Uses of Gonapeptyl

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Gonapeptyl is a fertility drug for women. The drug is prepared in the form of an injectable solution with the main ingredient being Triptorelin acetate. Gonapeptyl has a shelf life of 36 months from the date of manufacture, patients should not use drugs with abnormal symptoms such as color change, turbidity, ...

1. What is Gonapeptyl?

Gonapeptyl is a fertility drug for women and is prepared in the form of an injectable solution. The drug has the main ingredient is Triptorelin acetate with a concentration of 0.1 mg/ml. The drug is given into the body by injection under the skin. This is a popular method widely used in Germany and some other developed countries. The drug is given into the body by injection under the skin. Packing of the drug includes 1 box of 7 ampoules, each tube has 1 ml. Gonapeptyl has a shelf life of 36 months from the date of manufacture.

2. What are the effects of Gonapeptyl after use?

After use, Gonapeptyl will prevent live ovulation in women to enhance the possibility of pregnancy. However, the drug only works to support fertility, not able to conceive. To ensure the treatment process achieves the desired results, the patient needs to comply with the regulations of the treating doctor.

3. Instructions for using Gonapeptyl and drug dosage

Your doctor may recommend a combination treatment of Gonapeptyl with gonadotrophine. You should perform subcutaneous injection once a day from the second day of the menstrual cycle. To increase the effectiveness of the treatment, you can perform ovarian stimulation at an early stage. Continuous use of Gonapeptyl until one day before the onset of ovulation. The average estimated time is about 10 to 12 days. Use the method of subcutaneous injection to deliver the drug into the body.

4. Subjects contraindicated to use Gonapeptyl

People who know any of the ingredients in the drug (triptorrelin) or with GnRH-releasing hormone or with other GnRH analogues.
Do not use Gonapeptyl for pregnant or lactating women.

5. Unexpected side effects may occur during the use of Gonapeptyl

During the use of the drug may occur some symptoms affecting the user's health, the most typical manifestations are headache and ovarian hyperstimulation. For patients who are taking Gonapeptyl for infertility treatment, they may experience ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, difficulty breathing (rapid breathing), abdominal and pelvic pain, and enlarged ovaries.
Rarer symptoms that Gonapeptyl can cause, such as polycystic ovaries in the early stages of treatment. In addition, no serious anaphylactic or systemic allergic reactions were noted in clinical studies. However, there are still cases of hypersensitivity in the post-marketing period.
Patients should not self-administer the injection, this may increase the risk of allergic reactions such as rash, itching, fever... When treated with Gonapeptyl the patient may be changed mood. Subjects suffering from depression need to be monitored further.

6. Precautions while using Gonapeptyl

During the use of Gonapeptyl, caution should be exercised when taking additional drugs that affect the secretion of LH and FSH by the pituitary gland. In this case, the doctor needs to monitor the patient's hormone levels on a regular basis.
For patients of reproductive potential, a pre-medication test should be performed to rule out pregnancy.
Gonapeptyl has the ability to reduce bone density, so special attention should be given to patients with risk factors for osteoporosis such as: smoking, chronic alcohol abuse, family history of osteoporosis bone or malnutrition, long-term treatment with drugs that reduce bone density, anticonvulsants or steroids,...
Before starting treatment with Gonapeptyl, make sure the patient is not pregnant. Drug causes can increase the risk of miscarriage or cause abnormalities for the fetus. In case the patient becomes pregnant during use, absolutely do not use the drug.
Currently there is not enough information on whether Gonapeptyl should be used in pregnant women. However, there are many doctors who recommend not to use Gonapeptyl for pregnant women because the components of the drug can be excreted in breast milk and this may affect the newborn baby.
Gonapeptyl is a fertility drug for women. This method is already quite popular in some developing countries. However, you should not arbitrarily use Gonapeptyl without a doctor's prescription. Because of the benefits that the drug brings, there can still be unwanted side effects. Therefore, it is very important to follow the instructions of a doctor or medical professional.
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