6 acidic foods to avoid

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Posted by Master, Doctor Mai Vien Phuong - Department of Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital
You've probably heard that the alkaline diet promotes a non-acidic environment in the body. Although this has not been scientifically proven, in fact, many people still choose to abstain from acidic foods to protect their health.
Normally, the pH level in the human body is maintained through the mechanism of breathing and urinating. However, different body parts will have different pH changes. If the stomach needs a pH of 1.35–3.5 to break down food, the pH in the blood is strictly controlled.
Foods containing a lot of acid in the daily diet can be mentioned as: Meat, cheese, soft drinks and processed cereals. As for fruits and vegetables...are foods that are low in acidity and tend to be alkaline or basic.
Many studies have proven that a healthy diet with low-acid foods helps promote kidney and heart health. On the other hand, if you consume a lot of highly acidic foods, it will create many health hazards. In fact, high levels of dietary acid are also associated with increased blood sugar, obesity rates, and levels of inflammatory marker C-reactive protein (CRP). Therefore, doctors always advise people to limit the use of highly acidic foods and replace them with vegetables or fruits.
Here are 6 highly acidic foods that everyone should limit their use:

1. Acidic soft drinks

Soft drinks contain a lot of phosphoric acid, which is a source of acid in the Western diet. Heavy use of soft drinks creates excess phosphorus, especially in the form of phosphoric acid, which is highly absorbable and associated with adverse health effects.
Many studies have proven that, drinking water every day will create many kidney problems, reduce bone mineral density and increase the risk of prediabetes. Therefore, to protect your health, limit the use of soft drinks as much as possible.

2. Red meat and animal proteins

Red meat and processed meat are the most common acidic foods in the Western diet. Red meat is high in protein and phosphorus, thus increasing the amount of acid in the diet.
In addition, other animal proteins such as chicken and eggs also contribute to increasing the amount of acid in the daily diet.

Trứng là thực phẩm góp phần tăng tính axit trong chế độ ăn
Trứng là thực phẩm góp phần tăng tính axit trong chế độ ăn

3. Processed grains are acidic foods

The Western diet is often high in refined grain products such as baked goods, fast food, and white bread, all of which are high in acids.
For the sake of health, people can replace refined grains with fruits, vegetables and other alkaline foods that can help reduce the acid load in the diet.

4. Cheese and dairy products

Cheese, milk, and cream are high in phosphorus, which contributes to increased dietary acidity. While dairy products such as cheese and unsweetened yogurt are now nutritious, a diet high in these products and low in plant foods can also contribute to increased dietary acidity. cause a number of negative health problems.

5. Citrus fruits

Currently, some foods are acidic but do not form acids in the body like citrus fruits. People can use these acidic foods without having to worry much about health problems. However, for people with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), use should be limited so as not to increase the risk of heartburn or vomiting symptoms. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the American College of Gastroenterology (ACG) recommend that people with GERD avoid or reduce their intake of citrus fruits.

Trái cây họ cam quýt là loại trái cây giàu tính axit
Trái cây họ cam quýt là loại trái cây giàu tính axit

6. Products made from tomatoes

Tomato products such as ketchup and salsa are some of the most common culprits for GERD symptoms.
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the American College of Gastroenterology (ACG) also recommend that people with GERD avoid or reduce their intake of tomato products. If you want to eat, you can choose fresh tomatoes instead of canned products.
In the case of normal health, tomatoes are a nutritious food, providing an excellent source of lycopene for the body. Therefore, you should not avoid tomato products unless they can worsen reflux symptoms.
In short, highly acidic foods can be the cause of negative health problems. Therefore, each person needs to equip themselves with the necessary knowledge before they want to use food so that they can both protect their health and limit the risks that food can bring.

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