What is the diet for patients with lymphocytic colitis?

Dear Doctor,  
I would like to inquire about the dietary principles for patients with lymphocytic colitis. Specifically, what foods and drinks should be avoided? Thank you, Doctor!  

Nguyen Xuan Huong Mai (1985)  

Responded by Dr. Vu Huy Hien - Gastroenterologist, Gastroenterology and Endoscopy Unit, Vinmec Times City International General Hospital  

Dear Mrs. Nguyen Xuan Huong Mai,  
In response to your question regarding the diet for patients with lymphocytic colitis, I would like to provide the following information:  

When it comes to dietary considerations for colon diseases in general, and colitis in particular, patients should keep the following points in mind:  

  • Maintain a balanced and varied diet.  
  • Eat slowly and chew food thoroughly.  
  • Avoid large meals; instead, divide your intake into several smaller meals throughout the day.  
  • Limit your consumption of fats and insoluble fiber, such as fruit peels, nuts, and chia seeds.  
  • Refrain from consuming stimulants such as alcohol, beer, coffee, and carbonated beverages.  
  • Avoid gas-producing foods, including beans, onions, carrots, raisins, bananas, apricots, prunes, cabbage, spinach, watercress, and milk.  
  • Reduce the intake of foods high in fructose, such as honey and various syrups.  

For more detailed guidance tailored to your specific needs, I recommend consulting with a nutritionist who can provide personalized advice. 
Thank you for your question, and if you have further inquiries about the dietary management of colitis, please feel free to visit a hospital within the Vinmec Health System for additional examination and consultation. Wishing you good health.  


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