Back pain medications

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Nerve and muscle problems, degenerative disc disease, and arthritis can lead to back pain in addition to other back pain causes like backaches, accidents or sports injuries. Typical symptoms include sharp pain in the lower back, tight muscles in the back spreading to the shoulders, neck or down the thighs, spinal pain concentrated in the lower ribs to the sacrum, difficulty driving, aches and pains when standing or sitting for a long time. Carrying heavy objects, even bending, backing, and turning are painful, can hurt a lot at night, so you have constant insomnia. So, do not be subjective when you have back pain because this can be a signal foreshadowing a severe pain attack that is attacking the patient's back.

1. Back pain medicine

When suffering from back pain, people always think of ways to relieve the pain immediately. The following are commonly used pain relievers for pain control:
Very useful over-the-counter pain relievers include paracetamol, aspirin and NSAIDs such as ketoprofen, ibuprofen and naproxen. For severe pain, your doctor may prescribe an anti-inflammatory, pain reliever, or opioid, or may also prescribe a back pain muscle relaxer. However, it is necessary to be cautious and aware of side effects when taking drugs, some of these drugs have a direct effect on the central nervous system, which can cause drowsiness or affect the stomach
1.1. Over-the-counter pain relievers Over-the-counter pain relievers are used to relieve minor pain such as headaches, fever, colds, flu, arthritis, toothaches, menstrual cramps. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and Paracetamol (Acetaminophen) are the two main groups of over-the-counter pain relievers:
Acetaminophen includes 600 prescription and non-prescription drug activities such as pain reliever, cough medicine, cold medicine. . Drug abuse can seriously damage the liver leading to death, especially when users use drugs that contain Acetaminophen with alcoholic beverages. It is necessary to consult a doctor and be cautious when giving the drug to children. NSAIDs are a group of pain relievers, antipyretics, and anti-inflammatory drugs such as naproxen, aspirin, ibuprofen, meloxicam, and diclofenac. Side effects affecting the stomach are especially cautious in the elderly or with a history of inflammatory diseases, ulcers, stomach bleeding or side effects on the kidneys for people who are taking diuretics, high blood pressure. blood pressure, heart disease or pre-existing kidney disease and people 60 years of age or older.

Thuốc giảm đau kháng viêm không steroid (NSAID) và Paracetamol (Acetaminophen) là hai nhóm thuốc giảm đau không kê đơn chính.
Thuốc giảm đau kháng viêm không steroid (NSAID) và Paracetamol (Acetaminophen) là hai nhóm thuốc giảm đau không kê đơn chính.

1.2. Prescription pain relievers Prescription pain relievers are of two types, opioids and non-opioid drugs. Opioids are very powerful drugs, acting directly on the brain, spinal cord and digestive tract, changing the perception of pain. Currently used prescription pain relievers:
Morphine is indicated before and after surgery. Oxycodone is used to relieve moderate to severe pain. Codeine prescribed for mild to moderate pain is often combined with paracetamol or other non-opioid analgesics. Hydrocodone prescribed for moderate to severe pain is often combined with paracetamol or other non-opioid analgesics. Tramadol is a combination pain reliever tablet with paracetamol 325mg and tramadol 37.5mg. Back pain relievers are safe and effective when used as directed by your doctor or pharmacist. However, the misuse of these drugs can be extremely harmful and even fatal. Some cautions when using may cause drowsiness, so when taking the drug should not use machines or drive. Each person has a unique response to drugs, so it is necessary to discuss with pharmacists, doctors, medical staff when you have questions about pain relievers or want to use drugs in combination with foods. supplements or other over-the-counter medications. Opioids should not be combined with alcohol, barbiturates or benzodiazepines because their interaction slows breathing which can lead to life-threatening respiratory failure.

2. Some male remedies to relieve back pain

Treatment of back pain at home is equally effective, both convenient and cost-effective to help patients reduce pain symptoms. Here are some simple and easy remedies:
2.1. People often apply remedies with green papaya at home to reduce back pain effectively because papaya contains many active ingredients papain to help relieve pain, open blood vessels, and reduce inflammation. The way to do it is to heat green papaya in a thin towel and apply it to the painful back about 3 times a week to reduce pain.
2.2. Wormwood The herb that is highly appreciated for its use in anti-inflammatory, reducing back pain and joint damage is wormwood which contains essential oils and many good active ingredients such as amino acids, adenin, flavonoids, choline. Wash a handful of wormwood leaves and then add white salt to the hot star, then put the mixture in a clean towel and apply heat to the painful back, apply wormwood at the pain site about 2 to 3 times to quickly relieve discomfort when the pain occurs. .
2.3. Components such as benzyl acetate, beta caryophyllene, alkaloids, essential oils in guise leaves are very good for people suffering from musculoskeletal diseases due to the warmth of guise leaves to help fight inflammation, kill bacteria, relieve pain and eliminate pain. welding wind. A handful of bay leaves, after crushing, put them in a hot roasting pan with granulated salt and then wrapped in a clean cloth and then applied to the aching back.
2.4. Ginger Ginger is also a popular folk remedy for back pain relief because it contains many active ingredients with effective pain-relieving, anti-inflammatory, and blood circulation effects. Fresh ginger after being washed, smashed, soaked in white wine for 3 to 5 days and then massaged on the painful back area 2 to 3 times a day.

Gừng cũng là bài thuốc dân gian được dùng phổ biến trong việc giảm đau cơ lưng.
Gừng cũng là bài thuốc dân gian được dùng phổ biến trong việc giảm đau cơ lưng.

