many people are prone to make when drinking tapioca flour.
In addition to the mistake of giving too much sugar, we also have to mention the habit of drinking raw tapioca because we think that drinking will take advantage of the coolness of tapioca.
“Tassi flour is usually processed manually. Therefore, during the starch filtration process, it may not filter all impurities, contaminated tapioca starch. To prevent the risk of abdominal pain and diarrhea, it is best to mix cassava flour with boiling water to cook it, not with cold water," said Dr. Ho Thu Mai recommends.
Cool off with tapioca flour, give this thing too much, beware of mouth ulcers and diabetes

Should mix cassava flour with boiling water or cooked when eating and eat in moderation. then, tapioca flour will promote cooling effect. Illustration.
Some people think that drinking more tapioca flour will have the effect of cooling off the hot season without knowing this is a mistake.
Dr. Ho Thu Mai advises: “Do not drink more than 1 glass/day and only add a little sugar. For pregnant women, if the body is hot, this is a good cooling drink. But if the pregnant woman feels tired, has a miscarriage, she should absolutely not drink because the cold nature of kudzu makes the pregnant woman more tired and increases uterine contractions.
There are many people who think that tea made from tapioca can be "eaten without rice", especially on hot summer days. Dr. Ho Thu Mai expressed that tapioca tea should not be the main dish in summer days.
Because although it has good heat dissipation properties, in terms of nutrition, tapioca has very little energy. In 100g of tapioca flour, protein accounts for 0.7 g; glucide 84.3 g; calcium18 mg; iron 1.5 mg. Due to the low nutritional content, the dishes made from tapioca are just "additional food", "play". Especially for young children, tapioca tea cannot be substituted for their main meal.
“Mothers should only feed children tapioca starch when the child is over 6 months old. Can process a variety of dishes for children such as cassava flour with young corn, green beans, black beans are very cool and easy to digest. Do not feed when hungry because it can cause "drunk" syndrome, Dr. Mai emphasized.
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