Can people with diabetes eat jackfruit? That is a question for many people with diabetes because jackfruit is a delicious fruit many love. The nutritional value and health advantages of jackfruit are discussed in the following article, which also explains the question: Can people with diabetes consume jackfruit?
Jackfruit has a distinctive shape (yellow meat with green skin and sharp thorns), a distinctive flavor, and a significant weight (up to 20 kg). Jackfruit's gentle sweetness makes it a favorite among many; it can also be used as a meat substitute by vegans. Before including jackfruit in their diet, people with diabetes should think about how consuming too much of it can impact blood sugar levels.
1. Jackfruit's nutritional value and health advantages
Jackfruit is one of the fruits rich in vitamins and antioxidants. 150 grams of jackfruit provides energy and the following substances:
- Energy: 143 calories
- Fat: 1 gram
- Protein: 3 grams
- Carbs: 35 grams
- Fiber: 2 grams
- Vitamin B6: 29% of the daily value (DV)
- Vitamin C: 23% of the daily value (DV)
Is eating jackfruit safe for those who have diabetes? In addition to these components, jackfruit contains several other substances that have many beneficial effects on health, such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, and others that can lower inflammation, stabilize blood pressure, prevent stomach ulcers and stomach cancer, and even help people recovering from diseases regain their physical strength.

2. Can people with diabetes eat jackfruit?
With the aforementioned nutritional value, jackfruit is an excellent source of antioxidants, vitamin B6, and vitamin C, giving the body energy to work, boost immunity, and reduce chronic inflammations. Is it safe for people with diabetes to consume jackfruit? Jackfruit has an average glycemic index (GI) and glycemic load (the GI of jackfruit ranges from 50 to 60, and the GL ranges from 13 to 18). Considering all the requirements, eating jackfruit will not raise blood sugar levels as quickly as foods with a high glycemic index. Though eating much jackfruit might raise blood sugar levels, it is vital to remember that the fruit's primary ingredient is carbohydrates, naturally occurring sugars. Consequently, jackfruit is safe for people with diabetes to consume, but only in moderation and at frequent intervals; they should only consume 75 grams (about a half cup) of jackfruit at a time.
Thus, the answer to whether people with diabetes can eat jackfruit is yes. Furthermore, various studies have demonstrated that jackfruit's high protein and fiber concentration helps slow digestion and regulate blood sugar levels. Jackfruit is ideal for promoting scientific weight loss for overweight people with diabetes since it also contains fiber, which assists with long-lasting fullness and hunger-reduction. Furthermore, flavonoid antioxidants, which lower the risk of chronic illnesses, including cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes, and regulate blood sugar levels, are abundant in jackfruit. Because individuals with diabetes are more likely to experience inflammation, the antioxidants in jackfruit will help lower the risk of diabetes and its complications.
According to specific research, jackfruit stem and leaf extracts can also reduce blood sugar levels. Nevertheless, further investigation is required to comprehend the impact of jackfruit on blood sugar.

3. How can individuals with diabetes consume jackfruit without affecting their blood sugar levels?
Although jackfruit is a highly beneficial fruit for both normal people and those with diabetes, it is vital to limit your intake. You can refer to the following information about how people with diabetes can consume jackfruit without having their blood sugar levels affected:
- Consume young, dried jackfruit: About thirty grams can limit snacking by producing a long-lasting feeling of fullness. You can substitute young jackfruit for other starchy dishes like rice, vermicelli, pho, etc.
- Avoid eating ripe jackfruit: Like many other fruits, ripe jackfruit has an incredible sugar content. Therefore, to prevent blood sugar levels from being impacted, patients with diabetes should refrain from consuming ripe jackfruit or overripe jackfruit.
- Consult your healthcare provider before consuming any food. Eating jackfruit may have an impact on diabetes medications. Therefore, before including jackfruit in the diet, patients should speak with a medical professional.
Can people with diabetes consume jackfruit? The answer is yes. However, since certain of the compounds in jackfruit assist in regulating blood sugar, they should only consume it occasionally. However, if taken excessively, jackfruit's high carbohydrate content can also impact blood sugar levels.
You can visit Vinmec International General Hospital for an evaluation and the best guidance from experts and nutritionists if you want to manage your diabetes while maintaining a healthy diet effectively.
To arrange an appointment, please call HOTLINE or make your reservation directly HERE. You may also download the MyVinmec app to schedule appointments faster and manage your reservations more conveniently.
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