Causes and treatment of maxillary sinusitis

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The article was professionally consulted with Specialist Doctor II Nguyen Van Thai - Ear, Nose Throat Doctor - Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Danang International General Hospital.
Maxillary sinusitis is a common disease today, very easy to happen when the surrounding environment changes. Whether it is acute maxillary sinusitis or chronic maxillary sinusitis, it should be diagnosed and treated promptly to avoid dangerous complications for the body.

1. What is maxillary sinusitis?

In the body, the sinus system includes the following sinuses: ethmoid sinus, maxillary sinus, frontal sinus and sphenoid sinus. In particular, the maxillary sinus includes the optical cavities in the eyes and cheeks on both sides, covering the surface of this sinus is a mucosal layer. The condition of this mucosal layer is edematous, inflammation will lead to maxillary sinusitis, which is one of the most common types of sinusitis today. There are 2 types of maxillary sinusitis that patients can have, which are:
● Acute maxillary sinusitis
Acute maxillary sinusitis causes the patient to have symptoms such as headache, facial pain, which may spread to the eye sockets , temples, sharp pain, more pain in the morning and noon, reduced in the evening, more pain when the patient lowers his head, bends over or runs, moves vigorously, when pressing his eyes with his hands, If the tooth pits, the patient feels pain. The patient has a runny nose, the nasal discharge is initially thin, then thickens and turns yellow, there may be pus and a foul smell, the patient has a high fever... The symptoms of acute maxillary sinusitis persist for more than 6 years. weeks, then it will move to the chronic maxillary sinusitis stage.
● Chronic maxillary sinusitis
For chronic maxillary sinusitis, there are almost no typical symptoms such as acute maxillary sinusitis, there may be a lot of watery nose, nasal congestion, nasal secretions are green, especially When the maxillary sinusitis is caused by the teeth, the pus secreted from the nose and mouth will have a bad smell, the patient has symptoms of dull, intense pain in the face, especially the cheeks. Chronic maxillary sinusitis will often leave some complications of sinusitis such as orbital inflammation, osteomyelitis, meningitis, brain abscess...
Causes of maxillary sinusitis:
● Allergic rhinitis long time response.
● Anatomical structure deviated nasal septum.
● Dental diseases.
● Accidents in life that cause trauma or the consequences of surgery.
● Bacteria enter from the outside environment.
Subjects at high risk of having maxillary sinusitis:
● Patients with tooth decay, oral infection but not treated or not treated thoroughly.
● People who have had teeth extracted, performed surgery in the oral cavity are also at risk of developing maxillary sinusitis, which may be during surgery when the patient is injured or has an abnormal foreign object falling in.
● People with a history of medical conditions such as allergic rhinitis. It may also be due to having had sinusitis in the past but did not completely treat it.
● People with certain deviations in the structure of the maxillary sinus, which may be congenital or due to deformity after surgery.
Cases of acute maxillary sinusitis or purulent maxillary sinusitis, if not detected early and treated promptly, can leave dangerous complications such as:
Polysinusitis, frontal sinusitis ...
Pharyngitis, laryngitis caused by fluid or pus pouring from the sinuses into the throat, causing inflammation.
Optic neuritis, sinusitis if the patient has chronic maxillary sinusitis.

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2. Treatment of maxillary sinusitis

After definite diagnosis of maxillary sinusitis through medical inquiry, clinical examination, and paraclinical tests such as sinus weightoscopy, X-ray to survey the sinuses..., the doctor can give develop appropriate regimens for the treatment of patients.
The method of treating sinusitis that can be applied is medical treatment. Patients are assigned to use antibiotics suitable to the cause of each form of maxillary sinusitis, along with the use of pain relievers, anti-allergic drugs, anti-edema drugs...
Patients If the patient does not respond to the above drugs, the Proetz method can be applied, which means washing the sinuses under negative pressure by poking the sinuses to drain the pus and stagnant fluid out, and at the same time, put the medicine into the sinus cavities. there for replacement. Or maybe the patient will be indicated for surgery to remove nasal polyps or perform septal correction procedures. Patients with maxillary sinusitis caused by dental diseases can be treated according to the cause of the disease or have tooth decay or tooth decay that causes damage.
For acute maxillary sinusitis, medical treatment is required as above, additional vasoconstrictor drugs are used when the patient has symptoms of nasal obstruction. Menthol can be used to nebulize the nose. As for chronic maxillary sinusitis, antibiotic treatment is prescribed, using Proetz method to remove pus, combining medical treatment and surgery.

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3. What to eat with maxillary sinusitis?

To ensure the maximum effectiveness of treatment of maxillary sinusitis, in addition to taking medication as prescribed by the doctor, patients need to have a scientific diet, a regimen of exercise, rest and work. , healthy learning. Patients can follow the following tips to lead a healthier life:
Do not eat foods that are too spicy and too hot as it will cause gastroesophageal reflux disease, which is a common cause. Patients also have diseases of the ear, nose, throat...
● Do not eat foods that cause allergies to the body.
● Do not use drinks and stimulants such as carbonated drinks, beer, alcohol, tobacco, coffee... because it also causes gastroesophageal reflux.
● Limit drinking milk as well as products made from milk because these foods will increase mucus secretion from the nose, reducing the air circulation of the nose to the outside environment.
● Do not use water, food that is too cold or too hot because it will irritate the lining of the mouth as well as the lining of the respiratory tract.
To limit the effects of maxillary sinusitis as well as the dangerous complications that sinusitis leaves, it is necessary to have a healthy lifestyle and reasonable rest diet. When there are abnormal signs, it is necessary to go to a medical facility for examination immediately, to avoid the maxillary sinusitis progressing to chronic maxillary sinusitis.
BSCK II Nguyen Van Thai was formerly a Doctor of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery at the Department of Otolaryngology - Hue Central Hospital with more than 17 years of treatment experience, especially in the field of Head and Neck Surgery. Currently, he is an Otolaryngologist at the Inter-Specialist Clinic of the Department of Medical Examination and Internal Medicine, Vinmec Da Nang International General Hospital.
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