Should you drink raw cassava?

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Tapioca has strong cooling and soldering properties, and tapioca powder is used to make soft drinks and dispel the heat of summer. Many people believe that it is advisable to drink fresh, fresh cassava because it still retains its essence. However this is not entirely correct.

1. Do not drink raw tapioca flour

Most of the tapioca flour sold on the market are processed manually, without sterilization or meeting any food safety certification standards. The process of refining cassava flour is certainly unavoidable with impurities, dirt and even germs.
Therefore, it is recommended to drink tapioca flour mixed with boiling water or cook it into tea on the stove to ensure that the boiling temperature can destroy pathogens that are harmful to the intestines for your family members, especially the young children and the elderly.

2. Why should we use ripe cassava?

Sắn dây nấu chín vẫn giữ nguyên được vị thanh mát vốn có mà lại tốt cho đường ruột
Sắn dây nấu chín vẫn giữ nguyên được vị thanh mát vốn có mà lại tốt cho đường ruột

The preparation of cassava with high temperature helps the starch component in tapioca break down into shorter segments. From there, the amount of cassava taken in is easily absorbed through the intestinal wall into the blood, avoiding the feeling of bloating and gas in the stomach. If you can get rid of the heat but then feel uncomfortable, don't want to eat, and make your stomach tired, it's not a good idea.
This is not meant to be consumed while still hot. Instead, after being mixed with boiled water, tapioca can be left to cool or add a little ice, with cassava tea stored in the refrigerator for a period of time before enjoying it will still retain its cool taste. inherent in cassava but still gentle for the intestinal tract.

3. To whom, how much and when to use tapioca flour?

Pha bột sắn dây đúng cách sẽ rất ngon mà lại bổ dưỡng
Pha bột sắn dây đúng cách sẽ rất ngon mà lại bổ dưỡng

Not only need to know how to process but also need to know who can use tapioca flour, how much is enough and when is reasonable... Because, when drinking too much tapioca flour, flour Cassava is easy to cause "cold stomach", drinking raw will not be fully absorbed, so it causes stomach cramps, continuous diarrhea, especially in young children. Therefore, children under 10 years old, the intestinal system is not fully developed, it is not recommended for children to drink cassava. Even some folk tips for children who often have mouth ulcers to eat tapioca flour instead of porridge or milk to reduce heat are completely wrong. Children are both nutritionally deficient and unable to absorb tapioca, prone to digestive disorders.
In addition, due to the solderability, tapioca flour should not be used for people suffering from cold, cold or feeling weak, low blood pressure. The use of cassava at this time makes the body weak, lose heat, and lose more energy.
In short, tapioca flour should be eaten cooked instead of raw for better health. Mix a few spoons of tapioca into a cup of boiled water, stir until the tapioca is dissolved, with a teaspoon of sugar or honey, a little lemon juice will be a refreshment for hot days.
Instructions for drinking cassava properly What is the effect of cassava? Common mistakes when using tapioca flour for children
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