Home remedies for pinworms

Pinworm infection is one of the most common intestinal parasite infections. It often occurs in children and can be treated at home. Therefore, parents should learn about how to treat pinworms in children.

1. What is pinworm infection? 

Pinworm infection is a common intestinal parasite infection, especially in school-age children because children in this age group often have poor hand hygiene and share toys and play with friends at school, this could increase the risk of infection and reinfection. 

Children may unknowingly ingest pinworm eggs. After infection, these parasites travel throughout the digestive system and multiply in the skin folds around the anus. Symptoms may include intense itching around the anus. Some children may not experience any symptoms, but it's important to note that when one child in a family is infected, everyone should be treated. 

Using garlic is a home remedy for pinworm infection.
Using garlic is a home remedy for pinworm infection.

2. Home Treatments for Pinworm Infection 

While there are home remedies for pinworm infection in children, they are not the first recommended treatment option. The effectiveness of home remedies is not fully supported by scientific evidence.

However, some studies suggest that home remedies may be effective for some children. Caution should be exercised when using home remedies on children with allergies.

Some home remedies for pinworm infection include:

  • Raw Garlic
    Garlic is believed to kill pinworm eggs and prevent female pinworms from laying more eggs. Parents can give their children small amounts of raw garlic or apply it to the affected area. One way to make garlic easier to consume is to chop it into small pieces and mix it with foods like bread or pasta, or eat it alone. To create a garlic ointment, mince a few cloves of garlic and mash them into a paste. Mix this paste with a small amount of oil or other carrier. Apply the mixture to the anal area using a clean cotton swab. If your child has sensitive skin, a rash, or any skin irritation, avoid using this method.
  • Coconut Oil
    Coconut oil has antibacterial and antiviral properties that can help eliminate pinworm infections. This method involves two steps: swallowing a spoonful of pure coconut oil each morning and applying a small amount to the affected area before bedtime.
  • Raw Carrots
    Eating a small bowl of grated raw carrots twice a day may help expel pinworms. Carrots are rich in fiber and can stimulate the digestive system.

However, if you suspect that your child or family members have a pinworm infection, you should skip the above home remedies for pinworms and go to the doctor for the most appropriate initial treatment. Pinworm infection is contagious, and delaying treatment can lead to other health complications. If you still choose home remedies for pinworms to treat the disease, when there are signs such as symptoms of pinworm infection that persist after applying such as abdominal pain, blood in urine and stool, you should stop using these methods and go to a medical facility for better support.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

References: healthline.com, medicalnewstoday.com

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