Avoid diabetes complications: How to eat?

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Video content consulted by Master, Doctor Bui Minh Duc - Department of General Internal Medicine - Vinmec Times City International Hospital

Diet plays an important role in controlling and preventing diabetes complications. A diet that provides nutrition, in sufficient quantity and quality, can help balance blood sugar and ensure a safe, balanced condition when you have diabetes.

The important groups of substances that should be included in the diet include: Carbohydrate group, protein group, fat group, vitamins... According to Master, Doctor Bui Minh Duc - Department of General Internal Medicine - National General Hospital According to Vinmec Times City, to avoid diabetes complications, patients should not eat a lot of sweets, rice should be divided into many small meals to eat. Note that you should eat 3 main meals and eat enough, do not eat too much and at the same time should eat more snacks. This will help avoid post-meal hypoglycemia and post-meal hyperglycemia.
In order to avoid diabetes complications, patients should avoid eating fatty foods such as meat, animal organs, egg yolks...
In foods, to help prevent diabetes complications, people Patients should eat a lot of less sweet fruits such as: Grapefruit, guava, dragon fruit... Limit the intake of fruits that increase blood sugar and gradually lead to diabetic foot complications in particular and diabetes complications in general. such as na, jackfruit, lychee, longan, watermelon...
For drinks, if you want to prevent diabetes complications, the patient should limit the use of alcoholic beverages such as beer, alcohol, soft drinks that contain alcohol. ga...
Normally, good blood sugar control will help limit diabetes complications, patients should keep their fasting diabetes measurement between 4 - 7.2mmol/L, postprandial sugar no more than 10 mmol /L.
Regular, punctual eating (especially for insulin injection patients) is very important for preventing diabetes complications.

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