Uses of Gel Kamistad

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Kamistad gel is a topical medication, indicated for cases of painful ulcers in the mouth, lips or gums. The drug is used according to the dose recommended by the doctor, so the patient should avoid self-adjusting the dose for personal treatment purposes.

1. What is kamistad gel?

Kamistad gel is a topical drug, capable of causing surface anesthesia and pain relief for people with pain in the lips, oral mucosa, gingivitis, .... The drug is produced by Stada Arzneimittel A.G Company - Germany , in each tube of 10gr gel contains the following main ingredients:
Lidocaine HCl 1 H2O 20mg content. Benzalkonium chloride (preservative) content 1mg. Chamomile extract 185mg. Other active ingredients: Saccharin sodium 2H20, Cinnamon essential oil, purified water, Carbomers, Anhydrous formic acid 98%, Trometamol and Ethanol 96%.

2. Indications and uses of Gel kamistad

2.1 Indications for use of topical kamistad Gel kamistad topical is usually indicated for use in the following cases:
Treatment of inflammation, painful swelling of the lips or oral mucosa, including the condition with blisters, gums (gingivitis) and chapped lips due to cold weather. Used for topical application to irritated palate, gums and mucous membranes for denture wearers. To help prevent local reactions in teething infants or adults with wisdom teeth, kamistad gel is sometimes used in orthodontic surgery. 2.2 Uses of kamistad gel for topical application To understand the use of kamistad gel, let's take a look at the roles and functions of the ingredients in this drug:
Lidocaine: As an active ingredient with amide structure, Provides local anesthesia with medium duration of action. Lidocaine in Kamistad Gel helps to inhibit pain signals by reducing the permeability of neuronal membranes to sodium ions. When applied topically to the gingival or oral mucosa, lidocaine is absorbed based on the density of blood vessels in these areas. For topical gels, lidocaine provides a local anesthetic effect lasting more than 10 minutes. Chamomile extract: Has anti-inflammatory effects, helps prevent the risk of infection at the wound. This ingredient in kamistad gel also acts as a natural antiseptic, helping to effectively treat mouth ulcers such as gingivitis or canker sores. Besides, chamomile extract also helps to provide necessary moisture to the skin, thereby helping to soothe irritation. Benzalkonium chloride: As a preservative used in combination with other active ingredients. Not only that, this ingredient also has a local antiseptic effect, helping to prevent the risk of infection in scratches or cuts on the skin.

3. Dosage and how to use kamistad Gel

3.1 Dosage of kamistad gel The dose of kamistad gel applied to the skin will be determined based on the disease condition and patient population, specifically:
Dosage for adults:
Treatment of gingivitis and mouth sores: Apply 3 times / day, each time take about 5mm of the length of the drug from when squeezing the gel tube. Use the medicine continuously for 5-7 days and gently apply to the inflamed or painful areas to quickly improve. Treatment of painful inflammation caused by implantation of dentures or wisdom tooth extraction: Apply 3 times / day, each time with a pea-sized amount. Dosage for children:
Children with gingivitis, canker sores can apply the drug 1/2 of the adult dose, 3 times a day. To relieve pain when your baby is teething, you can apply 1/4 cm of the length of the medicine removed from the tube to apply to the painful area. Do not apply Kamistad Gel to a child more than 3 times in 24 hours. 3.2 How to handle overdosage or missed dose of kamistad Overdose of lidocaine can lead to convulsions in young children (from 10 to 30 ml). In addition, overconsumption of lidocaine can cause local anesthetic toxicity due to rapid intravenous or extravascular administration. Some patients with seizures due to an overdose of local anesthetics are also at risk for hypercapnia, hypoxemia, and acidosis. When abnormal symptoms appear, the patient should immediately notify the doctor or go to a medical facility for diagnosis and treatment.
For the state of forgetting to apply a dose of kamistad, the patient needs to take the drug as soon as possible. However, the missed dose should be skipped if it is almost time for the next dose. Avoid applying double the prescribed dose as this can cause side effects.
3.3 How to use Kamistad Gel Before using kamistad topical gel, patients should carefully read the instructions printed on the product packaging or talk to their doctor about any questions related to how to take the medicine.
For topical preparations such as kamistad, you need to avoid direct contact of the gel with the nose or eyes. If this happens, you need to quickly wash the affected area with clean water.
Before using kamistad, you need to clean the skin to be applied with warm water, then gently apply the gel to the wound to avoid causing further damage. After applying the medicine, you need to wash your hands so that the gel does not get on other skin areas. In addition, you need to be careful not to drink fruit juices, soft drinks or brush your teeth for at least 1 hour after applying Kamistad Gel.
For severe painful inflammatory conditions and subsequent recurrence, you can continue to use kamistad, but avoid using more than 3 times / day. It is best to consult with your doctor about the appropriate dose of medication for your condition. In addition, the drug should be maintained until the symptoms disappear completely.

