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Vaccination is the most effective way to prevent some diseases caused by viruses. Along with the preventive effect, unwanted side effects from the vaccine such as headache, fever, pain at the injection site, etc. are also at risk. So what should you do when you get a sore arm?
1. Why do biceps hurt after vaccination? After getting the shot, biceps pain is a common side effect, causing muscle stiffness and soreness in the hand that makes it more difficult to function in the hands. However, this condition only lasts for a few days and will gradually decrease and then disappear completely.
To explain this situation, doctors said that after the vaccine is injected into the body, the immune system automatically sends out a warning signal about an "intruder" from the outside (the vaccine is a vaccine). ask for). In response to the signal, the white blood cells move to the warning site and seal the injection site, causing symptoms such as chills, pain,... These side effects are completely normal. , showing that the immune system is still working well and responding to build a barrier to protect the body from the virus that causes disease.

Sau khi chích ngừa bị đau bắp tay là tác dụng phụ phổ biến
2. What to do for a sore arm after the shot Although the swelling and pain after the injection will gradually improve in a short time, it can still be annoying and uncomfortable for movement. of the person giving the vaccine. To reduce pain and swelling in the hands, you can apply the following ways:
Warm or cold compresses at home: After vaccination, the injector should apply cold compresses for about 20 minutes to reduce swelling in the arm. . Note that ice should not be used to apply directly because it easily causes the blood vessels at the place to be applied to constrict, hindering the heat transfer from the body to the outside. You can use cold compresses for a few days to reduce swelling and pain, then switch to warm compresses. Warm compresses will help reduce inflammation and pain in the hands effectively by relaxing muscle groups and increasing blood circulation to the hands. Do some gentle hand exercises: Warming up your arms gently will help you relieve muscle stiffness, reduce local inflammation, and relieve pain quickly. Use topical pain relievers: Usually you don't need to take medicine if your biceps pain is not too severe to avoid making the vaccine effective. However, if the pain in your biceps is severe, you should consult your doctor so that you can take pain relievers. Some of the recommended ones are acetaminophen, steroids (NSAIDs), and paracetamol. Eat enough nutrients: After vaccination, eating enough nutrients will help your body stay healthy, resistance is enhanced and soon overcome the side effects of the vaccine. Proper rest: It is recommended to rest or do light work that is not too strenuous for the first 7 days after injection. This will help your body relax, especially the painful swollen wings will have time to recover. Monitoring the health situation after vaccination: During the first 7 days, the injector should self-monitor for signs of their health. If your arm pain and swelling do not improve after the vaccination, you should go to a medical facility for a doctor to check your health status.

Sau khi tiêm vắc-xin, việc ăn uống đủ chất sẽ giúp cơ thể bạn khỏe mạnh
3. Things to avoid if your arm hurts after vaccination. In addition to the measures to help reduce pain and inflammation in the arm, you also need to pay attention to limit some activities and foods. This abstinence will help the pain in the arm not get worse. Here are the things that people after the injection of the biceps with swelling and pain should refrain from doing:
Do not exert strong impact on the vaccination area: Limit massaging or rubbing strongly on the injection site to avoid the arm area pain inflammation spreads more widely, gradually hematoma. In addition, if your hands contain a lot of bacteria, rubbing and massaging will create an opportunity for bacteria to enter, causing hand inflammation, worse, causing the inflamed area to become infected. Therefore, for a few hours after the injection, you should not massage to avoid causing inflammation. Do not use stimulants: Should limit the use of drinks such as alcohol, beer, tobacco, ... Because using stimulants will make the pain in the arm more severe and prolonged. Although the side effect of the shot is arm pain, which is not too serious, it can be uncomfortable for the person who injects it. To remove this nuisance, you can apply the measures to help reduce biceps pain that the article mentioned above.
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