2.5. Cactus contains anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving active ingredients that are especially good for treating back pain and osteoarthritis such as Epifriedelanol, umaric, flavonoids, b-amyrin, ffriedelan-3a-ol , citric acid. Cactus after being removed, washed, pounded and hot with table salt put in a thin towel and then applied to the painful back for about 30 minutes for very effective pain relief.
2.6. Virgin tree can be applied remedy for back muscle pain from virgin tree because the virgin tree has temperate properties, bitter taste helps good sedation and treats diseases related to bones and joints. Virgin roots, after being washed, chopped and made with tea every day, will help relieve pain extremely effectively.

3. Physical therapy exercises

3.1. Acupressure massage The method of treating back pain to help relieve pain quickly and improve good blood circulation directly affects the acupressure system, the musculoskeletal area of ​​the back and the back spine is a form of acupressure massage. The massage steps to help relieve back pain quickly are as follows:
First, warm up the back pain area by placing your fingers and hands close together, facing the palm inward and using the base of the hand to slowly rub the area. back muscle pain. Continue massaging the painful low back counterclockwise, similarly clockwise to make the back area warm. Then, overlap your hands at the waist position and push your hands from top to bottom and from bottom to top for 5 to 10 times continuously, similarly from left to right and right to left also 5 to 10 times. . Use your thumb to press down, at the same time, rub the painful back area, especially the acupressure points of Dai Long Du, Thien Khu, and Kidney Du. Next, squeeze and pull the meat up for about 3 minutes by placing your hands on either side of the waist and squeezing at the same time on both sides of the back muscles. Punch your back with moderate force by making a fist with your palm facing out, and then using the back of your hand to punch the sore lower back. Finally, click on the acupoints of Dai Long Du, Hoan Dau, and Kidney Du, each acupoint will press for 1 minute, paying attention to use the thumb to press with increasing force. 3.2. Back pain relief patches Some of the patches that help relieve back pain quickly and conveniently for patients today are:
Salonpas is a patch with many ingredients to help relieve pain and heat up and increase blood circulation. fast from Japan, very popular in the market and used by the majority of people when suffering from muscle pain. The paste extracted from red ginseng helps to quickly relieve back pain, can stimulate bio-electricity in the body for fast blood circulation. This is considered a very popular back pain muscle relaxant in Korea with the common name Korean Red Ginseng Paste. ThermaCare patches are a famous American back pain product line, which is also a good choice for pain relief because they provide the right heat to quickly relieve back pain.

4. An Cot Nam Oriental Medicine

An Cot Nam back pain medicine is also a popular medicine for back pain that is trusted and verified, suitable for new-onset back pain or mild back pain. An Cot Nam can also help relieve common back pain, open meridians, enhance blood circulation, provide nutrients to nourish bones and joints and prevent recurrence.
An Cot Nam oral medicine is prepared and packed carefully to ensure that the essence of herbs such as Ngoc Linh Ginseng, Ky Nam Bichine, Tru Lung Thao is preserved as well as having a deep impact from the inside out, helping the body. maximum absorption of nutrients.
With the "inside drink outside paste" regimen, detailed description is as follows:
One pack of An Cot Nam oral medicine mixed with warm water and then stirred, drink one to two packs per day. Every day, use a patch of plaster, stick it on the painful area, after the drug is absorbed, 30 minutes later, you will see a significant reduction in pain. Do not stick to the open wound area. Performing 3 physiotherapy sessions per week with the use of An Cot Nam drug helps blood circulation easily, the patient's body is less tired and aching.

Thuốc đau cơ lưng An Cốt Nam cũng là loại thuốc trị đau cơ lưng phổ biến.
Thuốc đau cơ lưng An Cốt Nam cũng là loại thuốc trị đau cơ lưng phổ biến.

5. Back pain prevention

5.1. Correct sleeping position Correct sleeping position helps patients repel back pain:
Reduce pressure on the back when lying on one side, keep the spine in a physiological position which is the natural position of the spine by clamping the pillow hug between knees while sleeping. On the other hand, when lying on your back, you should put a pillow under the knee, this helps to keep the spine in a better position and limit back pain. 5.2. Sitting in the right posture Wrong sitting posture, sitting for a long time can make back pain worse. Therefore, to treat and prevent back pain, you need to sit up straight, relax your shoulders or put a pillow to help avoid back fatigue in the lumbar region and the chair, and at the same time, the two feet are perpendicular and touching. ground.
5.3. Hot or cold compresses Hot or cold compresses are also a very effective way to relieve back pain, however, you shouldn't use too much heat as it will burn your skin. And cold compress will make you temporarily numb, no longer feel pain, so it is necessary to apply cold for about 20 minutes as soon as you have an injury or muscle strain. Note, it is necessary to wrap ice in a clean towel or cloth bag, avoid applying it directly to the skin, causing cold burns.
5.4. Reduce stress Relaxation methods help reduce stress effectively such as meditation, deep breathing, yoga, reading, listening to instrumental music. Reducing stress contributes to lower back pain because you can experience muscle tension, spasms in the back area are more painful when you are in a tense state. Therefore, mental comfort, less anxiety will also improve back pain.
5.5. Exercise Exercise relaxes muscles, especially jogging releases the brain's natural pain reliever, endorphin, balances the musculoskeletal system, and can prevent back pain later.
5.6. Wearing the right shoes High heels in women can upset the musculoskeletal axis leading to low back pain. Or wearing shoes that don't fit or don't support your back can cause strain in your back, calves, and shoulders. So, if you often suffer from back pain because of the above reasons, see your doctor or specialist for advice on choosing the right shoes.
Back pain muscle relaxants can help relieve pain and reduce muscle spasms in patients. However, medication can only provide temporary pain relief, so it should be used in conjunction with other treatments such as exercise and physical therapy. The doctor's prescription for back pain treatment depends on the duration of the pain, the different pain symptoms and the patient's current health condition, as well as giving advice that can be exercised and used at home to reduce as well as prevent pain.
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