Are you suffering from depression?

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Video content is professionally consulted by MSc, BS. Nguyen Thanh Long, Part-time Doctor at the Department of General Internal Medicine, Vinmec Times City International General Hospital

People with depression always have symptoms of mood disorders, long-lasting boredom and loss of interest, affecting thinking, personality, behavior and mental and physical problems. Depression can make a person sad for many days, even in severe cases, causing the patient to contemplate suicide.
Many people do not know what the symptoms of depression are and how they recur, but in fact, the manifestations of depression often recur many times and gradually become chronic, leading to decline self-care, or suicidal thoughts.
Any age can suffer from depression, so it is important to know how depression is to prevent it more effectively, usually women are at risk of depression about 2 times more than men. Depression can be dangerous to others because of the patient's thoughts about death, suicidal ideation.
Some situations easily lead to depression such as work-study pressures, broken careers, emotional shocks, psychological trauma, facing great difficulties, prolonged discord, postpartum women ...
Depression is often confused with feelings of depression, most people feel depressed at times such as when they get bad grades, lose their job, argue with someone, even a Rainy days also make people feel sad. Sometimes there is no outside influence, this feeling just suddenly appears. Then when circumstances change those feelings of boredom disappear. Clinical depression is another matter. It is a psychological disorder, and it will not go away but can persist for at least 2 consecutive weeks, and greatly affect the ability to work, play, or love relationships.
People with depression may appear as:
Mood goes down, no longer interested in some things that are usually of interest; Taste changes; Feeling worthless or excessive guilt; Sleeping too much or too little; Poor concentration, restlessness or sluggishness; Loss of energy, or frequent thoughts of suicide. If you have at least 5 of the above symptoms, then according to the guidelines of psychiatry, you may be diagnosed with depression. If you suspect that you or a loved one has signs of depression, go to a medical facility for help and advice from a doctor, to avoid bad consequences.

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