Benefits of reading a book before going to bed

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Getting enough sleep and having good quality sleep is seen as a requirement for everyone. Because if sleep is not guaranteed, it will significantly affect the work performance as well as the activities of the next day. One of the most important ways to fall asleep and maintain a good night's sleep is reading a book before bed.

1. Benefits of reading before going to bed

1.1. Reading can help you stay away from electronic devices more. Poor sleep is closely related to the act of looking at the screen of electronic devices including: TV, laptop; iPads, phones and e-readers. When you look at a screen up to 1.5 hours before bed reduces the natural increase in melatonin your body produces. Additionally, devices with screens can often be irritating, interfere with your overall relaxation level, and may prevent you from trying to fall asleep easily. ‌
On the other hand, ordinary old paper books can be seen as a much-needed method of avoiding the light of technological devices. The benefits of reading a book before bed, when you just need to look at an object that does not emit light, it will help your body naturally release stress and relax and easily fall asleep.
1.2. Reducing stress Not only does reading help you not have to look at the electronic screen, but the actual activity of reading a book before bed also reduces stress by up to 68%. In addition, reading before bed has been shown to be more effective than other ways to reduce stress such as drinking tea or listening to music.
Should I read a book before going to bed? If you're trying to relax and de-stress before bed, pick up a book to relax. You can choose from a selection of novels on topics you love, books about health or maybe even issues related to your hobby to read before going to bed
1.3. Improve sleep quality Reading helps your brain function without active physical stimulation, because you can read while lying down. The process of reading a book before bed will slowly relax your body and mind into sleep. Reading allows you to leave the present of your reality and engage in something else. ‌
Reading improves the quality of your sleep because it helps you to fall asleep rather than trying to artificially put you into a state of relaxation and often makes you feel more comfortable when you wake up. ‌
Also, most people have trouble sleeping due to stress and anxiety. Physiologically, you are stimulated by hormones that are released when you begin to feel pressure and stress. As a result, you are more likely to not fall asleep or not wake up at all. Reading a book before bed helps you break the current stress and pressure.

Lợi ích của đọc sách trước khi ngủ giúp bạn có giấc ngủ ngon
Lợi ích của đọc sách trước khi ngủ giúp bạn có giấc ngủ ngon

1.4. Empathy We all have mirror neurons. These neurons are activated both when we see someone do something or when we do something ourselves. This proves the neuroscientific existence of empathy. One study showed a correlation between these neurons and reading ability. This finding may have suggested that reading as a way to feel more empathetic. ‌
Another study also found some scientific evidence proving that readers really put themselves in the shoes of the protagonist in the books they read. Furthermore, research shows how deep this connection can be; There is even some correlation between reading and changes in parts of the brain associated with sensory perception.
1.5. Long-term effects on cognition A 2013 study on the brain's effects of reading found that reading improves the brain's "connectivity," or the brain's ability to understand stories. and thinking critically about them is a significant short-term benefit of reading. ‌
Also, studies on the long-term effects of reading on brain connectivity to see if they actually exist. However, there's no denying that reading as a hobby opens you up to new ways of thinking, allows you to see new perspectives, and challenges you to understand concepts you wouldn't otherwise encounter. In general, reading books requires you to exercise your creativity and mental agility.
1.6. A Short Term Invest It is recommended that the average adult read for at least twenty minutes a night to reap the benefits of reading. Relatively speaking, however, the period is short to relax and you don't need to do much. ‌This may seem counterintuitive, but reading is a better investment of time than most other forms of mind and body relaxation.
1.7. Brain Booster Reading allows you to take in new information, which certainly makes you smarter. The more you learn, the smarter you become.
You don't have to read a lot of nonfiction to get the benefit. Even fictions and fantasies can help you expand your vocabulary and exercise your brain.
1.8. Improve your creativity Books expand your mind. Books can transport you to new worlds, teach you information, and introduce you to new people. You can get different perspectives on the world or figure out how to solve a problem based on what you find in a book.

Đọc sách trước khi ngủ giúp khả năng sáng tạo của bạn được cải thiện
Đọc sách trước khi ngủ giúp khả năng sáng tạo của bạn được cải thiện

1.9. Focus Better Many of us have a habit of scrolling through email or social media before going to bed. But, we should change this habit by reading books and immersed in a story or chapter on a topic that interests us, we get extremely useful information.
Enjoying a book also enables us to focus on a single plot or theme for a few hours. As a result, we become more focused and we may find that we improve our ability to focus in the rest of our daily activities.

2. Should you choose a paper book or an e-book?

Today, choosing books for readers is not as difficult as before. And in addition to the classic paper books, there are also electronic books with certain convenience for users. However, paper books still occupy an important position and have more benefits than e-books. To prove this we need to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of these two types of books.
Advantages and disadvantages of paper books
Reading paper books can help readers practice better concentration, and not be disturbed like when using e-books Reading paper books helps readers grasp information believe and remember this information better. And using books to acquire new knowledge will be more effective. Reading paper books makes readers feel more interesting with features such as the smell of new paper in the book, the rustle of turning pages... Moreover, with paper books, readers can keep memories in them. However, using paper books is sometimes not convenient everywhere. For example, you want to read books while driving or traveling.. it is very difficult if you have to carry books with you all the time... Pros and cons of e-books
Reading e-books is quite convenient for people read because it can be read anywhere, anytime, and readers don't need to worry about carrying the book with them all the time. The content of e-books is quite rich and readers can use the free version or the paid version. with blue light makes a negative impact on the eyes and sleep quality of the reader. Reading e-books makes readers easily distracted by social networking sites... reduces concentration. Books are a treasure of human knowledge, providing us not only knowledge, but also life lessons, life experiences, and at the same time are quite effective means of entertainment, especially reading books before going to school. Sleep helps you get a better night's sleep. So reading is always something that everyone encourages to do.

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