4. What are the side effects of kamistad topical gel?

In certain cases, the use of kamistad Gel may cause some of the following undesirable side effects:
A burning sensation or slight numbness at the surface of the skin where the medicine is applied. A serious allergic reaction has occurred, such as swelling of the lips, swelling of the face, tongue or throat, rash, itching, red skin rash, chest pain, trouble breathing. When any unusual signs occur, the patient should immediately notify the doctor or go to a medical facility for timely examination and treatment.

5. Some things to keep in mind when using Gel kamistad

5.1 Contraindication to use Gel kamistad in any case? According to the doctor's recommendation, Kamistad Gel should not be used by people with a history of allergy to lidocaine, chamomile, certain other amide-type local anesthetics or hypersensitivity to any other ingredients. in medicine.
5.2 What precautions should be taken while using kamistad Gel? In order to ensure the effectiveness and safety of using kamistad gel, patients should note a few things below:
kamistad gel is a treatment drug, so before using it, it is necessary to consult a doctor and patient Self-medication should be avoided. When applying kamistad gel to the mucosa, the patient should apply the drug until the symptoms completely disappear, avoiding abrupt discontinuation of the drug. Never take high doses of kamistad for a long time without your doctor's approval. During treatment with kamistad, patients should limit excessive mouth movements, such as laughing or chewing vigorously to reduce pain at the wound. You also need to avoid consuming fried foods, hot spicy foods, as this can aggravate mouth ulcers. Avoid using stimulants such as alcohol, beer, tobacco during treatment with kamistad Gel. Kamistad does not have any effect on the ability to drive vehicles or use machines when used as directed. There is no specific assessment of the safety of kamistad gel for pregnant women and lactating women, so these subjects should not use the drug unless absolutely necessary. 5.3 What drugs does kamistad gel interact with? The lidocaine ingredient in Kamistad Gel when used topically in large amounts and repeatedly on the mucous membranes, mouth or throat may interact with the following drugs:
Other amide-derivative anesthetics (tocainide, mexiletine), drugs antiarrhythmic, parenteral or systemic lidocaine (local anesthetic): Possible cardiotoxicity or increased risk of drug overdose. Cimetidine or beta-adrenergic blockers: When used concurrently with kamistad gel may inhibit or slow down the metabolism of lidocaine, leading to a high risk of lidocaine toxicity. To reduce the risk of drug interactions, you need to tell your doctor about all pharmaceutical products you are using, including herbal medicines, dietary supplements. or supplements. If you notice any unusual signs after treating the disease with drugs together, you need to notify your doctor soon to have a solution.
5.4 Care instructions for topical kamistad gel should be stored at room temperature (below 30 degrees Celsius), avoiding locations exposed to sunlight. You should also keep the medicine in a cool, dry place, avoiding areas with high humidity such as the bathroom to prevent the risk of damage or mold.
Kamistad gel is a topical medication, indicated for cases of painful ulcers in the mouth, lips or gums. To ensure effective use and avoid unwanted side effects, patients need to take the drug exactly as directed by the doctor.
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